何海娟 王宝兰 王云玲 贾文霄

Cite this article as: He HJ, Wang BL, Wang YL, et al. DTI quantitative evaluation of brain microstructural changes after melodic intonation therapy in the treatment of Broca aphasia[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(3): 15-19.本文引用格式:何海娟, 王宝兰, 王云玲, 等. DTI 量化评估旋律语调疗法治疗Broca 失语症后脑细微结构变化的研究[J]. 磁共振成像, 2021, 12(3): 15-19. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.03.004.

[摘要] 目的 通过扩散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)提供语言功能相关的纤维结构信息,探讨旋律语调疗法(melody intonation therapy,MIT)治疗Broca失语症脑纤维结构改变的特征。材料与方法 收集新疆医科大学第一附属医院2019年1月至2020年6月卒中后Broca失语症37例患者,随机分为两组,对照组19例,采取常规语言疗法,实验组18例,在常规语言疗法基础上再行旋律语调疗法治疗,两组患者均在治疗前及治疗2月后行DTI扫描,分别测量并比较实验组治疗前后双侧Broca区及弓状纤维束的各向异性分数(fractional anisotropy,FA),以及比较实验组与对照组治疗前后双侧Broca区及弓状纤维束的FA值。结果 实验组治疗前后对比显示,双侧Broca区、弓状纤维束FA值差异均有统计学意义(双侧弓状纤维束区及左侧Broca区P<0.001,右侧Broca区P=0.008);治疗前实验组与对照组双侧Broca区及弓状纤维束区FA值无统计学差异(右侧Broca区P=0.154,左侧Broca区P=0.228,右侧弓状纤维束区P=0.361,左侧弓状纤维束区P=0.135),治疗后实验组与对照组右侧弓状纤维束FA值差异有统计学意义(P=0.008),左侧弓状纤维束及双侧Broca区FA值差异无统计学意义(右侧Broca区P=0.138,左侧Broca区P=0.093,左侧弓状纤维束P=0.259)。结论 旋律语调疗法对Broca失语患者的强化康复治疗后,右侧弓状纤维束区FA值增加,提示MIT的治疗机制与右侧弓状纤维的结构变化相关。
[Abstract] Objective To explore the characteristics of brain fiber structure changes in Broca aphasia treated with melody intonation therapy (MIT) through information of language related fiber structure provided by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Materials andMethods A total of 37 patients with Broca aphasia after stroke admitted to the First affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University between January 2019 and June 2020 were enrolled. Divided the patients into two groups: control group (n=19) were treated with routine speech therapy, experimental group (n=18) were treated with MIT and routine speech therapy. Patients in both groups underwent DTI before and 2 months after the therapy. The fractional anisotropy (FA) of bilateral Broca area and arcuate fasciculus were measured before and after the therapy in experimental group. FA of both Broca area and arcuate fasciculus before and after treatment were compared between the experimental group and the control group.Results Comparison of experimental group before and after therapy showed: FA of both Broca and arcuate fasciculus were statistically significant (Bilateral arcuate fasciculus and left Broca area P<0.001, Right Broca area P=0.008). There was no significant difference in FA of bilateral Broca area and arcuate fasciculus between the experimental group and the control group before therapy (right Broca P=0.154, left Broca P=0.228, right arcuate fasciculus P=0.361, left arcuate fasciculus P=0.135). Two months after thrapy, between the experimental group and the control group, FA of right arcuate fasciculus were statistically significant (P=0.008). There was no significant difference in FA between left arcuate fasciculus and bilateral Broca (right Broca P=0.138, left Broca P=0.093, left arcuate fasciculus P=0.259).Conclusions After MIT intensive rehabilitation therapy for patients with Broca aphasia, the FA of the right arcuate fasciculus increased, suggesting that the therapeutic mechanism of MIT is related to the structural changes of the right arcuate fasciculus.
[关键词] 磁共振成像;扩散张量成像;弓状纤维束;旋律语调疗法;Broca失语症
[Keywords] magnetic resonance imaging;diffusion tensor imaging;arcuate fasciculus;melody intonation therapy;broca aphasia

何海娟 1   王宝兰 2   王云玲 2*   贾文霄 2  

1 新疆医科大学第二附属医院影像中心,乌鲁木齐 830063

2 新疆医科大学第一附属医院影像中心,乌鲁木齐 830000



基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目 81860407
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.03.004
本文引用格式:何海娟, 王宝兰, 王云玲, 等. DTI 量化评估旋律语调疗法治疗Broca 失语症后脑细微结构变化的研究[J]. 磁共振成像, 2021, 12(3): 15-19. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.03.004.

