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Progress of functional magnetic resonance imaging in chronic pain
LIU Ying  AN Xiao-mei 


[Abstract] Chronic pain is a disease related to the physical and psychological of the human body. In the past decades, researchers have carried out a large quantity of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) studies on chronic pain. In the current paper, we tried to provide a review of previous resting state fMRI studies focusing on the following aspects: characteristics of chronic pain, research methods of resting state fMRI for chronic pain, experiment and analysis.
[Keywords] Chronic pain;Brain functional;Magnetic resonance imaging;Resting state

LIU Ying* School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, Universit of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China

AN Xiao-mei School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, Universit of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China

*Correspondence to: Liu Y, E-mai:

Conflicts of interest   None.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 61101174
Received  2016-09-14
Accepted  2016-10-12
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2016.11.017

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