周莹雪 崔英哲 南东 陈艳菲 刘鹏飞

Cite this article as: Zhou YX, Cui YZ, Nan D, et al. The reasearch of basilar artery based on high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging in patients with posterior circulation ischemic attack[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(2): 15-18, 23.本文引用格式:周莹雪, 崔英哲, 南东, 等. 后循环脑缺血的基底动脉高分辨磁共振成像研究[J]. 磁共振成像, 2021, 12(2): 15-18, 23. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.02.004.

[摘要] 目的 利用高分辨磁共振成像(high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging,HR-MRI)探究短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)频发组与非频发组间基底动脉管壁差异。材料与方法 将经过头部三维时间飞跃法磁共振血管造影(three-dimension time of flight magnetic resonance angiography,3D-TOF-MRA)和基底动脉HR-MRI扫描后发现斑块的患者纳入研究。根据24 h内TIA频次分为频发组(≥2次)和非频发组(<2次)。对两组斑块形态学指标、狭窄程度、血管重构、斑块分布及临床特点进行分析。结果 68例TIA患者,共184个斑块(频发组:38例、108个,非频发组:30例、76个)。最狭窄层面的斑块形态学指标组间差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。频发组狭窄程度、重构指数较非频发组高,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。频发组腹侧斑块占比较大(38.0% vs 22.4%),背侧斑块占比较小(17.6% vs 35.5%),差异均有统计学意义(P=0.025、0.006);两组侧壁斑块比例(44.4% vs 42.1%)相似,差异无统计学意义(P=0.753)。两组临床因素差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论 频发组斑块多分布于腹侧,非频发组多分布于背侧,两组侧壁斑块比例相似。频发组斑块负荷、狭窄程度、重构指数更高,非频发组斑块更稳定。
[Abstract] Objective The differences of basilar artery vessel wall between frequent patients and non-frequent patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) were analyzed using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (HR-MRI). Materials andMethods The patients were scanned by three-dimension time of flight magnetic resonance angiography (3D-TOF-MRA) of the head and HR-MRI of basilar artery, and the patients with plaques were enrolled in the study. According to the frequency of TIA within 24 hours, the patients were divided into the frequent group (≥2) and the non-frequent group (<2). The plaque morphological indexes, degree of stenosis, remodeling index, plaque distribution and clinical characteristics between the two groups were analyzed.Results Sixty-eight patients with TIA (38 cases in the frequent group and 30 cases in the non-frequent group) had a total of 184 plaques (108 in the frequent group and 76 in the non-frequent group). At the maximal-lumen-narrowing site, the plaque morphological indexes in the frequent group were significantly different from those in the non-frequent group (P<0.05). The degree of stenosis and remodeling index in the frequent group were higher than those in the non-frequent group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The plaques located at ventral wall of the frequent group (38.0%) accounted for a higher proportion as compared with the non-frequent group (22.4%)(P=0.025), and the plaques located at dorsal wall of the frequent group (17.6%) accounted for a lower proportion as compared with the non-frequent group (35.5%)(P=0.006). The proportion of lateral wall plaques in the frequent group (44.4%) was similar to that in the non-frequent group (42.1%), with no statistically significant difference (P=0.753). The clinical characteristics had no statistically significant differences between the two groups (P>0.05).Conclusions Most of the plaques are distributed on the ventral side in the frequent group and on the dorsal side in the non-frequent group, and the proportion of lateral plaques are similar between the two groups. In the frequent group, plaque burden is higher, artery stenosis is more severe, and the remodeling index is higher. Plaques in the non-frequent group are relatively more stable.
[关键词] 高分辨;磁共振成像;斑块;动脉粥样硬化;短暂性脑缺血发作
[Keywords] high-resolution;magnetic resonance imaging;plaque;atherosclerotic;transient ischemic attack

周莹雪    崔英哲    南东    陈艳菲    刘鹏飞 *  

哈尔滨医科大学附属第一临床医学院磁共振科,哈尔滨 150001



DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.02.004
本文引用格式:周莹雪, 崔英哲, 南东, 等. 后循环脑缺血的基底动脉高分辨磁共振成像研究[J]. 磁共振成像, 2021, 12(2): 15-18, 23. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.02.004.

