周志凌 陆洁艳 郉妩 胡平 廖伟华

周志凌,陆洁艳,郉妩,等.脑脊液1H-MRS对线粒体脑病的诊断价值研究.磁共振成像, 2018, 9(9): 641-647. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2018.09.001.

[摘要] 目的 探讨脑脊液1H-MRS对线粒体脑病的诊断价值,为临床诊断提供新的线索和思路。材料与方法 选取经线粒体脑肌病标准评分系统确诊的13例线粒体脑病(mitochondrial disorders,ME)患者及17例临床上疑似线粒体脑病但最终确诊非线粒体病的患者为对照组,所有患者行常规MRI和1H-MRS检查,选取MRI异常信号区(脑内无明显病变者,选取左侧基底节区为感兴趣区)、正常脑组织区及脑脊液区为感兴趣区,分别比较两组患者相应区域乳酸(Lac)峰的差异。结果 脑脊液区1H-MRS显示,10例(10/13) ME脑脊液区可见Lac峰;3例(3/17)对照组脑脊液区见Lac峰。脑内病变区1H-MRS显示,5例(5/12)线粒体脑病患者病变区可见Lac峰,7例(7/12)病变区未见Lac峰,无病变者左侧基底节区未见Lac峰;6例(6/16)对照组病变区可见异常升高的Lac峰。脑脊液区1H-MRS出现Lac峰诊断线粒体脑病的灵敏度、正确指数、阳性似然比、阴性似然比、符合率均优于病灶区。联合脑脊液区与病灶区1H-MRS诊断线粒体脑病分析,相比于单独脑脊液区1H-MRS结果,串联试验的灵敏度降低,特异度升高;并联试验灵敏度不变,特异度降低。串联、并联试验的正确指数及符合率均低于脑脊液区。结论 线粒体脑病NAA峰降低、Cho峰升高无特异性,与其它非线粒体脑病难以鉴别;脑脊液区1H-MRS出现Lac峰对线粒体脑病的诊断价值优于脑内病变区,有助于对脑脊液乳酸水平的检测。
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of cerebrospinal fluid 1H-MRS for mitochondrial encephalopathy and provide new clues and ideas for clinical diagnosis.Materials and Methods: Thirteen patients with mitochondrial encephalopathy (ME) and 17 patients with clinically suspected mitochondrial encephalopathy but ultimately diagnosed with non-mitochondrial disease were selected as control group. All patients underwent routine MRI and 1H-MRS examination. The Lac peak were compared between the two groups of patients respectively.Results: Cerebrospinal fluid 1H-MRS showed that 10 cases (10/13) of the cerebrospinal fluid area showed Lac peaks, 3 cases (3/17) of the control group showed Lac peaks in the cerebrospinal fluid area. 1H-MRS showed 5 cases (5/12) Lac peaks were observed in the lesion area of ME. Elevated Lac peaks were observed in the lesion area of the control group in 6 cases (6/16). The sensitivity, correct index, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio, and coincidence rate of lac peak in the diagnosis of mitochondrial encephalopathy in the 1H-MRS in cerebrospinal fluid region were better than those in lesion area. Analysis of 1H-MRS diagnosis of mitochondrial encephalopathy combined with cerebrospinal fluid area and lesion area showed that compared with 1H-MRS results of cerebrospinal fluid alone, the sensitivity of the tandem test was reduced, and the specificity was increased. The correct index and coincidence rate of serial and parallel tests were lower than those in the cerebrospinal fluid region.Conclusions: The appearance of Lac peak in cerebrospinal fluid 1H-MRS is superior to that in brain lesion area, which contributes to the lactate level detection in cerebrospinal fluid.
[关键词] 线粒体疾病;脑疾病;磁共振波谱学
[Keywords] Mitochondrial diseases;Brain diseases;Magnetic resonance spectroscopy

周志凌 中南大学湘雅医院放射科,长沙 410005

陆洁艳 中南大学湘雅医院放射科,长沙 410005

郉妩 中南大学湘雅医院放射科,长沙 410005

胡平 中南大学湘雅医院放射科,长沙 410005

廖伟华* 中南大学湘雅医院放射科,长沙 410005


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 编号:81671676
中图分类号:R445.2; R742 
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2018.09.001
周志凌,陆洁艳,郉妩,等.脑脊液1H-MRS对线粒体脑病的诊断价值研究.磁共振成像, 2018, 9(9): 641-647. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2018.09.001.

