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Technical Article
Optimization of multi-parameter MRI with flexible design sequences in the saddle area based on artificial intelligence-assisted compressed sensing technology
LUO Hedan  LIU Yangyingqiu  ZHANG Haonan  LIU Na  ZHANG Yukun  YUAN Chang  SUN Jiayi  SONG Qingwei  MIAO Yanwei 

Cite this article as: LUO H D, LIU Y Y Q, ZHANG H N, et al. Optimization of multi-parameter MRI with flexible design sequences in the saddle area based on artificial intelligence-assisted compressed sensing[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2024, 15(12): 150-156. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.12.022.

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the impact of artificial intelligence-assisted compressed sensing (ACS) technology on the imaging of the MULTI-parametric MR imaging with flexible design sequences (MTP) in the saddle area, and to optimize and select the most suitable acceleration factor (AF).Materials and Methods Forty-one patients were prospectively included. There were 27 patients with sellar lesions and 14 healthy volunteers. All subjects underwent MTP sequential scanning with different AF using 3.0 T MRI. These included AF=3 for sensitivity encoding (SENSE) and AF=3, 4, 5 and 6 for ACS technology (abbreviated SENSE3, ACS3, ACS4, ACS5 and ACS6, respectively). The images of T1 map, R2* map, T2* map, T1WI and proton density weighted imaging (PDWI) were obtained from the MTP sequence. The signal intensity (SI) and quantitative parameters of the lesions and gray matter were measured by two observers on the parameter maps and weighted maps of different AF sequences, respectively. SI, standard deviation (SD) and quantitative parameters of white matter were measured. The quantitative parameter values, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), between the two groups of different AF were calculated respectively. According to image artifacts, lesion significance and gray matter demarcation clarity, five-point scoring method was used to evaluate the image quality. Kappa was used to test the consistency of subjective scores between the two observers. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were used to test the consistency of objective measurements between two observers. The differences in quantitative values, SNR, CNR and subjective scores among different AF were analyzed using Friedman rank sum test or single factor ANOVA test.Results There was a good agreement between the two observers (ICC: 0.836-0.998, Kappa: 0.839-0.909). The subjective scores and measurement data of senior observers were selected for follow-up analysis. There was no significant difference in quantitative values among different AF sequences (P>0.05). The measured SNR and CNR were different under different AF, and there was statistical significance (P<0.05). After optimization, the scanning time of ACS sequences with different AF (3-6) was reduced by 21.21%, 40.77%, 52.62% and 61.16%, respectively, compared with that of SENSE3 sequences. Compared with SENSE3 sequence, SNR and CNR of T1WI image and PDWI image were increased when ACS3 and 4 were used, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). When ACS5, 6, the SNR of PDWI images increased, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in other data (P>0.05). Compared with SENSE3 sequence images, the subjective score of gray-white matter demarcation clarity in ACS5 and 6 sequences was lower among different AFS, and the difference was statistically significant. The subjective score of lesion significance of ACS6 sequence decreased, and the difference was statistically significant. There was no significant difference in other data (P>0.05).Conclusions The results of this study show that using ACS can further optimize MTP sequences. Comprehensively considering time and image quality, ACS4 is recommended, with scan time reduced by 40.77%, and able to obtain reliable quantitative parameters and qualitative images.
[Keywords] multi-parameter synthetic sequence;compressed sensing;artificial intelligence;saddle region;magnetic resonance imaging

LUO Hedan1, 2   LIU Yangyingqiu3   ZHANG Haonan1   LIU Na1   ZHANG Yukun1   YUAN Chang1   SUN Jiayi1   SONG Qingwei1   MIAO Yanwei1*  

1 Department of Radiology, First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian116011, China

2 Department of Radiology, Dalian Public Health Clinical Center, Dalian116031, China

3 Department of Radiology, Zibo Central Hospital, Zibo255000, China

Corresponding author: MIAO Y W, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2024-06-25
Accepted  2024-12-10
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.12.022
Cite this article as: LUO H D, LIU Y Y Q, ZHANG H N, et al. Optimization of multi-parameter MRI with flexible design sequences in the saddle area based on artificial intelligence-assisted compressed sensing[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2024, 15(12): 150-156. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.12.022.

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