       卒中后失语是指脑血管疾病引起的语言功能区及白质纤维受损,导致的语言理解和输出的缺陷[1],是左半球中风常见的后遗症之一,发病率约20%~40%[2]。其中非流利性失语最常见的原因是病变累及Broca's区及周围区域,临床症状为能理解他人言语,但表达能力下降[1];流利性失语则通常累及后上颞叶Wernicke's区,表现为语言输出相对流畅,但有明显的理解缺陷[3]。弓状纤维束(arcuate fasciculus, AF)是连接Broca言语区和Wernicke理解区的语言神经通路,对语言功能起着重要的作用[3],AF损伤的程度不同,导致失语症的严重程度也不同[4]


1 材料与方法

1.1 一般资料

       前瞻性纳入2019年1月至2020年6月病因为脑卒中,临床诊断符合Broca失语患者37例,男21例,女16例,年龄27~71岁,检查前均经标准化汉语失语症检查量表(aphasia battery of Chinese, ABC)评定为运动性失语症。本研究经过本单位医学伦理委员会批准(批准文号:20201106-09),受试者均已签署知情同意书。

1.2 纳入与排除标准

       纳入标准:(1)经CT或(和) MRI证实为左半球卒中者;(2)符合运动性失语,发病前无语言障碍;(3)发病时间≥1个月;(4)无严重脑创伤史;(5)无酗酒史。排除标准:(1)精神障碍者;(2)右侧半球脑卒中;(3)非卒中性失语症;(4)排除不能耐受磁共振检查者。

1.3 治疗方法

       两组常规语言疗法采用Schuell疗法,主要包括语言表达训练、发音灵活度训练,命名、找词及复述能力的训练等,训练方法根据患者表达障碍的程度选择,可进行描述图画和语法结构的训练。MIT依据患者发病前喜爱的歌曲确定训练素材。治疗过程主要为三个阶段:第一阶段,由言语治疗师和患者共同吟唱短语或词句,同时配合左手敲击;第二阶段,逐渐去除吟唱中旋律和语调的部分,仅剩下左手敲击;第三阶段,由患者单独发出语调正常的短语或词句。所有治疗由3年及以上的专业语言治疗师采取一对一治疗,常规语言治疗时间30 min/次,2次/d,实验组MIT治疗时间1 h/次,1次/d,总治疗时间2个月。

1.4 图像采集

       扫描图像采用GE Signal HDx 3.0 T MR全身超导型磁共振成像系统和8通道头颅线圈。采用平面回波成像(echo-planar imaging, EPI)技术扫描DTI图像,参数:TR 120 000 ms, TE 30 ms, FOV 224 mm×224 mm,矩阵64 mm×64 mm,层厚3.5 mm,层间距0.7 mm,层数33层, b=1000 s/mm2,梯度编码方向25个,扫描时间324 s。

1.5 图像后处理

       采用GE后处理AW 4.7工作站Readyview 14.0,首先进行涡流和头部运动校正,根据已发表的DTI图谱鉴定了弓状纤维束,在颞中后回(middle posterior temporal gyrus, pMTG)和额叶后下回(posterior inferior gyrus of frontal lobe,pIFG)下方的白质中绘制ROI,以pMTG中的体素为种子区,pIFG中的体素为靶区,重建弓状纤维束(arcuate fasciculus,AF)[10, 11],如图1A~C,FA最小阈值为0.18,角度阈值为30°,并得到FA图和彩色编码张量图,如图1D~E,在FA图上将双大脑半球Broca区、双侧弓状纤维束中段(胼胝体体部层面)分别设置为感兴趣区(region of interest, ROI),然后测量Broca区、弓状纤维束的FA值,相应区域均由3名研究员各测量一次,取均值。

