基于磁共振Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分对肛周首发型与非肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘的差异性分析
李轶琨 姚一博 赵秋枫 徐思敏 翁飞飏 麻凯 王琛

Cite this article as: LI Y K, YAO Y B, ZHAO Q F, et al. Discrimination and diagnosis of between perianal-first-onset and non-perianal-first-onset fistulizing Crohn's disease based on Van Assche score and MAGNIFI-CD score[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2024, 15(12): 131-137, 149.本文引用格式:李轶琨, 姚一博, 赵秋枫, 等. 基于磁共振Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分对肛周首发型与非肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘的差异性分析[J]. 磁共振成像, 2024, 15(12): 131-137, 149. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.12.019.

[摘要] 目的 探讨肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘(perianal fistulizing Crohn's disease, pfCD)和非肛周首发型pfCD在Van Assche评分和MAGNIFI-CD评分上的差异。材料与方法 回顾性分析上海中医药大学附属龙华医院肛肠科2017年6月至2023年8月住院并手术治疗的81例pfCD患者的临床资料,根据肛瘘病变时间与克罗恩病(Crohn's disease, CD)确诊时间先后,分为首发组45例(先确诊肛瘘或肛周脓肿后确诊CD)和非首发组36例(先确诊CD后确诊肛瘘或肛周脓肿)。分析两组患者的各项指标:(1)临床特征,包括性别、CD确诊年龄、肛瘘病变病程时间、既往肛周手术史、肛周手术次数、CD疾病部位、疾病行为、克罗恩病活动指数(Crohn's disease activity index, CDAI)及肛周疾病活动指数(perianal disease activity index, PDAI);(2)肛瘘的分型;(3)肛瘘影像学评分等。另分析所有患者的影像学评分、肛瘘分型、CDAI、PDAI的相关性。结果 首发组患者与非首发组患者相比,肛周病变病程短、CD确诊年龄小、CDAI评分低(P=0.023、0.027、0.004);首发组病变部位肠道以回结肠为主(P=0.004)、疾病行为以非狭窄非穿透型为主(P<0.001);MAGNIFI-CD评分中瘘管特征非首发组患者马蹄型肛瘘和经肛提肌或肛提肌上分型较首发组更多(P=0.005);Van Assche评分中脓腔直径非首发组大于首发组(P=0.011)。两组患者的影Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分一致性较好(ICC值为0.87,P<0.001);肛瘘分型显示St-James分型与影像学评分相呈强相关(Van Assche评分r=0.82,MAGNIFI-CD评分r=0.80,P均<0.001)。结论 肛周首发型pfCD患者确诊年龄小、肛周病程短、病变部位回结肠为多、疾病行为以非狭窄非穿透性为主、CDAI评分低;Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分均适用于pfCD诊断,非肛周首发患者的MAGNIFI-CD评分显示马蹄型肛瘘和经肛提肌或肛提肌上分型较多、Van Assche评分脓腔直径较大。肛瘘的St-James分型更适合用于pfCD的分类。
[Abstract] Objective To explore the difference in Van Assche scores and MAGNIFI-CD scores between perianal-first-onset and non-perianal-first-onset perianal fistulizing Crohn's disease (pfCD).Materials and Methods Retrospective analysis of Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Anorectal Department from June 2017 to August 2023 in hospital and surgical treatment of 81 cases of pfCD clinical data, according to the anal fistula lesion time and Crohn's disease (CD) diagnosis time, divided into the perianal-first-onset group (45 cases of CD diagnosis after anal fistula or perianal abscess) and the non-first-onset group (36 cases of anal fistula or perianal abscess after the diagnosis of CD). The indicators in both groups were analyzed [clinical characteristics: gender, age of diagnosis, duration of anal fistula lesions, history of perianal surgery, history of perianal surgery, number of perianal surgery, CD disease site, CD disease behavior, Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI) and perianal disease activity index (PDAI); classification of anal fistula; imaging score of anal fistula, etc] were included in the statistical analysis. The clinical characteristics, anal fistula classification and imaging scores of the two groups were analyzed, and the correlation of imaging scores, anal fistula classification, CDAI and PDAI of all patients was also analyzed.Results The duration of perianal lesions, the age of diagnosis of CD and the CDAI score of the first-onset group were less than those of the non-first group (P=0.023, 0.027, 0.004). In the first-onset group, the intestinal tract was mainly ileocolon (P=0.004), and the disease behavior was mainly non-narrow and non-penetrating type (P<0.001). The fistula characteristics were different in MAGNIFI-CD score, and the fistula horseshoe type and levator or levator type in the first group were less than the non-first-onset group (P=0.005); the pus diameter was different in Van Assche score, and the non-first-onset group was significantly larger than the first-onset group (P=0.011). Good agreement between Van Assche score and MAGNIFI-CD score in all patients (ICC=0.87, P<0.001); St-James score showed the highest correlation with imaging score with strong correlation (Van Assche score r=0.82, MAGNIFI-CD score r=0.80, P<0.001).Conclusions The patients of perianal-first-onset pfCD, which has younger age of diagnosis, the perianal course was short, and the disease site was mainly ileocolic,and disease behavior is non-stenosis and non-penetration,and low CDAI score. Van Assche score and MAGNIFI-CD score were used for the diagnosis of anal fistula with CD. MAGNIFI-CD score of non-first-onset group has more translevator or superlevator muscle, and Van Assche score had large pus diameter. St-James classification is more suitable for pfCD.
[关键词] 克罗恩病肛瘘;影像学评分;临床特征;磁共振成像
[Keywords] perianal fistulizing Crohn's disease;imaging score;characteristics;magnetic resonance imaging

