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Strengthening functional MRI research on epilepsy
LU Guang-ming  ZHANG Zhi-qiang 


[Abstract] The overview was given on the significance, current state, perspective and open questions of blood oxygenation level-dependent functional MRI research on epilepsy. fMRI application to epileptic localization and estimation of eloquent functional areas were emphasized.
[Keywords] Epilepsy;Magnetic resonance imaging

LU Guang-ming* Department of Radiology, Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command. Nanjing 210002, China

ZHANG Zhi-qiang Department of Radiology, Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command. Nanjing 210002, China

*Correspondence to: Lu GM, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2012-10-26
Accepted  2012-11-29
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2013.01.001

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