马伟丽 赵德伟 王本杰 杨松 杨培 常晓丹

Cite this article as: Ma WL, Zhao DW, Wang BJ, et al. Evaluation of microcirculation perfusion in high-risk necrotic femoral head by DCE-MRI. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2019 10(4): 263-267.本文引用格式:马伟丽,赵德伟,王本杰,等. DCE-MRI对高危坏死股骨头微循环灌注的评价.磁共振成像, 2019, 10(4): 263-267. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2019.04.005.

[摘要] 目的 通过动态增强磁共振(dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging,DCE-MRI)评价股骨头坏死高危人群股骨头微循环灌注的变化及正常人群股骨头内血流灌注的异质性,为超早期股骨头坏死提供影像学依据。材料与方法 共选取50人60例股骨头,实验组为30例高危股骨头,对照组为30例正常股骨头,两组均行髋部DCE-MRI扫描,在股骨头负重区(前上方)、非负重区(下方)及股骨头中心区分别选取感兴趣区(region of interest,ROI),绘制百分比时间信号曲线(time-intensity curve,TIC),读取TIC上首次峰值(fEmax)、最高信号强度(Emax)、达峰时间(time to peak,TTP)参数,通过独立样本t检验比较股骨头坏死高危人群股骨头不同ROI与正常股骨头相应区域ROI灌注参数的差异;股骨头负重区与非负重区及股骨头中心ROI灌注参数差异的比较采用方差分析。结果 实验组与对照组负重区fEmax、Emax差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),实验组与对照组非负重区TTP差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),实验组与对照组股骨头中心区fEmax、Emax、TTP差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组内负重区、中心区fEmax、Emax大于非负重区fEmax、Emax,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),对照组内不同ROI间TTP差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 股骨头坏死高危患者比正常人股骨头血流灌注低;正常人群中股骨头负重区与非负重区血流灌注具有异质性,负重区血流灌注较多。此外,高危人群股骨头血流灌注量小于健康人,灌注时间较正常股骨头长,存在血流瘀滞现象。因此,DCE-MRI可应用于指导临床进行早期预防股骨头坏死发生。
[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the changes of femoral head microcirculation perfusion in high-risk population of femoral head necrosis and the heterogeneity of femoral head blood perfusion in the normal femoral head by DCE-MRI, providing imaging evidence for ultralearly femoral head necrosis.Materials and Methods: Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of the hip was performed in 50 adults (a total of 60 cases of femoral head) with 30 cases experimental group who was high-risk patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Another 30 cases of were selected as normal control group. The region of interest (ROI) was selected in the weight-bearing area (anterosuperior), non-weight-bearing area (inferior) and the central area of the femoral head, and the percentage time-intensity curve (TIC) was drawn to read the maximum percentage of enhancement at first pass (fEmax), maximum percentage of enhancement at first pass (Emax), time to peak (TTP) and other related parameters. Comparison of perfusion parameters between different ROI of normal femoral head and corresponding regions of high-risk population of femoral head necrosis by independent sample t-test. Comparison of perfusion parameters between weight bearing areas, non-weight bearing areas and the center of femoral head using analysis of variance.Results: The Emax of ROI in weight-bearing area, non-weight bearing area of the control group was greater than that of high-risk group of femoral head necrosis (P<0.05). The TTP of ROI in non-load area, centre of high risk group was greater than that of the control group of femoral head necrosis (P<0.05). Another important finding was that the fEmax, Emax varied widely in the control group. fEmax and Emax were significantly greater for the weight-bearing area, the center area than for the non-weight bearing area (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in TTP between different ROI in the control group (P>0.05).Conclusions: The ROI of the patients with high risk of avascular necrosis which was decreased compared with the ROI in corresponding with the normal femoral head; areas with more mechanical load had more blood perfusion. In addition, the perfusion volume of femoral head in high risk population is smaller than that of healthy people. The perfusion time was longer than that of the normal femoral head, and there was blood stasis. Therefore, DCE-MRI can be used to guide clinical practice and prevent avascular necrosis of the femoral head at an early stage.
[关键词] 股骨头坏死;磁共振成像;动态增强;微循环;血流灌注;高危人群
[Keywords] femoral head necrosis;magnetic resonance imaging;dynamic contrast enhanced;microcirculation;blood perfusion;high risk group