李轶琨 1   姚一博 2   赵秋枫 3   徐思敏 1   翁飞飏 1   麻凯 1   王琛 2*  

1 上海中医药大学龙华临床医学院上海200032

2 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院肛肠科,上海 200032

3 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院放射科,上海 200032

通信作者:王琛,E-mail: wangchen_longhua@163.com


基金项目: 上海市重中之重临床研究中心窦瘘疾病研究中心项目 2023ZZ02003 国家中医药管理局高水平中医药重点学科-中医肛肠病学项目 ZYYZDXK-2023064 青峰科研资助重点项目 CCCF-QF-2022B18-10
中图分类号:R445.2  R657.16 
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.12.019
本文引用格式:李轶琨, 姚一博, 赵秋枫, 等. 基于磁共振Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分对肛周首发型与非肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘的差异性分析[J]. 磁共振成像, 2024, 15(12): 131-137, 149. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2024.12.019.

0 引言

       克罗恩病(Crohn's disease, CD)是一种消化道炎症性疾病,病变范围累及人体全消化道,疾病过程中可能会出现包含溃疡、狭窄、穿孔、脓肿和瘘管等多种消化道病变的表现[1]。亚洲人的CD肛瘘病变较西方患者更常见,约46.8%的CD患者发生肛瘘,36.7%的CD患者在确诊时合并肛瘘,15.8%的CD患者首发表现为肛瘘,更多患者因肛周症状(如:肛周脓肿、肛瘘、肛管直肠狭窄、肛周皮赘等)而确诊CD[2]。肛周克罗恩病(perianal Crohn's disease, pCD)作为CD的一种疾病表型,肠道症状较肛周症状轻,合并肛周表型,可加快CD病程[3],易被漏诊,应尽早发现以肛周病变首发的CD患者,早期干预可改善患者预后结局[4]

       肛周影像学检查是瘘管性CD诊断的核心,MRI的软组织对比度高,对于肛周解剖结构的显示具有明显的优势[5],故MRI被推荐作为克罗恩病肛瘘(perianal fistulizing Crohn's disease, pfCD)影像学检查的金标准[6],精准性高于其他影像学评估[7],对于指导治疗选择、计划手术干预和评估反应至关重要[8, 9],一项系统评价提示磁共振影像学特征有助于区别腺源性肛瘘和pfCD[10]。目前最常用的MRI评分是Van Assche评分[11],MAGNIFI-CD评分[12]则是在Van Assche评分和改良Van Assche评分[13]基础上纳入增强T2WI信号及多种肛周炎症指标上后形成,并明确评分细节。


