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Clinical Article
Value of different ADC to access complete response of rectal cancer after neoadjuvant therapy: A Meta analysis
LI Jipin  ZHANG Wenkai  ZHUANG Leyi  SUN Yihua  HE Dong  WANG Xiang 

Cite this article as: Li JP, Zhang WK, Zhuang LY, et al. Value of different ADC to access complete response of rectal cancer after neoadjuvant therapy: A Meta analysis[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2022, 13(8): 36-42, 54. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2022.08.007.

[Abstract] Objective To summarize the available evidence and verify the reliability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) at evaluating complete response in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with neoadjuvant therapy by using Meta-analysis.Materials and Methods A systematic search in PubMed, Embase, The Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (CBM) and was performed to retrieve related studies. The literature was screened according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the data was extracted as well. The methodological quality of the included articles was assessed by using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2 (QUADAS-2). Study heterogeneity was evaluated, when threshold effects were excluded, the pooled sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE), positive likelihood ratio (PLR), negative likelihood ratio (NLR), diagnostic odds ratio (DOR), and area under the curve (AUC) of the hierarchical summary receiver-operating characteristic curve (HSROC), as well as their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated.Results Thirty-four diagnostic studies involving 1914 patients were included. The ADC indicators included before and after neoadjuvant therapy (pretreatment ADC and posttreatment ADC, pre-ADC and post-ADC), as well as the change ratio between the pre-and post-ADC (ΔADC). The pooled SEN and SPE were 0.76 and 0.68 for pre-ADC; 0.82 and 0.77 for post-ADC; 0.83 and 0.75 for ΔADC.Conclusions Among the different ADC indicators, the diagnostic value of post-ADC and ΔADC was higher than pre-ADC, however, pre-ADC could be used as a predictive tool for tumor response before treatment.
[Keywords] rectal cancer;apparent diffusion coefficient;complete response;diagnostic test;Meta-analysis

LI Jipin1   ZHANG Wenkai1   ZHUANG Leyi1   SUN Yihua1   HE Dong1   WANG Xiang2*  

1 The Second Clinical Medical College, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China

2 Department of Gastroenterology, Lanzhou University Second Hospital, Lanzhou 730030, China

Wang X, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2022-02-23
Accepted  2022-07-26
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2022.08.007
Cite this article as: Li JP, Zhang WK, Zhuang LY, et al. Value of different ADC to access complete response of rectal cancer after neoadjuvant therapy: A Meta analysis[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2022, 13(8): 36-42, 54. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2022.08.007.

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