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Clinical Article
UTE-T2*mapping quantitative evaluation of lumbar cartilage endplate
PAN Xi-min  HU Mei-yu  JIANG Bo 


[Abstract] Objective: To explore the feasibility of quantitative evaluation of lumbar intervertebral cartilage endplate using 3 dimensional multi-echo ultrashort echo time pulse sequence MR imaging.Materials and Methods: The images of lumbar cartilage endplate (CEP) were obtained from twenty one young volunteers by using multi-echo ultrashort echo time pulse sequence, and the image quality were evaluated from grade I to grade III in the order from poor to excellent. The T2* values of both upper and lower CEPs were measured at the lumbar artificial color maps from L1/L2 to L5/S1.Results: The 210 CEP images were graded as grade III. The average T2* value of upper and lower CEP was (19.76±8.41) ms, and (30.17±17.25) ms, respectively. The difference of CEP T2* value between upper and lower was statistically significant (t=-5.56, P<0.01).Conclusion: Three dimensional multi-echo ultrashort echo time pulse sequence MR imaging provides an effective approach for the quantitative study of lumbar CEP.
[Keywords] Cartilage, articular;Lumbar vertebrae;Magnatic resonance imaging

PAN Xi-min Department of Radiology, Huangpu Clinical Medical Center, Sun Yat Sen University First Hospital, Guangzhou 510700, China

HU Mei-yu Department of Radiology, Huangpu Clinical Medical Center, Sun Yat Sen University First Hospital, Guangzhou 510700, China

JIANG Bo* Department of Radiology, Huangpu Clinical Medical Center, Sun Yat Sen University First Hospital, Guangzhou 510700, China; Department of Clinical Diagnostic Radiology, Sun Yat Sen University First Hospital, Guangzhou 510080, China

*Correspondence to: Jiang B, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2013-12-31
Accepted  2014-01-30
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2014.02.006

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