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We must pay special attention to MR imaging for evaluation of vulnerable plaque
DAI Jian-ping 


[Abstract] Studies have suggested that vulnerable plaque is the main cause that leads to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stroke. The prevention and treatment of cardio-cerebrovascular disease focuses on the early detection of the vulnerable plaque and its pathogenic mechanism by using noninvasive techniques. During recent years, advanced MR techniques have increasingly been applied to observing the details of the vessel wall including the size, mass, composition of the vulnerable plaque, therefore MRI was widely used for diagnosis and prognosis of the atherosclerotic plaque. In these special reports, the definition and diagnostic criteria of vulnerable plaque, the comparison of different imaging techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of MR imaging, and the status of MRI in clinical evaluation of the vulnerable plaque will be systematically reviewed, meanwhile, the development trend of MR techniques in the detection of vulnerable plaque is also emphasized.
[Keywords] Vulnerable plaque;Atherosclerosis;Stroke;Carotid artery;Coronary artery;Magnetic resonance imaging

DAI Jian-ping* Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China

*Correspondence to: Dai JP, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

致谢: 苑纯教授、张兆琪教授、赵世华教授、李明华教授、张元亭教授、刘新博士为本专题稿件的组织作出了积极贡献,特此致谢。
Received  2010-10-10
Accepted  2010-10-15
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2010.06.002

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