       随着老龄化的加剧,缺血性脑血管病已成为危害人们生命安全的主要因素1。短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)患者早期主要表现为头晕、头痛、恶心、呕吐,且具有复发的高风险,若不及时进行临床干预容易进展为更严重的脑卒中事件甚至危及生命2。在构成缺血性脑血管病病因的众多因素中,动脉粥样硬化是一个主要组成部分3。在后循环中,基底动脉粥样硬化最为多见。本研究利用高分辨磁共振成像(high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging,HR-MRI)技术分析后循环TIA的频发组患者和非频发组患者之间的差异,以探究HR-MRI技术对预测患者发生脑缺血发作风险的价值。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究对象

       回顾性分析2019年1月至2020年1月在哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院接受治疗的68例存在基底动脉粥样硬化斑块的患者,根据患者24 h内出现TIA的频次分为频发组(≥2次)和非频发组(<2次)。所有患者均进行头部三维时间飞跃法磁共振血管造影(three-dimension time of flight magnetic resonance angiography,3D-TOF-MRA)、三维质子密度加权体积各向同性涡轮自旋回波采集成像(T1-weighted 3D volumetric isotropic tse acquisition,T1W-3D-VISTA)扫描。同时,采集入组患者的相关临床信息,包括年龄、性别、吸烟史、饮酒史、高血压史、是否血脂异常、糖尿病史、卒中家族史。纳入标准:(1)近3个月内出现后循环脑缺血临床症状;(2)结合3D-TOF-MRA及HR-MRI图像确诊为基底动脉狭窄且存在斑块。排除标准:(1)排除非动脉粥样硬化造成的血管狭窄,如动脉夹层、烟雾病等;(2)排除伴有其他严重疾病,如心血管疾病;(3)图像未达到诊断标准。本研究获得哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院伦理委员会的批准。所有患者均签署了知情同意书。

1.2 仪器和方法

       采用Philips公司生产的Achieva 3.0 T磁共振扫描仪,由16通道标准头部正交线圈进行扫描。扫描前对患者进行呼吸运动训练,以减少对图像质量的影响。患者取仰卧位,头先进,先对头部进行3D-TOF-MRA扫描,范围上至扣带回,下至枕骨大孔水平。之后利用MRA图像定位进行基底动脉管壁扫描。3D-TOF-MRA参数:TR 25 ms,TE 3.5 ms,FOV 194 mm×194 mm×84 mm,层厚 1.4 mm,矩阵304×172;T1W-3D-VISTA参数:TR 800 ms,TE 18 ms,FOV 200 mm×181 mm×40 mm,层厚0.6 mm,矩阵304×172。

1.3 图像分析



       the degree of stenosis is 63.50% and the remodeling index is 1.09; B: At the maximal- lumen- narrowing site, the maximum wall thickness is 2.51 mm, the lumen diameter is 1.08 mm, the lumen area is 2.69 mm2, the vessel area is 24.65 mm2; C: At the distal site, the lumen area is 7.18 mm2, the vessel area is 22.08 mm2; D: At the proximal site, the lumen area is 7.56 mm2, the vessel area is 23.12 mm2. Fig. 3 Typical non-frequent group patient, male, 67 years old. A: MRA showed basilar artery stenosis, the degree of stenosis is 44.65% and the remodeling index is 0.81; B: At the maximal-lumen-narrowing site, the maximum wall thickness is 2.14 mm, the lumen diameter is 1.56 mm, the lumen area is 3.98 mm2, the vessel area is 18.43 mm2; C: At the distal site, the lumen area is 7.09 mm2, the vessel area is 22.12 mm2; D: At the proximal site, the lumen area is 7.28 mm2, the vessel area is 23.66 mm2.


图1  基底动脉斑块在腹侧、背侧、侧壁的分布划分
图2  典型的频发组患者,男,66岁。A:MRA示基底动脉狭窄,狭窄程度为63.50%,重构指数为1.09;B:最狭窄层面:最大管壁厚度为2.51 mm、管腔直径为1.08 mm、管腔面积为2.69 mm2、血管面积为24.65 mm2;C:远端参考层面:管腔面积为7.18 mm2、血管面积为22.08 mm2;D:近端参考层面:管腔面积为7.56 mm2、血管面积为23.12 mm2
图3  典型的非频发组患者,男,67岁。A:MRA示基底动脉狭窄,狭窄程度为44.65%,重构指数为0.81;B:最狭窄层面:最大管壁厚度为2.14 mm、管腔直径为1.56 mm、管腔面积为3.98 mm2、血管面积为18.43 mm2;C:远端参考层面:管腔面积为7.09 mm2、血管面积为22.12 mm2;D:近端参考层面:管腔面积为7.28 mm2、血管面积为23.66 mm2
Fig. 1  The dividing method of the distribution of basilar artery plaques in the ventral side, dorsal side, and lateral side was demonstrated.
Fig. 2  Typical frequent group patient, male, 66 years old. A: MRA showed basilar artery stenosis, the degree of stenosis is 63.50% and the remodeling index is 1.09; B: At the maximal- lumen- narrowing site, the maximum wall thickness is 2.51 mm, the lumen diameter is 1.08 mm, the lumen area is 2.69 mm2, the vessel area is 24.65 mm2; C: At the distal site, the lumen area is 7.18 mm2, the vessel area is 22.08 mm2; D: At the proximal site, the lumen area is 7.56 mm2, the vessel area is 23.12 mm2.
Fig. 3  Typical non-frequent group patient, male, 67 years old. A: MRA showed basilar artery stenosis, the degree of stenosis is 44.65% and the remodeling index is 0.81; B: At the maximal-lumen-narrowing site, the maximum wall thickness is 2.14 mm, the lumen diameter is 1.56 mm, the lumen area is 3.98 mm2, the vessel area is 18.43 mm2; C: At the distal site, the lumen area is 7.09 mm2, the vessel area is 22.12 mm2; D: At the proximal site, the lumen area is 7.28 mm2, the vessel area is 23.66 mm2.