       线粒体病(mitochondrial disorders,MD)是由线粒体DNA或核基因缺陷引起细胞内线粒体结构及(或)功能异常,导致细胞呼吸链及能量代谢障碍的一组多系统疾病[1,2]。其中以中枢神经系统受累为主者,称为线粒体脑病(mitochondrial encephalopathy,ME)[3],临床包括多种亚型,其常规MRI表现多无特征性[1,4],常被误诊为缺血性脑卒中、脑炎及脱髓鞘脑病等[5,6]

       磁共振波谱成像(1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy,1H-MRS)可检测脑组织细胞的多种代谢产物[7],脑组织1H-MRS出现特异性升高的乳酸(Lac)峰是ME特异性较高的征象[5]。目前ME的1H-MRS临床应用多限于脑内异常信号区,但当脑组织异常代谢物浓度较低时,其诊断特异度降低[8]。由于脑内因异常代谢产生的乳酸主要通过脑脊液清除,脑脊液中的乳酸浓度甚至高于脑内病灶区,故本研究旨在探讨脑脊液1H-MRS对线粒体脑病的诊断价值,为临床诊断提供新的线索和思路。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究对象

       选取中南大学湘雅医院2015年12月至2017年6月期间经临床确诊的13例线粒体脑病患者作为研究对象,其中男4例,女9例;全部病例符合线粒体脑肌病标准评分系统的确诊标准[9],其中线粒体脑病伴乳酸酸中毒及卒中样发作(mitochondrial encephalopathy,lactic acidosis,and stroke-like episodes ,MELAS) 3例,Leigh综合征3例,Alpers'综合征1例,线粒体复合酶I缺乏症2例,其余无法确定亚型4例。对照组选取临床上疑似线粒体脑病但最终确诊为非线粒体病的各类患者共17例,其中男6例,女11例。所有病例均行颅脑常规MRI及1H-MRS检查。

1.1.1 线粒体脑病组的临床资料


表1  线粒体脑病组患者的临床资料
Tab. 1  Clinical data of patients with mitochondrial encephalopathy

1.1.2 对照组的临床资料


表2  对照组患者的临床资料
Tab. 2  Clinical data of patients in the control group

1.2 扫描仪器及参数

       采用GE 3.0 T SIGNA HDX磁共振扫描仪,头部正交线圈。

       常规颅脑MRI:轴位T1WI(自旋回波序列,TR 400~600 ms,TE 15~20 ms)、FSE T2WI(快速自旋回波序列,TR 2000~4000 ms,TE 80~120 ms)、FLAIR(液体衰减反转恢复),层厚5 mm,层间距1 mm,扫描层面平行于前后联合连线;矢状位T1WI,层厚5 mm,无间隔。

       1H-MRS:采用PRESS序列,先进行自动预扫描(匀场、抑水,线宽不超过10 Hz),采取超选择性饱和法(very selective saturation,VSS)饱和感兴趣区周围的脂肪,并应用梯度散相位带宽选择性反转序列(band selective inversion with gradientdephasing,BASING)抑制水和脂肪信号,以降低其对感兴趣区内代谢物的共振影响。

       扫描区域:于FLAIR像上选择异常高信号区(若脑内无明显异常信号灶,则选取左侧基底节区为感兴趣区)、脑脊液区(对于侧脑室不大的患者,感兴趣区跨透明隔将双侧额角包括在内)及脑内正常脑组织区作为感兴趣区(region of interest,ROI),避免来自头皮脂肪、颅底骨质的信号干扰。

       扫描参数:TR 1500 ms,TE 35 ms(若谱线于1.33 ppm位置出现异常代谢峰,则加扫TE 144 ms),FOV 22 cm×22 cm~24 cm×24 cm,体素最大选择2.0 cm×2.0 cm×2.0 cm,单次扫描时间为3 min 48 s。

1.3 数据后处理

       使用FuncTool 4.4后处理软件获得代谢物谱线图,按照乳酸(Lac)1.33 ppm选择代谢物峰后采集数据,同时进行适当的校正。正常脑组织内乳酸浓度较低(10~25 ug/dL) ,1H-MRS谱线上不可见Lac峰;采用盲法阅片,当TE为35 ms时于1.33 ppm位置出现高尖峰,且TE为144 ms时该峰倒置,则可判定为Lac峰。