1 材料与方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 研究方法


       分析pfCD患者的临床特征:性别、蒙特利尔分型[16]、身体质量指数(body mass index, BMI)、CD活动指数(Crohn's disease activity index, CDAI)[17]、肛周疾病活动指数(perianal disease activity index, PDAI)[18]、肛瘘首发年龄、pfCD病程(首发组患者pfCD病程时间为肛瘘病变开始时间至本次入院手术时间;非首发组患者为肛瘘病变开始时间至本次入院手术时间)、肛周手术史次数(包括肛周脓肿切排术、根治术;肛瘘切开术、切除、挂线术;肛裂切扩术;混合痔外剥内扎术、肛门直肠狭窄松解术等)。肛瘘分型:美国胃肠病学会(American Gastroenterology Association, AGA)分型[19]、Park's分型[20]、St-James分型[21]。影像学评分:Van Assche评分、MAGNIFI-CD评分,影像学评分由1名影像科主治医师(年资7年)和1名肛肠科主治医师(年资6年)同时评分;若有不一致由1名影像科副主任医师(年资15年)最终评分,影像学评分标准详见表1

       肛周MRI增强扫描方法:采用Ingenia 3.0 T(Philips, Netherland)磁共振成像仪,16通道腹部相阵控线圈,患者仰卧位扫描,检查前半小时排空膀胱,序列扫描参数详见表2

表1  克罗恩病肛瘘影像学评分标准
Tab. 1  Imaging scoring criteria for perianal fistulizing Crohn's disease
表2  扫描序列及参数
Tab. 2  Scanning sequence and parameters

1.3 统计学方法

       采用SPSS 25.0统计软件(IBM Corp, Armonk, NY)进行数据分析,符合正态分布的计量资料,采用t检验,不满足则使用非参数检验;计数资料使用卡方检验;等级资料则用秩和检验;通过组内相关系数(intra-class correlation coefficient, ICC)评估两种肛瘘影像学评分的一致性水平,ICC>0.75认为一致性较好,0.40≤ICC≤0.75为一致性一般,ICC<0.40为一致性较差,采用Spearman相关性分析Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分及二者与肛瘘分型、PDAI、CDAI的相关性,r≥0.8为强相关,0.5≤r<0.8为中度相关,0.3≤r<0.5为弱相关,r<0.3为相关程度极弱。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 一般资料


表3  首发组与非首发组的临床特征比较
Tab. 3  Clinical data of perianal-first-onset group and non perianal-first-onset group
表4  首发组与非首发组的肛瘘分型
Tab. 4  Perianal fistula classification of perianal-first-onset group and non perianal-first-onset group

2.2 克罗恩病肛瘘影像学评分

       MAGNIFI-CD评分瘘管特征中,非首发组患者瘘管马蹄型和经肛提肌或肛提肌上分型较首发组患者多,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);Van Assche评分中,非首发组患者脓腔直径大于首发组患者,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者Van Assche评分、MAGNIFI-CD评分总分差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。详见表56

表5  首发组与非首发组的MAGNIFI-CD评分
Tab. 5  MAGNIFI-CD score of perianal-first-onset group and non perianal-first-onset group
表6  首发组与非首发组的Van Assche评分
Tab. 6  Van Assche score of perianal-first-onset group and non perianal-first-onset group

2.3 Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分一致性分析

       全部pfCD患者Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分经组内相关系数检验后,ICC值为0.872(P<0.001),两者一致性较好(表7)。

表7  Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分组内相关系数
Tab. 7  Results of correlation coefficient between Van Assche score and MAGNIFI-CD score for all patients

