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Research in magnetic resonance imaging of triple-negative breast cancer
WANG Qi  CHANG Xiao-dan 


[Abstract] Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), which characterized by distinct biological and clinical pathological features, has a worse prognosis because of the lack of effective therapeutic targets. Breast MR is the most accurate imaging modality for diagnosis of breast cancer currently. MR imaging recognition could assist in diagnosis, pretreatment planning and prognosis evaluation of TNBC. MR findings of a larger solitary lesion, mass with smooth mass margin, high signal intensity on T2-weighted images and rim enhancement are typical MRI features associated with TNBC. Further work is necessary about the clinical application of dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging (DCE-MRI), DWI and MRS.
[Keywords] Breast neoplasms;Magnetic resonance imaging;Pathology

WANG Qi Department of Radiology, Dalian University, Zhongshan Hospital, Dalian 116001, China

CHANG Xiao-dan* Department of Radiology, Dalian University, Zhongshan Hospital, Dalian 116001, China

*Correspondence to: Chang XD, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

Received  2014-08-26
Accepted  2014-10-30
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2015.01.014

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