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Technical Article
syngo Orthopedic MRI techniques
ZHANG Wei-jun  ZHANG Xun 


[Abstract] This article summarizes the orthopedic MR imaging techniques provided by Siemens Ltd. Small-sized dedicated local coils can support high resolution imaging of joints, and multiple elements of these coils realize parallel imaging. Transmitter-receiver coil can avoid aliasing from other anatomies and reduce whole body SAR; Some advanced sequences are introduced, including: syngo BLADE which can reduce motion artifact, three point tse DIXON which can reduce the artifact from metal implants and syngo SPACE with which isotropic data can be acquired; Besides morphological imaging, biochemical imaging can be achieved by syngo MapIt with simplified in-line workflow. With all above the-state-of-art techniques, clinical oriented protocols optimized for every joint are provided.
[Keywords] Magnatic resonance imaging;Osteoarthropathy;syngo

ZHANG Wei-jun Application Department, Siemens Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd.

ZHANG Xun MR Division, Siemens Healthcare Sector, Siemens Ltd. (China)

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2010-02-16
Accepted  2010-03-10
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2010.02.010

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