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Research advances in the quantitative analysis based on diffusion tensor imaging for grading and molecular typing of gliomas
HAN Xin  LU Jie 

Cite this article as: HAN X, LU J. Research advances in the quantitative analysis based on diffusion tensor imaging for grading and molecular typing of gliomas[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2024, 15(8): 201-206. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.08.032.

[Abstract] Gliomas represent approximately 80% of primary malignant brain tumors in adults. Accurate preoperative grading and molecular classification of gliomas can aid in formulating personalized treatment plans and extending the survival period of patients. Diffusion tensor imaging, a magnetic resonance imaging technique, evaluates water molecule diffusion to reflect alterations in tissue structure. This method can non-invasively evaluates water molecule diffusion rate and anisotropy within tumors in vivo, offering imaging metrics for predicting preoperative glioma grading and genotyping. This article provides a comprehensive review of the clinical studies of diffusion tensor imaging with quantitative parameters such as diffusion coefficient and anisotropy in the prediction of glioma grading and molecular classification, with the aim of providing reliable imaging indices for the accurate prediction of glioma grading and molecular typing before surgery, thus assisting in the accurate treatment of glioma patients.
[Keywords] glioma;diffusion tensor imaging;magnetic resonance imaging;neoplasm grading;molecular typing

HAN Xin1, 2   LU Jie1, 2*  

1 Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China

2 Beijing Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Brain Informatics, Beijing 100053, China

Corresponding author: LU J, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2024-04-18
Accepted  2024-08-08
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.08.032
Cite this article as: HAN X, LU J. Research advances in the quantitative analysis based on diffusion tensor imaging for grading and molecular typing of gliomas[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2024, 15(8): 201-206. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.08.032.

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