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Clinical Article
The value of the application of the SWAN and ASL in the blood vessels and thrombus of acute cerebral ischemic stroke
ZHOU Zhen-jiang  ZHOU Jian-guo  MENG Yun  MA Xian-jun  LIU Xiao-li 


[Abstract] Objective: To study the magnetic susceptibility weighted angiography (SWAN) and arterial spin labeling (ASL) on acute cerebral infarction responsible blood vessels and the clinical diagnostic value of blood clots.Materials and methods: Thirty patients with acute cerebral infarction due to severe stenosis or occlusion of the middle cerebral artery were collected from January 2015 to June 2017 in our hospital. Using conventional sequence of GE 3.0 T superconductive MRI scanner, MRA, SWAN and 3D-pCASL inspection, MRA, SWAN minimum density was obtained by post-processing software projection and ASL pseudo color map. Observed the blood vessels and blood clots.Results: In 30 cases of patients, SWAN prompted MCA responsible blood vessels and 25 cases of blood clots, CBF pseudo color map prompted middle cerebral artery M1 period of 23 cases of blood stasis or slow, two kinds of display method and MRA results have good consistency.Conclusions: SWAN combined with ASL showed significant clinical value in the indication of blood vessel site and blood clots components in acute cerebral ischemic stroke.
[Keywords] Susceptibility weighted imaging;Susceptibility weighted angiography;Arterial spin labeling;Responsibility;Vascular artery thrombosis;Cerebral infarction;Magnetic resonance imaging

ZHOU Zhen-jiang Department of Radiology, Cerebrovascular diseases, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine affiliated Lianyungang Hospital and Lianyungang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lianyungang 222004, China

ZHOU Jian-guo* Department of Radiology, Cerebrovascular diseases, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine affiliated Lianyungang Hospital and Lianyungang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lianyungang 222004, China

MENG Yun Department of Radiology, Cerebrovascular diseases, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine affiliated Lianyungang Hospital and Lianyungang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lianyungang 222004, China

MA Xian-jun Department of Encephalopathy, Cerebrovascular diseases, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine affiliated Lianyungang Hospital and Lianyungang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lianyungang 222004, China

LIU Xiao-li Department of Encephalopathy, Cerebrovascular diseases, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine affiliated Lianyungang Hospital and Lianyungang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lianyungang 222004, China

*Corresponding to: Zhou JG, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2017-08-29
Accepted  2017-11-06
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2017.12.002

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