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Comparative analysis of bilateral ischiofemoral space in patients with unilateral femoral head necrosis in different ARCO stages by MRI
SONG Yanfang  ZHANG Zekun  SANG Hui  WANG Yong  JIA Liying  ZHANG Yuxiang 

Cite this article as: Song YF, Zhang ZK, Sang H, et al. Comparative analysis of bilateral ischiofemoral space in patients with unilateral femoral head necrosis in different ARCO stages by MRI[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(4): 65-68. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.04.013.

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the changes of ischiofemoral space of bilateral hip joints in patients with unilateral osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) in different ARCO stages. Materials andMethods All the bilateral hip joints MR images of 57 patients with unilateral ONFH (experimental group) and 25 voulanters (control group) were retrospectively analyzed. Staging all ONFH patients according to ARCO standards. The ischiofemoral space (IFS), quadratus femoris space (QFS) and cervico diaphyseal angle (CCD) of all hip joints were measured on MRI. The difference of IFS, QFS and CCD between control group, normal joints of experimental group and necrotic joints of experimental group were compared by Kruskal-Wallis one-way test, the difference of IFS, QFS and CCD between bilateral hip joints in each ARCO stage of experimental group were compared by paired t test respectively.Results IFS [(21.16±7.09) mm], QFS [(12.36±6.82) mm] of normal side in the experimental group was smaller than those of the control group [IFS: (26.04±6.15) mm, QFS: (20.01±7.09) mm] and the necrotic side [IFS: (25.18±5.50) mm, QFS: (19.52±5.31) mm], CCD [(137.74±3.88) °] of normal side in the experimental group was bigger than those of the control group (131.02±5.01) ° and the necrotic side [(132.40±7.05) °], the difference was statistically significant; there was no difference of IFS, QFS and CCD between necrostic hip in experimental group and control group. Of 57 patients with unilateral ONFH, 10 were in ARCO Ⅰ 17 in Ⅱ, 18 in Ⅲ and 12 in Ⅳ. In ARCO Ⅲ and Ⅳ, IFS [Ⅲ (19.76±7.97) mm, Ⅳ (23.17±6.86) mm] and QFS [Ⅲ (14.93±6.78) mm, Ⅳ (17.11±7.33) mm] of normal hip joint were smaller than those of necrotic hip joint [IFS Ⅲ (24.47±6.26) mm, Ⅳ (28.57±5.23) mm, QFS Ⅲ (19.64±5.29) mm, Ⅳ (22.88±6.24) mm], P<0.05; CCD [Ⅲ (135.76±5.70) °, Ⅳ (137.63±7.62) °] of normal hip joint were bigger than those of necrotic hip joint [CCD Ⅲ (129.64±2.42) °, Ⅳ (132.76±6.05) °], P<0.05. In ARCO Ⅰ and Ⅱ, IFS [Ⅰ (17.49±6.33) mm, Ⅱ (24.24±7.29) mm] , QFS [Ⅰ (12.46±6.42) mm, Ⅱ (14.93±6.78) mm] and CCD [Ⅰ (134.56±6.06) °, Ⅱ (131.94±9.08) °] of normal hip joint were not different from those of necrotic hip joint [IFS Ⅰ (22.34±5.31) mm, Ⅱ (25.32±7.25) mm, QFS Ⅰ (16.04±5.21) mm, Ⅱ (19.64±5.29) mm, CCD Ⅰ (135.16±7.62) °, Ⅱ (132.06±5.88) °], P>0.05.Conclusions The IFS and QFS of normal hip joint in patients with unilateral ARCO Ⅲ, Ⅳ ONFH may decreased, thus the risk of IFI could be higher.
[Keywords] osteonecrosis of the femoral head;ARCO staging;ischiofemoral space;quadratus femoris space;cervicodiaphyseal angle;magnetic resonance imaging

SONG Yanfang   ZHANG Zekun   SANG Hui   WANG Yong   JIA Liying   ZHANG Yuxiang*  

Department of Radiology, the TCM Hospital of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050011, China

Zhang YX, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

This work was part of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hebei Province (No. 2019068).
Received  2020-10-21
Accepted  2021-01-18
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.04.013
Cite this article as: Song YF, Zhang ZK, Sang H, et al. Comparative analysis of bilateral ischiofemoral space in patients with unilateral femoral head necrosis in different ARCO stages by MRI[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(4): 65-68. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.04.013.

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