图1  男性,27岁,突发意识丧失,CT示左侧额叶脑出血;A~E图为治疗前,F~J图为治疗后;A~C、F~H:重建弓状纤维束图,D、E和I、J:FA图及彩色编码张量图。重建的弓状纤维束图示:Broca失语症患者左侧弓状纤维明显变细并向后移位,治疗后显示双侧弓状纤维束均较前增粗
Fig. 1  A 27-year-old male with sudden loss of consciousness showed left frontal lobe hemorrhage on CT. The pictures of A—E are before treatment, and that of F—J are after treatment. pictures A—C, F—H are the reconstructed arcuate fiber bundle map. Pictures D, E and I, J are FA and the color-coded tensor map. The picture of the reconstructed arcuate fiber bundle showed that the left arcuate fiber became thinner and shifted backward in patient with Broca aphasia, and after treatment the bilateral arcuate fiber bundles were thicker than before.

1.6 统计学分析

       使用SPSS Statistic 23处理数据,对数据进行正态性检验,两组间比较采用独立样本t检验,组内比较采用配对样本t检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 临床资料对比分析


表1  患者一般资料
Tab. 1  General information of patients

2.2 实验组治疗前后双侧半球Broca区和弓状纤维束区FA值比较

       实验组治疗前后双侧半球Broca区和弓状纤维束区FA值采用配对t检验,结果示双侧Broca区及弓状纤维束FA值差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05) (表23)。

表2  实验组治疗前后左侧 Broca 区和弓状纤维束FA值比较(x¯±s)
Tab. 2  Comparison of FA value between left bilateral Broca area and arch fiber bundle in experimental group before and after treatment (x¯±s)
表3  实验组治疗前后右侧 Broca 区、弓状纤维束FA值比较(x¯±s)
Tab. 3  Comparison of FA value of right Broca area and arch fiber bundle in experimental group before and after treatment (x¯±s)

2.3 实验组与对照组治疗前后双侧半球Broca区、弓状纤维束FA值比较

       实验组与对照组治疗前后双侧半球Broca区、弓状纤维束FA值比较采用两独立样本t检验;结果示两组治疗前双侧Broca区及弓状纤维束区FA值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗后右侧弓状纤维束FA值差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),左侧弓状纤维束及双半球Broca区的FA值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05) (表45图1)。

表4  治疗前两组双侧半球 Broca 区及弓状纤维束FA值比较(x¯±s)
Tab. 4  Comparison of THE FA values of Broca area and arcuate fiber bundle in both hemispheres before treatment (x¯±s)
表5  治疗后两组双侧半球 Broca 区及弓状纤维区FA值比较(x¯±s)
Tab. 5  Comparison of FA values in Broca area and arcuate fiber area of bilateral hemispheres between the two groups after treatment (x¯±s)

3 讨论

3.1 Broca失语症DTI的研究进展

       DTI是根据限制垂直扩散和水向特定方向运动的微观结构特征来测量水分子在白质束内的自由运动程度,它预示着整个脑白质的完整性[12],通过对FA值的分析,可了解脑卒中后不同病灶对语言区及白质纤维的损害,可观察到病灶远侧白质纤维连接的改变与病灶及周围脑组织的神经重塑[7]。运动性失语患者存在不同程度左侧弓状纤维束的损伤,以前端损伤为主,并且损伤程度与病情严重程度呈正相关,前部损伤使得Broca区联系中断或分离,出现语言功能障碍,说明弓状纤维束在语言加工过程中承担了重要角色[13, 14],因此临床也可据此作为评估患者病情的影像学工具[15]


3.2 MIT的潜在治疗机制




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上一篇 难治性与非难治性抑郁症的静息态脑功能磁共振ReHo 特征初步比较
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