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Technical Article
A perception on the development of the virtual scan technology for the magnetic resonance imaging
KUANG Bin  HE Chao-ming 


[Abstract] The virtual scan technology for MRI has been developed since 1980’s. It has made a big progress with the development of the following aspects: (1) The development of the computing kernel for the virtual scan of the MRI. (2) The development of the computing technology, the visualization, the numerical approach, and parallel computing technology. (3) The development of the application technology of MRI. (4) The development of the virtual man, MRI-man. This paper introduces several aspects of the development of the virtual scan. In addition, some major issues in this area are also mentioned and some develop ideas have been proposed as well.
[Keywords] Magnetic resonance imaging;Virtual scan;Parallel computing;Simulation

KUANG Bin* SW Dept., Siemens Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen 518057, China

HE Chao-ming SW Dept., Siemens Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen 518057, China

*Correspondence to: Kuang B, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2011-04-05
Accepted  2011-05-06
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2011.03.012

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