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Technical Article
The value of identifying benign and malignant breast lesions based on the texture feature of Tirm sequence combined with time-intensity curve
WANG Ming  WANG Xiulan  ZHANG Ji  SUN Zhongru  TIAN Weizhong 

Cite this article as: Wang M, Wang XL, Zhang J, et al. The value of identifying benign and malignant breast lesions based on the texture feature of Tirm sequence combined with time-intensity curve[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(6): 83-87. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.06.016.

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the value of combination of gray level co-occurrence matrix texture feature based on axial MRI Tirm images and dynamic enhanced time-intensity curve in differentiating benign and melignant breast lesions. Materials andMethods The preoperative MRI data of 52 patients with benign and malignant breast lesions (64 lesions in total) confirmed by surgery and pathology were collected prospectively, and the time-signal intensity curve was drawn. On Tirm image, the texture parameters of gray level co-occurrence matrix of lesions were extracted using Mazda software. The difference of texture parameters between benign and malignant breast lesions were compared. ROC curve was drawn to analyze the differential diagnosis performance of GLCM texture parameters, TIC curve and their combined application in benign and malignant breast lesions.Results The TIC was statistically different between the two groups (P<0.05). The angular second momen (Ang Sc Mom), contrast, sum of squares (Sum of Sqs), sum of average (Sum Averg), sum of variance (Sum Varnc), entropy, sum entropy (Sum Entrp) and difference entropy (Dif Entrp) in the gray level co-occurrence matrix parameters was statistically different between the two groups (P<0.05). Among texture parameters, the AUC of Sum Averg was the largest (0.765) with sensitivity 75.8% and specificity 77.4%; the AUC of TIC was 0.896, with sensitivity 97.0% and specificity 58.1%; the AUC of the GLCM parameter combined with TIC was 0.959, with sensitivity 84.8% and specificity 96.8%.Conclusions The combination of the characteristic parameters of gray level co-occurrence matrix texture feature based on axial Tirm images and time-intensity curve could significantly improve the diagnostic efficiency of breast lesions, and can provide more imaging references for preoperative diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
[Keywords] breast lesions;gray level co-occurrence matrix;time-inten sity curve;magnetic resonance imaging;texture analysis

WANG Ming1   WANG Xiulan2   ZHANG Ji2   SUN Zhongru2   TIAN Weizhong2*  

1 Graduate School of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, China

2 Department of Radiology, Taizhou People's Hospital, Taizhou 225300, China

Tian WZ, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

This work was part of Scientific Research Project of Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Association (No.TS201906).
Received  2020-12-17
Accepted  2021-02-22
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.06.016
Cite this article as: Wang M, Wang XL, Zhang J, et al. The value of identifying benign and malignant breast lesions based on the texture feature of Tirm sequence combined with time-intensity curve[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(6): 83-87. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.06.016.

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