2.4 影像学评分与肛瘘分型及CDAI、PDAI的相关性分析

       分析Van Assche评分、MAGNIFI-CD评分、与CDAI、PDAI、肛瘘分型之间的关系,采用Spearman相关分析。pfCD患者Van Assche评分与CDAI(r=0.26,P=0.019)、PDAI(r=0.13,P=0.233)、AGA分型(r=0.47,P<0.001)、St-James分型(r=0.82,P<0.001)、Park's分型(r=0.76,P<0.001)、MAGNIFI-CD评分(r=0.86,P<0.001),见表8。不同肛瘘分型MRI特征及影像学评分见图1, 2, 3, 4, 5

图1  男,20岁,肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘患者,CDAI 88分、PDAI 10分、AGA分型简单型、Park's分型括约肌间型、St-James分型1型、Van Assche评分13分、MAGNIFI-CD评分14分。1A:T2WI-FS横断位,见6点位(截石位,下文体位同为截石位)括约肌间瘘管;1B:T2WI-FS冠状位,括约肌间可见一瘘管,中心高信号,周围低信号提示纤维化管壁(箭表示瘘管)。
图2  男,20岁,肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘患者,CDAI 93分、PDAI 17分、AGA分型复杂型、Park's分型括约肌间型、St-James分型2型、Van Assche评分19分、MAGNIFI-CD评分21分。2A:T2WI-FS横断位,见多发括约肌间、直肠壁间瘘管;2B:T2WI-FS冠状位,一支括约肌间瘘管在括约肌间隙后侧形成分支(箭表示瘘管)。
图3  女,45岁,肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘患者,CDAI 110分、PDAI 15分、AGA分型复杂型、Park's分型经括约肌型、St-James分型3型、Van Assche评分18分、MAGNIFI-CD评分21分。3A:T2WI-FS横断位,见9点位经括约肌管;3B:T2WI-FS冠状位,右侧可见一主管穿透外括约肌,一支管沿括约肌间向上走向至肛管直肠环(白箭表示瘘管主管;红箭表示支管)。
图4  男,17岁,非肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘患者,CDAI 121分、PDAI 13分、AGA分型复杂型、Park's分型经括约肌型、St-James分型4型、Van Assche评分20分、MAGNIFI-CD评分23分。4A:T2WI-FS横断位,见活动性瘘管伴脓肿;4B:T2WI-FS冠状位,左侧脓腔在坐骨直肠间隙,感染波及肛提肌(白箭表示瘘管;*表示脓肿)。
图5  男,25岁,肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘患者,CDAI 147分、PDAI 15分、AGA分型复杂型、Park's分型括约肌上型、St-James分型5型、Van Assche评分22分、MAGNIFI-CD评分25分。5A:T2WI-FS横断位,瘘管感染沿肛管后深间隙走向肛提肌上间隙马蹄形瘘管形成;5B:T2WI-FS冠状位,肛管信号欠规整,肛提肌及部分外括约肌水肿呈稍高信号,瘘管伴脓肿形成(白箭表示瘘管主管;*表示脓肿;红箭表示瘘管空腔)。CDAI:克罗恩病活动指数;PDAI:肛周疾病活动指数;AGA:美国胃肠病学会;FS:脂肪抑制。
Fig. 1  Male, 20 years old, patient with perianal-first-onset fistulizing Crohn's disease, CDAI 88 score, PDAI 10 score, AGA classification complex, Park’s classification sphincter intertype, St-James classification type 1, Van Assche score 13, and MAGNIFI-CD score 14. 1A: T2WI-FS transection, shows 6 Point (lithotomy position, the following points are both lithotomy position) intersphincter fistula; 1B: T2WI-FS coronal, high fistula in the center, high low signal suggesting fibrotic wall (arrow indicates the fistula).
Fig. 2  Male, 20 years old, patient with perianal-first-onset fistulizing Crohn's disease, CDAI 93 score, PDAI 17 score, AGA classification complex type, Park’s classification type, sphincter intertype, St-James classification type 2, Van Assche score 19, and MAGNIFI-CD score 21. 2A: T2WI-FS, shows multiple intersphincter and rectal wall fistula; 2B: T2WI-FS coronal, a intersphincter fistula branches behind the sphincter space (arrow indicates the fistula).
Fig. 3  Female, 45 years old, patient with perianal-first-onset fistulizing Crohn's disease, CDAI 110 score, PDAI 15 score, AGA type, complex type, Park’s type transsphincter type, St-James type 3, Van Assche score 18, and MAGNIFI-CD score 21. 3A: T2WI-FS transection, see 9 points through the sphincter tube; 3B: T2WI-FS coronal position, the main penetrating through the external sphincter on the right side and one tube running up along the sphincter interval to the rectal ring of the anal canal (white arrow indicates the fistula tube, red arrow indicates the branch).
Fig. 4  Male, 17 years old, patient with non perianal-first-onset fistulizing Crohn's disease, CDAI 121, PDAI 13, AGA classification complex, Park's type transsphincter, St-James classification type 4, Van Assche score 20, and MAGNIFI-CD score 23. 4A: T2WI-FS transverse, see active fistula with abscess; 4B: T2WI-FS coronal, left pus in the seated rectal space and infection affecting the levator anus (white arrow indicates the fistula, * indicates the abscess).
Fig. 5  Male, 25 years old, patient with non perianal-first-onset fistulizing Crohn's disease, CDAI 147 score, PDAI 15 score, AGA classification complex type, Park’s type sphincter superior type, St-James classification type 5, Van Assche score 22, and MAGNIFI-CD score 25. 5A: T2WI-FS transection, fistula infection along the posterior deep space of the anal canal to the upper anal muscle space horseshoe fistula formation; 5B: T2WI-FS coronal, anal canal signal unregulated, edema of levator and some external sphincters slightly higher signal, fistula with abscess formation (white arrow indicates the fistula head, * indicates the abscess, red arrow indicates the fistula cavity). CDAI: Crohn's disease activity index; PDAI: perianal disease activity index; AGA: American Gastroenterology Association; FS: fat saturation.
表8  全部患者影像学评分与肛瘘分型及CDAI、PDAI的Spearman相关分析
Tab. 8  Spearman correlation analysis of imaging scores and CDAI and PDAI for all patients

