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Case Report
Magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of ovarian follicular membrane cell tumor: case report
XIE Yu-hai  FAN Ying  ZHOU Yan  WANG Jun  ZHAO Lei  HA Chuan-chuan  CAO Li 


[Keywords] Magnetic resonance imaging;Diffusion weighted imaging;Ovary;Fibrous follicle cell tumor

XIE Yu-hai MRI Room, Taihe People's Hospital, Taihe 236600, China

FAN Ying* MRI Room, Taihe People's Hospital, Taihe 236600, China

ZHOU Yan Ultrasonic Imaging Division, Taihe People's Hospital, Taihe 236600, China

WANG Jun MRI Room, Taihe People's Hospital, Taihe 236600, China

ZHAO Lei MRI Room, Taihe People's Hospital, Taihe 236600, China

HA Chuan-chuan MRI Room, Taihe People's Hospital, Taihe 236600, China

CAO Li MRI Room, Taihe People's Hospital, Taihe 236600, China

*Correspondence to: Fan Y, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2015-12-09
Accepted  2015-12-30
DOI: 10.12015/j.issn.1674-8034.2016.02.011

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