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Focus and Scope

Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CJMRI) is sponsored by Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China and published by Chinese Hospital Association (CHA), which devotes to the basic researches, clinical applications, technology progress, review articles, and other information related to magnetic resonance imaging, including but not limited to functional MR imaging, any part of the whole body MR imaging, research and application of MR contrast media, design and optimization of MR sequence parameters, MRI-guided interventional therapy, physical principle of MRI, quality control of MR imaging, and related educational, socioeconomic and medico-legal issues.

The contributions come from all over the country, and some from oversea authors. Over the last few years, the Journal has published articles and reports covering more than 20 major topics in the different special issues (e.g. Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging, Enhanced Recovery after Surgery, Advances in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus). All the topics involve latest advances in medical sciences, hot topics in specific specialties, and prevention and treatment of major diseases. Many of these manuscripts are contributed by the leading scientists of China, which basically reflect the top research levels in these fields.

The journal also has its own characteristics, not only publishes a wide variety of original research, review articles, practice guidelines, clinical practice, but also MDT case from PUMCH, complicated and rare disease, history pearls of medicine, big data in China health, ethics, and the arts or history of medicine, etc. Our goal is to become a Chinese New England Journal of Medicine.

Article Types and Featured Section

SectionsIllustrationsOpen SubmissionIndexedPeer Review
Regular Columns
EditorialCommissioned article, written by editorial board members or distinguished experts.
Specialist ForumCommissioned article. Broad introduction, update knowledge, and new advance to the subject area are expected.
ReviewsThe reviews should focus on comprehensive literature with novel perspectives.
Guidelines and ConsensusesClinical practice guidelines by Chinese experts from multiple fields of medicine are welcome, aiming to provide practical guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Guideline InterpretationDistinguished experts who have deep knowledge of the field are invited to interpret the latest released international guidelines with their points of views.
Original ContributionsClinical aspects of topics represented by the fields of interest of Xie He Yi Xue Za Zhi are welcome.
Clinical ExperienceClinical experiences from experts are welcome.
Featured columns
China Healthcare Big DataDistinguished experts who already have a deep knowledge of the field are invited to report the latest advance based on big data of China healthcare.
Complicated and Rare DiseaseCase report, reviews, and clinical experiences on complicated and rare disease are welcome.
MDT Case from PUMCHWe publish the sample cases from the clinical practice of multidisciplinary teamwork at PUMCH.
History Pearls of MedicineThe valuable and memorable people or events in the history of medicine are welcome.
Clinical Research and Evidence Based MedicineMedical methodologies and evidence-based medicine are welcome.
Clinical BiobankConstruction, Use and Related Issues of Biological Bank are reported.
Bacteria and ResearchResearches on common clinical infections and drug resistances are welcome.
Teaching and ResearchMedical education experiences and teaching results are reported.
Drug Therapy for TumorsAdvanced researches in drug therapy for tumors are reported.
Technology and MethodologyLatest clinical technologies are reported.

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