3 讨论

       本研究是对肛周首发型pfCD和非肛周首发型pfCD临床特征和影像学评分的研究,研究发现首发组患者发病年龄较小,整体病情较轻;病变部位以回结肠和回肠末端为主;首发组疾病行为以非狭窄和非穿透型者为主。非首发组患者瘘管马蹄型和经肛提肌或肛提肌上分型较首发组患者多,且脓腔直径大于首发组。本研究分析pfCD的疾病活动度相关评分、肛瘘分型、影像学评分之间的相关性,Van Assche评分与MAGNIFI-CD评分具有较好的一致性,St-James分型与影像学评分相关程度呈强相关。本研究基于CD肛周病变与全身病变发病前后,从影像学评分角度进行分析,为未来探索pfCD的发病机制和诊治方法提供重要影像学依据。

3.1 肛周首发型与非肛周首发型克罗恩病肛瘘的临床特征

       本研究中肛周首发型CD患者发病年龄较小,CDAI较轻,整体病情较非肛周首发型患者稳定,病变部位以回肠末端及回结肠,疾病行为以非穿透型及非狭窄性为主。在一项回顾性研究中发现[22],39.2%的CD住院患者可合并肛周病变,且86.3%发生在CD确诊前。最新的一项国内研究显示,儿童CD患者中pfCD发生率高,CD患儿随访中需要密切关注pfCD的发生[23]。确诊前出现肛周病变的PCD患者通常发病年龄小,需经历多次肛周手术,但肠道表现以非狭窄非穿透型居多,临床上易漏诊。大约25%的疑似pCD患者在随访时发生管腔CD[24, 25],发生腔内CD的患者在诊断时更年轻,瘘管更多,并伴有自身免疫性疾病[26],肛瘘病变确诊CD患者诊断时间延长,对长期结局产生负面影响[27]。本研究中59.3%的pfCD患者有既往肛周手术病史,23.5%的患者手术次数不止一次。