马伟丽 大连大学附属中山医院放射科,大连 116000

赵德伟 大连大学附属中山医院骨科,大连 116000

王本杰 大连大学附属中山医院骨科,大连 116000

杨松 大连大学附属中山医院骨科,大连 116000

杨培 华中科技大学附属武汉中心医院,武汉 430014

常晓丹* 大连大学附属中山医院放射科,大连 116000



基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目 编号:81672139
中图分类号:R445.2; R681.8 
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2019.04.005
本文引用格式:马伟丽,赵德伟,王本杰,等. DCE-MRI对高危坏死股骨头微循环灌注的评价.磁共振成像, 2019, 10(4): 263-267. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2019.04.005.

       股骨头坏死(avascular necrosis of the femoral head,ANFH)是一种以骨细胞和骨髓的死亡为特征的致残性临床疾病[1],其最终阶段往往是软骨下骨折、关节结构的破坏,最终丧失关节功能[2]。众所周知,大剂量糖皮质激素的使用及酗酒是股骨头坏死的高危因素[3]。动物研究已经证明,如果在短时间内加以干预股骨头骨骺的早期缺血可以逆转[4],骨缺血的早期诊断对于有效的治疗改善预后较为有价值。骨代谢是复杂的,远未被完全理解,骨代谢中的血管化逐渐引起人们的关注[5];由于较多评估组织血管化的成像技术均为侵入性的检查[6],股骨头内的微血管化相关性研究罕见报道。与其他测量股骨头血流灌注的方法相比,动态增强磁共振(dynamic enhanced magnetic resonance imaging,DCE-MRI)为非侵入性检查,且具有可检测组织微循环灌注等优点,目前DCE-MRI已成为骨肌系统的研究热点。本研究旨在通过DCE-MRI前瞻性地检测股骨头坏死高危人群骨股头微循环灌注变化及血流灌注特征,分析其血流动力学特点及生理学意义,为超早期股骨头坏死提供影像学依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 实验组纳入标准

       不同情况下接受类固醇激素治疗(总剂量>2 g,强的松当量)或长期大量饮酒者(每周>400 mL)双髋关节常规MRI检查正常且有髋关节疼痛者;类固醇激素治疗及大量饮酒单侧股骨头坏死患者的对侧股骨头。


1.3 双髋关节MRI检查方法

1.3.1 常规MRI检查

       采用西门子3.0 T超导型磁共振,患者取仰卧位,加腹带。检查序列为冠状面快速自旋回波序列T1WI加权像TR=478 ms,TE=20 ms,FOV为380×320,分辨率为448×314,层厚为3 mm;横断面快速自旋回波序列T2WI加权像TR=4000 ms,TE=88 ms,FOV为380×320,分辨率为448×336,层厚为3 mm;横断面快速自旋回波STIR序列TR=3000 ms,TE=29 ms,FOV=380×300,分辨率为320×220,层厚3 mm。

1.3.2 DCE-MRI检查

       FLASH (fast low-angle shot)序列横断面T1WI,TR=5.08 ms,TE=1.71 ms,翻转角度=15°,层厚3.6 mm,层数24,FOV=300×300,分辨率为192× 138。常规MRI检查完毕后启动FLASH序列,采集总时间为160~240 s。对比剂采用钆喷替酸葡钾氨(Gd- DTPA),剂量是0.2 mL/kg,注射流速是3.0 mL/s,对比剂注射完毕后以同样的速率注射生理盐水20 mL。

