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Clinical study on the distribution and stability of atherosclerosis in patients with diabetes and acute cerebral infarction based on magnetic resonance imaging
CHEN Luping  SUN Jiayuan  YANG Zhiyong  ZHANG Fu  ZHU Bei  JIANG Yilan 

Cite this article as: Chen LP, Sun JY, Yang ZY, et al. Clinical study on the distribution and stability of atherosclerosis in patients with diabetes and acute cerebral infarction based on magnetic resonance imaging. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2020, 11(12): 1159-1162. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2020.12.017.

[Abstract] Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of MRI in the detection of plaque distribution in patients with diabetes and acute cerebral infarction and atherosclerosis, and to analyze the relevant factors that affect plaque stability.Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 92 patients with acute cerebral infarction and carotid atherosclerotic plaques admitted to our hospital during the period from January 2018 to January 2020, including 34 patients with simple acute cerebral infarction atherosclerosis, diabetes complicated with acute cerebral infarction atherosclerosis. There were 58 patients with type sclerosis. Compare the blood vessel area, plaque thickness, plaque length, the narrowest blood vessel area and stenosis rate between the two groups to evaluate the plaque distribution and analyze the factors affecting the stability of the plaque, including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, drinking history, gender and diabetes, etc.Results: The number of plaque arteries on both sides of the 92 patients was 148, 62 in the simple acute cerebral infarction atherosclerosis group, and 86 with diabetic foot. Ninety-two males (46 cases), 56 females (28 cases), male plaque rate 83.64% (46/55), female plaque rate 75.68% (28/37), the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P=0.013, t=6.872); among them, the proportion of vulnerable plaques in the simple sclerosis group was 70.97% (44/62), and the proportion of vulnerable plaques in the combined diabetes group was 83.72% (72/86). The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P=0.001, t=7.671). In the control group (simple group), the area of the blood vessel at the infarct position, the thickness of the plaque, the length of the plaque, the area of the blood vessel at the most stenosis and the stenosis rate were (11.73±1.16) mm2, (1.17±0.18) mm, (5.73±0.62) mm, (1.63±0.32) mm2 and (76.43±17.52)%. In the observation group (combined group) the blood vessel area, plaque thickness, plaque length, the most stenosis blood vessel area and stenosis rate were (12.15±1.18) mm2, respectively (1.34±0.17) mm, (6.83±0.69) mm, (1.14±0.35) mm2 and (82.78±13.80)%. In male patients, the blood vessel area, plaque thickness, plaque length, the most stenosis blood vessel area and stenosis rate were (11.86±1.25) mm2, (1.12±0.17) mm, (5.72±0.83) mm, (1.43±0.25) mm2 and (82.35±9.72)%, the area of the blood vessel at the infarct site, the thickness of the plaque, the length of the plaque, the area of the blood vessel at the most stenosis and the stenosis rate were (11.53±1.28) mm2, (1.09±0.16) mm, (5.52±0.85) mm, (1.69±0.24) mm2 and (81.87±9.82)%. The degree of vascular stenosis in the combined group was higher than that in the simple group, and the degree of vascular stenosis in male patients was higher than that in female patients. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, history of drinking, diabetes, smoking history, and high BMI index are risk factors that affect plaque stability, and gender is a protective factor for plaque stability.Conclusions: MRI technology can be used as an effective method to assess the stability of plaque in patients with diabetes and acute cerebral infarction. The plaque length, thickness, vascular stenosis rate and infarct area of patients with diabetes are higher than those of simple acute cerebral infarction. In patients with pulmonary sclerosis, male patients have higher plaque length, plaque thickness, vascular stenosis rate and infarct area than female patients. Factors such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and smoking can aggravate the condition of patients with acute cerebral infarction and atherosclerosis. We should pay attention to living habits and reasonably control the pathogenic factors.
[Keywords] magnetic resonance imaging;diabetes;acute cerebral infarction;atherosclerosis;plaque

CHEN Luping People's Hospital of Rugao City, Rugao 226500, Jiangsu, China

SUN Jiayuan People's Hospital of Rugao City, Rugao 226500, Jiangsu, China

YANG Zhiyong People's Hospital of Rugao City, Rugao 226500, Jiangsu, China

ZHANG Fu People's Hospital of Rugao City, Rugao 226500, Jiangsu, China

ZHU Bei People's Hospital of Rugao City, Rugao 226500, Jiangsu, China

JIANG Yilan* People's Hospital of Rugao City, Rugao 226500, Jiangsu, China

*Correspondence to: Jiang YL, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2020-09-15
Accepted  2020-11-17
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2020.12.017
Cite this article as: Chen LP, Sun JY, Yang ZY, et al. Clinical study on the distribution and stability of atherosclerosis in patients with diabetes and acute cerebral infarction based on magnetic resonance imaging. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2020, 11(12): 1159-1162. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2020.12.017.

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