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Clinical Article
The imaging features of synovial osteochondromatosis
SUN Gang-qing 


[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the image findings of synovial osteochondromatosis and differential diagnosis.Materials and Methods: X-ray, CT and MRI findings in 15 cases with synovial osteochondromatosis were analyzed retrospectively.Results: 11 cases of 15 cases were proved by clinical and pathologically, 4 cases of 15 cases were proved by arthroendoscopy. X-ray, CT and MRI can find small loose body, X-ray and CT can find high densidy calcification round and oval shape, large or small of small loose body. MRI can find small cartilage nodular had hypointensity on T1WI, had a mixture of hypo-hypeintensity on T2WI. CT examination can be found hidden loose bodies, thickened synovium and intra-articular effusion MR can detect intra-articular not free of calcification cartilage tumor nodules, in addition to articular loose bodies can be seen, but also clearly indicated that cartilage synovial soft tissue changes and joint effusion.Conclusions: Loose body is the characteristic features in imaging. X-ray diagnosing simple and high-speed, CT and MRI can find more information.
[Keywords] Chondromatosis, synovial;Joints;Disgnostic imaging

SUN Gang-qing * Department of Radiology, the General Hospital of Yimei Group, Yima 472300, China

*Correspondence to: Sun GQ, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2013-07-03
Accepted  2013-08-08
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2013.05.006

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