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Marrow fat quantification by magnetic resonance technology: the aplication and prospect in bone diseases
CHEN Hui-ying  YUAN Hui-shu 


[Abstract] Fat occupies a significant portion of bone cavity and is one of the important factors which affect the bone marrow microenvironment. Various physiological or pathological changes of the bone marrow are closely related with the fat content thus we may detect the bone marrow lesions or evaluate its functional status by quantifying bone marrow fat with certain magnetic resonance methods. This paper reviewed the applicationgs in bone diseases different MR techniques for bone adipose tissue measurement in recent decades, and the application prospect of this technology is forecasted.
[Keywords] Bone marrow;Adipose tissue;Magnetic resonance imaging;Bone disease

CHEN Hui-ying Deparment of Radiology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, 100191, China

YUAN Hui-shu Deparment of Radiology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, 100191, China

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2013-12-27
Accepted  2014-02-08
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2014.02.014

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