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Clinical Article
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of patients with metabolic syndrome
ZHENG Xiao-hong  CHEN Wei  YANG Zhong-xian  ZHANG You-qiao  YANG Jie-hua  RONG Yu  WU Ren-hua 


[Abstract] Objective: In order to understand subclinical brain damage in the early stage, we used magnetic resonances spetroscopy (MRS) to detect the metabolic changes in the encephalon in participants with metabolic syndrome (MS).Materials and Methods: Of the project, 32 participants were categorized into two groups, metabolic syndrome group (15 participants) and control group (17 participants). We assessed whether they were hyperglycemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity and nerves function rating scales, then examed their brain using MRS. The metabolite ratios of NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr and NAA/Cho were measured in the dorsal thalamus, posterior cingulate gyrus and posterior part of lateral ventricle, then statistical analysis was performed.Results: (1) Compared to the control group,significant ratio of NAA/Cr and NAA/Cho declines of the MS patients, with three components of metabolic disorder and with two components of metabolic disorder in MS group in the dorsal thalamus,the posterior cingulate gyrus and posterior part of lateral ventricle were found (P values all <0.01). And significant ratio of Cho/Cr increases in the callosal gyrus and posterior part of lateral ventricle were found (P values all <0.05). (2) The multiple regression results: The ratio of NAA/Cr was negatively associated with blood glucose in the dorsal thalamus (r=-0.187, P value <0.05). The ratio of NAA/Cr was negatively associated with LDL in the posterior part of lateral ventricle (r=-0.179, P value <0.05). The ratio of NAA/Cr was negatively associated with the course of hyperlipidemia in the dorsal thalamus (r=-0.033, P value <0.01), and negatively associated with the course of hypertension and diabetes mellitus in the posterior part of lateral ventricle (r values to be -0.028, -0.029, P values all <0.05). The ratio of NAA/Cho was negatively associated with the course of hyperlipidemia in the dorsal thalamus (r=-0.027, P value <0.05), and negatively associated with the course of diabetes mellitus and obesity in the posterior part of lateral ventricle (r values to be -0.047, -0.017, P values all <0.05).Conclusions: (1) During this study, it was found that the abnormality of NAA/Cr, NAA/Cho, Cho/Cr suggests the abnormality of brain cells metabolism in the participants with metabolic disorder and MRS can help us to understand subclinical brain damage in the early stage. (2) Diabetes mellitus,hyp ertension,hyperlipidemia and obesity may be the independent risk factors for the metabolic dysfunction of brain cells. (3) There is obvious correlation between the severity of brain damage which shows on MR and the course of metabolism abnormality.
[Keywords] Metabolic syndrome x;Magnetic resonance spectroscopy;Brain diseases

ZHENG Xiao-hong Department of Neurology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China

CHEN Wei* Department of Neurology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China

YANG Zhong-xian Department of Medical Imaging, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China

ZHANG You-qiao Department of Neurology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China

YANG Jie-hua Department of Neurology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China

RONG Yu Department of Neurology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China

WU Ren-hua* Department of Medical Imaging, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China

*Correspondence to: Chen W, Wu RH, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2012-12-19
Accepted  2013-01-19
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2013.02.002

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