魏来 朱荆皓 彭屹峰

魏来,朱荆皓,彭屹峰.磁共振全身弥散成像对胃肠道恶性肿瘤的术后随访价值.磁共振成像, 2016, 7(11): 847-850. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2016.11.010.

[摘要] 目的 探讨3.0 T全身磁共振成像的技术对于胃肠道恶性肿瘤性疾病的术后随访价值。材料与方法 对19例术后随访的胃肠道恶性肿瘤患者行WB-MRI (DWI+T2WI),后处理平台为GE ADW4.6工作站。Functool工具拼接横断面弥散图像,得到HD-MIP图像、黑白反转图像(类"PET"图像)及伪彩色图像;Pasting工具拼接冠状面T2加权图像,得到全身冠状面T2加权图像,再经图像融合得到类"PET-MR"图像。结果 19例患者(其中胃弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤2例,胃癌8例,结肠癌7例,直肠癌2例)均获得图像质量良好的全身磁共振图像。发现恶性转移性病例6例,阳性率约32%。结论 使用头颈联合线圈及体线圈接收方法可以改善中心频率漂移现象,得到符合诊断需要的全身弥散图像。3.0T MR全身弥散成像可清晰显示胃肠道恶性肿瘤的转移灶,对胃肠道恶性肿瘤的术后随访和辅助诊断具有重要价值。
[Abstract] Objective: To discuss the technical feasibility of whole body diffusion weighted imaging (WB-DWI) on 3.0 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).To evaluate the auxiliary diagnostic role of WB-DWI in patients with gastrointestinal malignant tumors by detection of primary tumors and metastasis.Materials and Methods: Nineteen patients with gastrointestinal malignancy operation history were enrolled in our study. All patients received whole body MRI examination. The magnetic resonance (MR) examination was performed on 3.0 T MR scanner using coils. The images were reviewed separately by two radiologists.Results: A total of 8 metastatic lesions in 4 regions of 7 patients were detected by whole body DWI. One patient with stomach cancer had both liver metastasis and lymph nodes metastasis.Conclusions: The WB-DWI images that meet the diagnostic needs can be obtained on 3.0 T MRI. WB-DWI reveals excellent detection of metastasis of gastrointestinal malignant tumors.
[关键词] 弥散磁共振成像;全身成像;胃肠肿瘤
[Keywords] Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging;Whole body imaging;Gastrointestinal neoplasms

魏来 上海中医药大学附属普陀医院放射科,上海 200062

朱荆皓 上海中医药大学附属普陀医院放射科,上海 200062

彭屹峰* 上海中医药大学附属普陀医院放射科,上海 200062


中图分类号:R445.2; R57 
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2016.11.010
魏来,朱荆皓,彭屹峰.磁共振全身弥散成像对胃肠道恶性肿瘤的术后随访价值.磁共振成像, 2016, 7(11): 847-850. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2016.11.010.

       胃肠道恶性肿瘤的术前诊断及术后随访均需借助影像学检查手段,多层动态增强CT及相关重建技术可以很好地显示大多数胃肠道恶性肿瘤原发病灶、部分转移灶。目前,对于转移病灶的检出主要借助于核素骨扫描或正电子发射计算机断层显像(positron emission tomography/computed tomography,PET/CT)。1.5 T全身磁共振成像(whole-body magnetic resonance imaging,WB-MRI)的技术对于胃肠道恶性肿瘤性疾病的辅助诊断价值也逐步显现[1,2,3,4],笔者初步探讨3.0 T WB-MRI的诊断价值。

1 材料与方法

1.1 病例资料

       本研究自2015年1至9月收集19例术后随访的消化道恶性肿瘤病例(男10例,女9例;年龄范围52~87岁,平均年龄67.3岁)。所有病例原发消化道肿瘤病变均经病理证实。其中胃弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤2例,胃癌8例,结肠癌7例,直肠癌2例。上述病例于3.0 T磁共振完成全身弥散成像。所有病例受检前需排空胃肠道。

1.2 图像采集

       所有病例均于GE 3.0 T 750 W磁共振完成全身弥散成像,受检者采取仰卧位、头先进的方式,扫描范围覆盖头至膝关节上部,受检者覆盖头颈联合线圈及腹部线圈。扫描序列采用短翻转时间反转恢复序列,扫描参数:自由呼吸;TR 8000 ms,TE 249 ms;扫描野(FOV) 420 mm×420 mm;b=50、800 s/mm2;层数34;层厚5 mm;层间距1 mm;每段扫描时间1 min 44 s;重复7段(头段、颈段、胸段、上腹部、下腹部、盆腔及双上肢)。总扫描时间约12 min,于GE ADW 4.6工作站重建得到全身弥散图像,即类"PET"图像。此外,加扫冠状面T2WI,扫描参数:自由呼吸;TR最小值,TE 249 ms;FOV 480 mm×480 mm);层数19;层厚8 mm;层间距2 mm;每段扫描时间30 s;重复4段(头颈段、胸段、腹盆段、双上肢),总扫描时间约2 min。于GE ADW 4.6平台可重建出全身T2WI,通过融合弥散加权图像及T2WI,可得到类"PET-MR"(positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging,PET/MR)图像。


