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Clinical Article
MR imaging findings of AIDS with tuberculous meningitis
FENG Feng  SHI Yu-xin  XIA Gan-lin  ZHANG Zhi-yong 


[Abstract] Objective: To compare the MR imaging findings between patients of AIDS with tuberculous meningitis (TM) and non-AIDS TM patients.Materials and Methods: MR imaging findings were analyzed retrospectively in 17 cases of AIDS with TM and 22 cases of non-AIDS TM, the differences of MR imaging findings were compared in the two groups.Results: Tuberculous abscess in AIDS patients were significantly less than that of non-AIDS patients (4/17, 0/22 respectively; P<0.05). While no significant differences were revealed between meningeal enhancement, tuberculomas, cerebral infarction, and communicating hydrocephalusin in AIDS and non-AIDS patients with TM.Conclusion: The MR imaging findings of TM were similar between the patients with AIDS and with non-AIDS, but the imaging findings of intracerebral inflammation were less in patients with AIDS than that of non-AIDS patients, and tuberculous abscess was ease to gain in patients with AIDS. MR examination is helpful in the diagnosis of TM in AIDS patients.
[Keywords] Meningoencephalitis, tuberculous;Magnetic resonance imaging;AIDS

FENG Feng Department of Radiology, Public Health Clinical Center Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 201508, China; Department of Radiology, Tumor Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University, Department of Radiology, Jiangsu 226361, China

SHI Yu-xin* Department of Radiology, Public Health Clinical Center Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 201508, China; Department of Radiology, Tumor Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University, Department of Radiology, Jiangsu 226361, China

XIA Gan-lin Department of Radiology, Tumor Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University, Department of Radiology, Jiangsu 226361, China

ZHANG Zhi-yong Department of Radiology, Public Health Clinical Center Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 201508, China

*Correspondence to: Shi YX, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2010-07-13
Accepted  2010-08-25
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2010.05.009

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