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Introduction of CJMRI


Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CJMRI) is an international journal, ISSN 1674-8034, CN 11-5902/R, which is sponsored by Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China and published by Chinese Hospital Association (CHA). CJMRI publishes full-English papers and Chinese papers with English abstract. CJMRI is devoted to basic researches, clinical applications, technology progress, review articles, and other information related to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including any part of whole body imaging, functional magnetic resonance imaging, research and application of MR contrast media, design and optimization of MR sequence parameters, MRI-guided interventional therapy, physical principle of MRI, and quality control of MRI, etc. CJMRI puts up a bridge for medical imaging doctors to interchange academic opinions. Peer review is the basic systems for CJMRI. There are hundreds specialists in the field of MRI from all the world to review our manuscripts.


EDITORIALS-- Commentaries by leaders in the field of MRI or commentaries on papers published in the journal and other relevant matters.
INTERVIEW-- Interviewing the famous professionals, influential academicians, or company directors in the field of MRI, describing their images, introducing their scientific achievements, and showing their specific opinion in the field.
SPECIALIST LECTURES-- Normative operation or new technology of MRI written by famous MRI specialist.
ORIGINAL ARTICLES-- Original contributions to the experimental study and theory analysis of magnetic resonance imaging in any field.
CLINICAL ARTICLES-- Application of MRI for any disease, clinical researches or experiences of any magnetic resonance technology, such as diffusion tensor imaging, diffusion weighted imaging, susceptibility weighted imaging, functional magnetic resonance imaging, etc.
TECHNICAL ARTICLES-- Original contributions focusing on technical advances of magnetic resonance, parameters optimization and generalization of magnetic resonance imaging, or describing new developments of high impact that justify expedited review.
REVIEW-- Comprehensive reviews of special areas of focus which can reflect the latest progress of the field; the contents are of interest to readers.
CASE REPORT-- Original findings in specific clinical disorders that highlight particular technical aspects of magnetic resonance; specific or rare case that is difficult to diagnose.


Jian-Ping DAI
Professor of Neuroradiology,
Beijing Neurosurgical Institute,
Beijing Tiantan Hospital,
Capital University of Medical Sciences


ADDRESS: Third Floor, Building 4, No. 358, Yudaihe East Street, Tongzhou District, Beijing 101100, China
CONTACTS: Guang-Jun HE, Assistant Editor
Office-Phone: 8610-67113815

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