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Clinical Article
Value of DWI in differential diagnosis of uterine empyema and uterine cavity fluid
ZHAO Hong-wei  ZHAI Ze-qing  FU Li-ping  WANG Yan-li 


[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the value of DWI sequence in the differential diagnosis of uterine empyema and uterine cavity fluid.Materials and Methods: Forty-four cases of DWI signal of uterine empyema and uterine cavity fluid were retrospectively analyzed, these cases were confirmed by pathology or clinic. Afterwards the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) was measured and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of the ADC value was drawn.Results: In DWI, 20 cases of uterine empyema, 18 cases showed high signal, 1 case showed inhomogeneous high signal, 1 case showed low signal, mean ADC value was (0.78±0.21)×10-3 mm2/s. In DWI, 24 cases of uterine cavity fluid, 22 cases showed low signal, 2 cases showed high signal, mean ADC value was (1.81±0.38)×10-3 mm2/s. There was significant difference in ADC value between the two groups (P <0.001), the optimum cutoff point for ADC values was 1.20×10-3 mm2/s, the sensitivity was 91.7% and the specificity was 95.0%.Conclusions: The ADC value can be used to identify the uterine empyema and uterine cavity fluid, and the cutoff value was 1.20×10-3 mm2/s.
[Keywords] Pyometra;Uterine diseases;Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging

ZHAO Hong-wei Department of Radiology, Central Hospital of Gezhouba group, Yichang 443000, China

ZHAI Ze-qing Department of Radiology, Central Hospital of Gezhouba group, Yichang 443000, China

FU Li-ping* Department of Radiology, Three Gorges branch of hospital, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Yichang 443000, China

WANG Yan-li Department of Radiology, Central Hospital of Gezhouba group, Yichang 443000, China

*Correspondence to: Fu LP, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2017-01-13
Accepted  2017-04-06
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2017.05.008

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