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Clinical Article
Combining clinical characteristics and specific magnetic resonance imaging features to predict the risk of hysterectomy in gravid patients at high risk for placenta accreta spectrum disorders
ZHONG Shuyuan  DING Zhiguang  XU Jianmin  HU Genwen  SU Fangming  CHENG Zhiqiang 

Cite this article as: Zhong SY, Ding ZG, Xu JM, et al. Combining clinical characteristics and specific magnetic resonance imaging features to predict the risk of hysterectomy in gravid patients at high risk for placenta accreta spectrum disorders[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(5): 35-39. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.05.008.

[Abstract] Objective To explore the value of clinical characteristics combined with MRI features for predicting the risk of intraoperative hysterectomy in gravid patients at high risk for placenta accreta spectrum (PAS). Materials andMethods Retrospectively analyzed the MRI images and clinical data of 251 patients (including 64 patients who required hysterectomy and 187 patients did not) who underwent MRI during the third trimester from January 2010 to March 2020 with high risk for PAS disorders according to FIGO guidelines. Clinical characteristics included age, gestational age at delivery, number of cesarean deliveries, gravidity, prior other uterine surgeries and placenta previa. Two radiologists independently evaluated the following MRI features according to the consensus from Society of Abdominal Radiology and European Society of Urogenital Radiology: T2-dark intraplacental bands, placental bulge, loss of retroplacental T2-hypointense line, myometrial thinning, uterine serosa hypervascularity, focal exophytic mass and disruption of low-T2 bladder wall. Univariate analyses of clinical characteristics and MRI features were performed between patients with hysterectomy and those who without. Absence or uncertainty of MRI features was recorded as negative while presence as positive. Logistic regression was used to identify any clinical or MRI features in predicting hysterectomy. ROC analysis and calibration curve were performed to test the predictive power.Results Significant differences were found in number of cesarean deliveries, placenta previa and all seven MRI features except for loss of retroplacental T2-hypointense line between patients with hysterectomy and those who without (P<0.01). The number of cesarean deliveries (X1: OR=2.611, P=0.017), T2-dark intraplacental bands (X2: OR=4.379, P=0.001), placental bulge (X3: OR=4.804, P=0.000) and uterine serosa hypervascularity (X4: OR=6.691, P=0.000) were independent risk factors for intraoperative hysterectomy. The Logistic regression model combining the four independent risk factors to forecast intraoperative hysterectomy was Logistic (P)=-4.713+0.960X1+1.477X2+1.569X3+1.901X4. The AUC of the combined risk model reached 0.915, which was larger than that each of the four independent risk factors (P<0.01). The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the model were 87.50% and 81.82%. The model illustrated good calibration.Conclusions Combining clinical characteristics and specific MRI features is benefit to the assessment of the risk of intraoperative hysterectomy in gravid patients at high risk of PAS and improve their prognosis.
[Keywords] placenta accreta spectrum;magnetic resonance imaging;prenatal diagnosis;high-risk gravid patient;hysterectomy

ZHONG Shuyuan1   DING Zhiguang1   XU Jianmin1*   HU Genwen1   SU Fangming2   CHENG Zhiqiang3  

1 Department of Radiology, Second Clinical Medical College of Jinan University, Shenzhen People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518000, China

2 Department of Obstetrics, Second Clinical Medical College of Jinan University, Shenzhen People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518000, China

3 Department of Pathology, Second Clinical Medical College of Jinan University, Shenzhen People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518000, China

XU JM, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This article is supported by the Shenzhen Basic Research Plan Fund Project (No. JCYJ20180228164641207).
Received  2020-08-23
Accepted  2021-03-25
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.05.008
Cite this article as: Zhong SY, Ding ZG, Xu JM, et al. Combining clinical characteristics and specific magnetic resonance imaging features to predict the risk of hysterectomy in gravid patients at high risk for placenta accreta spectrum disorders[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(5): 35-39. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.05.008.

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