2 结果



图1,2  男,64岁,直肠浸润溃疡型管状腺癌术后,肛周不适1周,盆腔CT平扫及增强示臀裂处皮下软组织增厚,平扫平均CT值约49 Hu,增强扫描平均CT值约57 Hu,较难诊断
图3~6  图3为黑白反转图像。图4为横断面弥散图像。图5、6为横断面T1WI脂肪抑制图像、T2WI脂肪抑制图像。MRI可以清晰显示右侧臀部局部皮下转移结节灶,弥散图像对病灶显示的敏感性更高,且弥散加权呈高信号有助于定性诊断
图7,8  女,79岁,直肠溃疡性腺癌术后,咳嗽、咳痰2 d。黑白反转图像及融合类"PET-MR"图像示两肺多发肿块(箭头)。针吸活检病理示转移性癌
图9,10  女,85岁,胃腺癌术后,近来纳差、体重减轻,黑白反转图像及横断面弥散图像示后腹膜淋巴结转移(箭头)
图11,12  57岁,胃癌根治术后16年,左下腹疼痛不适1周余。横断面弥散图像及黑白反转图像示直乙结肠交界处团片状异常信号灶,磁共振全身弥散成像诊断为肠癌,肠镜病理示高级别上皮内瘤变
Fig. 1, 2  Fig.1 (left) and 2 (right). A 64 years old man post resection of rectal ulcerating tubular adenocarcinoma had discomfort around anus door for 1 week. Pelvic CT with enhancement showed perianal subcutaneous soft tissue thickening. Pre-contrast scan the average CT number was 49 Hu, while post-contrast scan the average CT number was 57 Hu. But it was hard to diagnose.
Fig. 3—6  Fig.3: The gray-scale inverted DWI. Fig.4: The axial DWI with fat suppressed. Fig.5, 6: The axial T1WI and T2WI with fat suppressed. A subcutaneous metastasis nodule was found (arrowhead). DWI is more sensitive in detecting the lesion and easier to diagnosis.
Fig. 7, 8  A 79 years old female patient post resection of rectal ulcerating adenocarcinoma had cough and sputum for 2 days. There are multiple pulmonary masses showed on gray-scale inverted DWI (Fig.7) and "PET-MR" like images (Fig.8) as indicated by the arrowhead. The pathological result of aspiration biopsy was metastatic carcinoma.
Fig. 9, 10  A 85 years old female patient post resection of gastric adenocarcinoma had a recent sizable weight loss. The gray-scale inverted DWI and axial DWI showed retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis (arrowhead).
Fig. 11, 12  A 57 years old female patient post radical operation of gastric cancer before 16 years ago had left lower abdominal pain for more than a week. The gray-scale inverted DWI and axial DWI showed abnormal signal around straight sigmoid junction (arrowhead) diagnosed as cancer. The pathological diagnosis of endoscope biopsy was high grade intraepithelial neoplasia.
表1  病例构成及转移灶分布情况
Tab. 1  Patients constitution and metastasis distribution

3 讨论

3.1 成像技术改进

       本研究是基于3.0 T磁共振平台,3.0 T磁共振拥有信噪比高、软组织分辨率高的固有优点。

       但3.0 T磁共振全身弥散成像较1.5 T磁共振技术难度大。3.0 T磁共振平台的伪影较为严重,如几何变形、图像的剪切和重影效果,这些都会减低图像质量。此外,由于不同段之间中心频率变化大,即使每一段图像质量良好,全身重建图像仍可能出现中心漂移,导致位移伪影,影响重建图像的质量,矢状面重建图像上尤为明显[5,6,7,8]。虽然对诊断准确性不会造成影响,但会影响重建图像的质量。在本研究中,为改善中心频率漂移的现象,我们使用头颈联合线圈及腹部线圈接收(不同于此前大多数研究所采用的体线圈接收),结果显示:段间位移伪影明显改善,同时信噪比提高。

3.2 WB-DWI用于胃肠道恶性肿瘤的临床价值

       目前,WB-MRI多用于全身多发性病变的相关研究,尤其是恶性肿瘤骨转移方面。WB-MRI用于胃肠道肿瘤性病变的相关研究则较少。本研究选择胃肠道恶性肿瘤术后随访的病例为研究对象,初探其应用价值,研究结果表明WB-MRI (DWI+T2WI序列)可用于胃肠道恶性肿瘤的随访复查及辅助诊断,可以清晰显示肝内转移、周围及后腹膜淋巴结转移、腹壁以及肺内的转移灶,但对于肺部微小病变显示较差,对于肺部2 cm以上转移性病变较为敏感。此外,WB-MRI可显示其他良性病变。



       WB-MRI是癌症分期的一项新进影像诊断技术[13,14,15]。使用头颈联合线圈及体线圈接收方法可以改善中心频率漂移现象,得到符合诊断需要的全身弥散图像。3.0 T MR全身弥散成像可清晰显示胃肠道恶性肿瘤转移灶,对胃肠道恶性肿瘤的临床随访和辅助诊断具有重要价值。WB-MRI有望成为胃肠道恶性肿瘤性病变术后随访的全身检查方法之一。

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上一篇 SWI与MRI增强扫描诊断小肝癌的对比性研究
下一篇 CT指数及MR成像对盆腔淋巴结转移诊断价值的研究
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