3.2 克罗恩病肛瘘影像学评分及一致性分析

       项目组采用MAGNIFI-CD评分和Van Assche评分这两种影像学评分对肛周首发型和非肛周首发型pfCD的疾病严重程度进行评价,具体创新性。研究发现尽管首发组和非首发组患者的影像学评分差异无统计学意义,但在条目细节中,非首发组患者不仅脓腔直径大于首发组,且马蹄型瘘管和经肛提肌或肛提肌上分型也更多。这与非肛周首发组患者的病程长,全身和肠道症状更明显,肛周病变在非紧急情况下往往以保守治疗为主。此外,部分患者是由于长期直肠炎症穿透形成多发的黏膜下瘘、括约肌间肛瘘和提肛肌上瘘。在本研究发现两种评分具有一致性,过去对于瘘管的疗效评价以瘘管闭合为主,缺乏影像学上的评价,Van Assche评分于2003年首次报道用于评价英夫利昔单抗对pfCD的疗效评估[11],该评分包含瘘管数目、T2WI信号强度、瘘管位置、范围、空腔直径、直肠壁情况。而MAGNIFI-CD评分则是在干细胞治疗pfCD的研究上于2017年首次报道[12],相比Van Assche评分,增加了黏膜下层这一瘘管位置分类,且对炎性肿块大小进一步分级,更加细化。更加符合CD的特征性改变。瘘管特征分类为也更利于临床评价和预测疾病活动,在小儿pfCD的评估中,MAGNIFI-CD评分被认为可适用评分[28]

       目前有研究使用MRI特征及瘘管位置、数量来探讨与肛周脓肿发生的潜在相关性[29],也有研究使用3D技术观察瘘管体积变化,来预测临床缓解情况[30, 31],也可通过MRI影像学特征建立风险预测模型[32],近期MRI评分更多应用于生物制剂及干细胞疗法的疗效评价,提供更客观可量化的临床证据[33]

3.3 疾病活动度、肛瘘分型与影像学评分相关性分析



图6  男,26岁,非肛周首发型pfCD患者。6A~6C:T2WI、T2WI-FS、增强扫描序列横断位均可见高信号提示活动性瘘管(白箭);T2WI-FS、增强扫描序列横断位可见6点位内口(红箭);6D~6F:该患者手术联合生物制剂治疗6个月后复查MRI,T2WI(6D)序列横断位上未见高信号影,T2WI-FS(6E)、增强扫描(6F)序列横断位残存稍高信号影,瘘管消失,可见术后疤痕(箭)。FS:脂肪抑制。
Fig. 6  Male, 26 years old, patients with perianal-first-onset fistulizing Crohn's disease. 6A-6C: T2WI, T2WI-FS, enhanced scan sequence, high signal suggesting active fistula (arrow); T2WI-FS, enhanced scan sequence, visible 6-point inner port (red arrow); 6D-6F: MRI review after 6 months of surgery combined with biologics, no high signal in the transverse section of T2WI (6D) sequence, T2WI-FS (6E), transverse section residue of enhanced scan sequence, the fistula had disappeared, the postoperative scar (arrow) was visible. FS: fat saturation.

3.4 本研究的局限性


4 结论

       综上所述,本研究发现相对非肛周首发型pfCD患者,肛周首发型pfCD患者的肛周病程时间短、确诊年龄小、疾病部位多为回结肠、疾病行为以非狭窄非穿透为主。在MRI影像学特征以马蹄型和经肛提肌或肛提肌上型肛瘘多见,脓肿直径更大,病变范围更大。肛瘘的Park's分型较难对pfCD进行分类,而St-James分型更适合用于pfCD患者的临床诊断描述。Van Assche评分和MAGNIFI-CD评分具有一致性,MAGNIFI-CD评分更适合临床评价。

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上一篇 基于深度学习的3D超分辨率重建技术的MRI影像组学预测TACE联合分子靶向药物治疗不可切除肝癌的疗效
下一篇 酰胺质子转移成像联合表观扩散系数鉴别软组织肿瘤良恶性的应用
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