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Clinical Article
The clinical value of 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography in diagnosis and treatment of aortic aneurysms
LIU Qi  LU Jian-ping  WANG Fei  WANG Li 


[Abstract] Objective: To assess the clinical value of three-dimensional dynamic contrast-enhanced MR angiography (3D CE-MRA) in the diagnosis and treatment of aortic aneurysms.Materials and Methods: Nine hundred and twenty five patients underwent 3D CE-MRA with three-dimensional reconstruction on workstation. The clinical role was evaluated for treatment planning.Results: In 925 patients with aortic aneurysms, aortic real aneurysms were 479 cases (thoracic 138, thoracoabdominal 29, and abdominal 312), aortic dissection 407 cases (Stanford type A 84, type B 232, and intramural hematoma 91), and aortic pseudoaneurysms 39 cases (thoracic 21, and abdominal 18). 3D CE-MRA clearly demonstrated the type, morphology, location, detail of aortic aneurysm, and 3D relationship with adjacent arteries. The parameters at 3D CE-MRA coincided well with those at DSA in all cases with endovascular graft exclusion (P>0.05). 3D CE-MRA was very helpful for surgery and endovascular treatment. Among them, 352 cases were perfumed with endovascular graft exclusion (aortic real aneurysms 195, aortic dissection 126, and aortic pseudoaneurysms 31), 115 cases with surgery (aortic real aneurysms 47, aortic dissection 63, and aortic pseudoaneurysms 5).Conclusions: 3D CE-MRA is a fast, noninvasive and efficient technique in diagnosis and treatment of aortic aneurysms. It can provide reliable information for surgery and endovascular treatment, and could be used as the first choice of patients with renal insufficiency.
[Keywords] Aortic aneurysm;Magnetic resonance angiography

LIU Qi* Department of Radiology, Changhai Hospital, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China

LU Jian-ping Department of Radiology, Changhai Hospital, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China

WANG Fei Department of Radiology, Changhai Hospital, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China

WANG Li Department of Radiology, Changhai Hospital, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China

*Correspondence to: Liu Q, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2012-10-15
Accepted  2012-11-25
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2013.04.002

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