1.4 统计学分析

       采用SPSS 25.0软件进行统计分析,其中计量资料以平均值±标准差表示,组间进行独立样本t检验,计数资料以频数、百分比表示,组间进行卡方检验,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2 结果


2.1 斑块形态学指标


表1  频发组与非频发组斑块形态学指标比较(x¯±s)
Tab. 1  Comparison of plaque morphological indexes between frequent group and non-frequent group (x¯±s)

2.2 血管重构

       与非频发组相比,频发组更多的表现为正性重构(73.7% vs 23.3%),差异有统计学意义(P=0.000),见表2

表2  频发组与非频发组血管重构比较(%)
Tab. 2  Comparison of arterial remodeling between frequent group and non-frequent group (%)

2.3 斑块分布


表3  频发组与非频发组斑块分布比较(%)
Tab. 3  Comparison of plaque distribution between frequent group and non-frequent group (%)

2.4 临床相关因素


表4  频发组与非频发组临床特征比较
Tab. 4  Comparison of clinical characteristics between frequent group and non-frequent group

3 讨论

3.1 检查方法

       以往评价动脉粥样硬化严重程度的常用指标是血管的狭窄程度,但近年来研究显示,动脉粥样硬化病变过程中真正起到致病作用的是斑块本身,且由于正性重构和脑侧枝循环的存在,仅对狭窄程度进行测定无法精准反映粥样硬化的程度5。传统影像学检查如计算机断层摄影血管造影(computed tomographic angiography,CTA)、MRA等均可对动脉管腔的狭窄进行评价,但仅可提示管腔的情况,而管壁特征变化则显示较少,而血管壁高分辨磁共振成像技术则弥补了这一缺陷6。该方法利用黑血技术可直观且非侵入性地显示管壁的病变,发现动脉粥样硬化斑块,并显示斑块的成分,包括脂质核心、纤维帽、斑块内出血、钙化等,这些信息则能够帮助临床医生评估责任病变及其易损性,明确卒中的病因和机制7。本研究采用3D VISTA技术得到的图像进行多平面重组(multiplanar reformation,MPR)后,可以在高空间分辨率的任意平面上观察到斑块,并获得与基底动脉长轴垂直的横断面图像。各向同性分辨率技术减少了部分容积效应造成的误差,也避免了2D扫描造成的倾斜伪影,尤其在颅内动脉检查中具有较大优势,因为2D扫描对血管壁厚和面积的测量并不准确8

3.2 血管重构

       血管重构是指在动脉粥样硬化进程中,血流对血管壁损伤后进行的代偿性选择,管腔壁增厚向外扩张则出现正性重构,粥样硬化的血管向内缩窄则出现负性重构。本研究结果显示,频发组的正性重构占比显著高于非频发组,在以往对冠状动脉的研究中,也得出过类似的结论,即不稳定冠脉综合征相对稳定心绞痛来说,正性重构发生率较高9。频发脑缺血正性重构占比较大、而非频发脑缺血多数为负性重构,这也进一步阐明正性重构的斑块其易损倾向,进而诱发脑血管疾病,而负性重构的斑块稳定性较好。其原因可能是正性重构主要表现为管腔壁增厚,此时斑块脂质核心较大、纤维帽薄弱,故稳定性较差;负性重构管腔狭窄程度虽然比较严重,但是斑块脂质成分较少,炎性因子亦少,因此稳定性相对较高10, 11。最近的一项研究表明,伴有正性重构模式的基底动脉粥样硬化患者容易形成较大的斑块12。迄今为止,临床上没能完全解释血管重构的机制。此外,重构模式与介入治疗并发症密切相关。正性重构患者介入治疗后更易发生心血管不良事件,而负性重构患者血管夹层发病率更高13。因此,利用高分辨磁共振成像对重构模式的研究有助于指导临床选择治疗方案、判断预后。

3.3 斑块负荷


3.4 斑块分布


3.5 局限性



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