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Clinical Article
Application of MRI in the diagnosis of fetal lateral ventriculomegaly with nervous system abnormalities
CHEN Fang-fang  HU Long  LIU Ying  XU Yun-jun 


[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the application of MRI in the diagnosis of fetal lateral ventriculomegaly with nervous system abnormalities.Materials and Methods: A total of 118 pregnant women diagnosed with at least one lateral ventricle dilation after performing MRI examination in the First Affiliated Hospital of China Science and Technology University between January 1, 2015 and March 1, 2018 were included in the study, Acording to the degree of the ventriculomegaly, it can be devided into mild, moderate and severe, Group A: mild was 10.0—12.0 mm; Group B: moderate if, 12.1-15.0 mm, Group C: severe if, >15.0 mm. Asymmetry was defined as a difference of> 2 mm between the 2 lateral ventricles. All of their magenetic resonance image were retrospectively analyzed, and comparison of the diference in the fetal nervous system abnormalities.Results: The number of asymmetric lateral ventriculomegaly in A, B, and C groups was higher than that in symmetric lateral ventriculomegaly. The proportion of the central nervous system lesions in the A, B, and C groups was 25%, 21% and 49%, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between group A and group C, group B and group C with the central nervous system abnormalities, P<0.05. The prevalence of associated central nervous system abnormalities was significantly higher (P=0.034) in symmetric ventriculomegaly compared with asymmetric ventriculomegaly (39% versus 21%, respectively). In additional, there was a statistical significance between the group A and the group C in the symmetric lateral ventriculomegaly with nervous system abnormalities. The width of the other ventricle in the asymmetric lateral ventriculomegaly of group A was less than 10.0 mm. In group B, the width of the other ventricle in the asymmetric lateral ventuiculomegaly was less than 10.0 mm, and the proportion of central nervous abnormalities was 18%. The width in the range of 10.1—12.0 mm, and the proportion of central nervous abnormalities was 17%. In group C, the width of the other ventricle in the asymmetric lateral ventuiculomegaly in the range of 12.1—15.0 mm, and the proportion of central nervous abnormalities was highest.Conclusions: MRI has important clinical value in the diagnosis of fetal lateral ventriculomegaly with nervous system abnormalities. The incidence of severe symmetric lateral ventriculomegaly with central nervous system disease was significantly higher.
[Keywords] Lateral ventriculomegaly;Magnetic resonance imaging;Fetus;Central nervous system diseases

CHEN Fang-fang Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of China Science and Technology University, Hefei 230000, China

HU Long Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of China Science and Technology University, Hefei 230000, China

LIU Ying* Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of China Science and Technology University, Hefei 230000, China

XU Yun-jun Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of China Science and Technology University, Hefei 230000, China

*Correspondence to: Liu Y, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  This work was part of Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province No. 1708085ME114
Received  2018-04-09
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2018.12.001

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