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Technical Article
Feasibility of multiple-echo GRE-R2* to renals at 3.0 T MRI
Huang Hai-bo  Huang Gui-xiong  Chen Yu-xiou  Li Da-chuang  Sun Xi-yong  Guan Jun  Qin Ming 


[Abstract] Objective: To explore the feasibility of multiple-echo GRE-R2* to renals at 3.0 T MRI.Materials and Methods: A MR phantom which includes fifteen vials containing 0.2—3.2 mmol/L manganese chloride in hydrochloric acid solution, 51 healthy vonlunteers (Group A) with kidneys in-situ and 22 normal renals (Group B) transplanted were scanned by 3.0 T MRI, repeated protocols to the phantom and group A with kidneys in-situ one month later. Both phantom and in-vivo renals R2* were quantified by a well-trained physician using a CMR tools after MRI.Results: Phantom R2* was linearly correlated with its concentration in vials (r=0.999, P=0.000). Through the regressions procedure,a slope of 0.008 and an intercept of -0.050 were found. No statistic differences were found for R2* value between the first and second scanning on phantom (P>0.05), The real and predicted concentration of phantom, R2* repeated scanning on phantom have a highly reliability respectively (ICCconcentration=1, ICCR2*=0.999). No statistic differences were found for gender and age between group A and B(P>0.05). No statistic differences were found for the cortical and medullary R2* between left and right renal (P>0.05). No statistic differences were found for kidneys R2* in group A between the first and second scanning (P>0.05), It showed a well reliability respectively (ICCcortex= 0.847, ICCmedullation= 0.915). No statistic differences were found for renal R2* between group A and B (P>0.05). However, renal R2* was dramatically higher in medullation than in cortex and there was statistic difference (P<0.05).Conclusions: With CMRtools, multiple-echo GRE protocol is feasible for evaluating oxygenation in kidneys at 3.0 T MRI, it could provide a reliable evidence for clinic application to renals.
[Keywords] Kidney;Magnetic resonance imaging;Diagnostic techniques and procedures

Huang Hai-bo Department of Medical Imaging, 303rd Hospital of PLA, Nanning 530021, China

Huang Gui-xiong* Department of Medical Imaging, 303rd Hospital of PLA, Nanning 530021, China

Chen Yu-xiou MR Room of Shanxi CAPF Hospital, Nanning 530003, China

Li Da-chuang Department of Medical Imaging, 303rd Hospital of PLA, Nanning 530021, China

Sun Xi-yong Department of Transplantation, 303rd Hospital of PLA, Nanning 530021, China

Guan Jun Department of Medical Imaging, 303rd Hospital of PLA, Nanning 530021, China

Qin Ming Department of Medical Imaging, 303rd Hospital of PLA, Nanning 530021, China

*Correspondence to: Huang GX, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  Guangxi Scientific and Technological Plan No. GUIKEGONG1298003-8-6
Received  2015-09-28
Accepted  2015-11-09
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2016.01.012

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