1.4 DCE-MRI数据后处理

       将原始数据导入西门子3.0 T Verio超导型磁共振自带软件Mean curve即可自动生成时间信号强度曲线(time-intensity curve,TIC),软件自动将其转换为百分比TIC,文中简称为信号强度。股骨头感兴趣区(region of interest,ROI)的选择:在股骨头最大负重区即股骨头前上方、股骨头中心点及股骨头非负重区即股骨头下方各选取1 cm2的ROI (图1)。灌注参数的选择:每个ROI在TIC上读取3个半定量灌注参数:首次峰值(fEmax)、最大信号强度(Emax)、达峰时间(time to peak,TTP)。其中fEmax代表毛细血管密度,Emax代表血管外细胞外间隙,TTP主要代表首次通过时间。

图1  股骨头ROI选择示意图。在股骨头不同负重区分别选取ROI,1:负重区(股骨头前上方-机械负荷较大的区域),2:股骨头中心区,3:非负重区(股骨头下方-机械负荷较小的区域)
图2  股骨头坏死高危患者与正常者股骨头负重区灌注参数的比较,黄线为正常股骨头,蓝线为高危股骨头
图3  正常股骨头负重区与非负重区ROI灌注曲线,红线为负重区灌注曲线,白线为股骨头中心灌注曲线,绿线为非负重区灌注曲线
Fig. 1  ROI selection sketch map of femoral head selected ROI. 1: Load-bearing area (anterosuperior of femoral head-area with more mechanical load), 2: Central area of femoral head, 3: Non-load bearing area (inferior of femoral head with less mechanical load) in different load bearing areas of femoral head.
Fig. 2  Comparing perfusion parameters of femoral head between high-risk patients with femoral head necrosis and normal patients, the yellow line is normal femoral head and the blue line is high-risk femoral head.
Fig. 3  The ROI perfusion curves of normal and non-weight bearing areas of the femoral head. The red line is the perfusion curve of the weight-bearing area, the white line is the central perfusion curve of the femoral head, and the green line is the perfusion curve of the non-weight bearing area.

1.5 统计学方法

       采用SPSS 20.0软件分析,所有计量资料采用平均值±标准差表示,计数资料采用例表示;各灌注参数间的比较,正常股骨头不同ROI间灌注参数的比较采用方差分析,骨坏死高危患者与正常股骨头相同ROI间灌注参数的比较采用独立样本t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 股骨头坏死高危人群与正常股骨头相同ROI间灌注参数的比较(图2)


表1  股骨头坏死高危患者与正常人相同ROI间灌注参数的比较
Tab. 1  Comparison of perfusion parameters between high-risk patients with femoral head necrosis and normal subjects with the same ROI

2.2 正常股骨头不同负重区ROI间灌注参数的比较(图3)


3 讨论

3.1 股骨头坏死高危人群与正常股骨头同一ROI间灌注参数的差异



       Emax主要与血管外组织间隙容积(extravascular extracellular space,EES)相关[11,15],Emax越大即表示组织的间隙容积越大。本组研究结果显示,股骨头坏死高危人群中股骨头Emax较正常人Emax明显下降且差异有统计学意义;骨髓内脂肪主要是来源于骨髓间充质干细胞的分化[16]。体外研究结果显示,大剂量的类固醇激素及酒精导致骨髓微环境的病理改变主要是骨髓间充质干细胞的成脂能力提高[16,17,18],故而组织间隙脂肪细胞数量及体积增加并最终导致组织EES下降,骨髓间充质干细胞成脂能力的提高与激素性及酒精性骨坏死密切相关[19]


3.2 正常股骨头不同负重区ROI血流灌注的异质性


       Lane等[26]报道,股骨头最大负重区软骨下骨毛细血管密度较其他区域增加25%,这与本研究基本相符,本研究中发现正常人股骨头负重区fEmax大于非负重区fEmax,且差异有统计学意义。Farkas等[27]也在兔的实验中发现,以50 ms负荷距跟关节软骨下骨,6周后观察到骨量增加10%以及小血管数目明显增加,这也间接证明了本研究结果是正确的。股骨头也可通过内分泌的刺激来调节组织的微血管化[28],笔者分析原因可能髋关节是承重关节,有可能是机械负荷与组织微血管之间的联系导致股骨头血流灌注的异质性。





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