2 结果

2.1 常规MRI表现

2.1.1 线粒体脑病组



图1  Leigh综合征(线粒体脑病组03)。A~C:双侧基底节区对称性异常信号;D:DWI病灶呈高信号,提示为急性期;E:ROI位于左侧基底节病灶区(实线框),1H-MRS示1.33 ppm位置处Lac峰;F:ROI位于脑脊液区(虚线框),1H-MRS亦可见Lac峰
Fig. 1  Leigh syndrome (mitochondrial encephalopathy group 03). A-C: Bilateral basal ganglia symmetry abnormal signal. D: DWI lesions showed high signal, suggesting an acute phase. E: ROI was located in the left basal ganglia lesion area (solid frame), 1H-MRS showed 1.33 ppm position at Lac Peak. F: ROI is located in cerebrospinal fluid area (dotted box), and 1H-MRS also shows Lac peak.
图2  MELAS(线粒体脑病组07)。A~C:右侧大脑半球异常信号,双侧脑室明显扩大,脑萎缩改变;D:ROI位于右额叶病灶区(实线框),1H-MRS(TE 144 ms)示1.33 ppm位置处倒置的Lac峰;E、F:ROI位于脑脊液区(虚线框),1H-MRS示明显的Lac双峰,且峰高较病灶区大
图3  线粒体复合酶I缺乏症(线粒体脑病组08)。A~C:双侧脑室旁对称性异常信号;D:DWI病灶呈高信号,提示为急性期;E:ROI位于左额叶病灶区(实线框),1H-MRS未见Lac峰;F:ROI位于脑脊液区(虚线框),1H-MRS示1.33ppm位置处Lac峰
Fig. 2  MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy group 07). A-C: Right hemisphere abnormal signal, bilateral ventricle enlargement, brain atrophy changes. D: ROI is located in the right frontal lobe lesion (solid frame), 1H-MRS (TE 144 ms) shows Lac peak inverted at 1.33 ppm. E, F: ROI is located in the cerebrospinal fluid area (dotted box), 1H-MRS shows a distinct Lac double peak, and the peak height is larger than the lesion area.
Fig. 3  Mitochondrial complex enzyme I deficiency (mitochondrial encephalopathy group 08). A-C: Bilateral paraventricular symmetry abnormal signal. D: DWI lesion showed high signal, suggesting acute phase. E: ROI located in the left frontal lobe lesion (solid frame), 1H-MRS shows no Lac peak. F: ROI is located in cerebrospinal fluid area (dotted box), 1H-MRS shows Lac peak at 1.33 ppm.

2.1.2 对照组



2.2 1H-MRS乳酸峰诊断线粒体脑病的结果





表3  脑脊液区1H-MRS诊断线粒体脑病结果(例)
Tab. 3  Results of diagnosis of ME in cerebrospinal fluid 1H-MRS (n)
表4  病灶区1H-MRS诊断线粒体脑病结果(例)
Tab. 4  Results of diagnosis of ME in lesion area 1H-MRS (n)

2.3 脑脊液区、病灶区1H-MRS诊断线粒体脑病的评价



表5  脑脊液区、病灶区1H-MRS以及串联、并联试验诊断线粒体脑病的比较
Tab. 5  Comparison of diagnostic mitochondrial encephalopathy in 1H-MRS in cerebrospinal fluid area, lesion area and tandem and parallel test

3 讨论

3.1 概述

       线粒体脑病是一种常见遗传代谢性疾病,以不同的临床表型、组织生化特征及基因突变位点,将其分为MELAS、MERRF (myoclonus epilepsy with ragged red fibers)、Kearns-Sayre Syndrome (KSS)、Leigh综合征、Alpers综合征、NARP等类型[10]



3.2 病灶区、脑脊液区1H-MRS对诊断线粒体脑病的比较


       目前临床上线粒体脑病的1H-MRS应用多限于脑内异常信号区,主要表现为NAA峰降低[20]、Cho峰升高[21],并出现典型的Lac峰。短回波时间(TE=35 ms)能很好地显示谷氨酰胺、谷氨酸、以及肌醇等代谢物[22,23],但脂质及Lac均可位于1~ 2 ppm处;而长回波时间(TE=135 ms)则可将脂质的信号调零,此时Lac峰发生倒置,因此可确认Lac水平[24,25]

       但临床实践中存在的问题是,乳酸检测阳性结果的特异性并不高,在很多非线粒体脑病,如脑肿瘤[26]、炎性病变[27]或缺血性损伤等亦可出现乳酸水平的升高。此外,脑组织异常代谢物浓度较低时,其诊断特异度明显降低,Cross等[8]证实,只有当乳酸浓度超过4.0 mmol/L的时候,才可以在1H-MRS上显示出阳性结果。



3.3 联合试验对线粒体脑病的诊断价值





3.4 脑脊液区1H-MRS Lac峰的应用价值

       另有国内外研究报道,脑脊液区1H-MRS对于某些中枢神经系统疾病[28]具有重要的临床诊断价值。Zanigni等[29]在对脑白质营养不良(adult-onset autosomal dominant leukodystrophy,ADLD)患者的研究中发现,脑脊液区1H-MRS可见异常Lac峰。Shungu等[30]在对慢性疲劳综合征(chronic fatigue syndrome ,CFS)患者的研究中亦得到类似结论。



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