刘超然 李文娟 祝云飞 何小俊 张珂 洪国斌

Cite this article as: LIU C R, LI W J, ZHU Y F, et al. MRI features of sacroiliac joint bone marrow fat-saturated T2WI high signal in osteitis condensans ilii[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2023, 14(6): 52-58.本文引用格式:刘超然, 李文娟, 祝云飞, 等. 致密性骨炎与ax-SpA骶髂关节骨髓T2WI-FS高信号MRI征象分析[J]. 磁共振成像, 2023, 14(6): 52-58. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2023.06.008.

[摘要] 目的 探讨致密性骨炎(osteitis condensans ilii, OCI)与中轴型脊柱关节炎(axial spondyloarthritis, ax-SpA)T2WI脂肪抑制序列(fat-saturated T2WI, T2WI-FS)高信号改变特点及鉴别。材料与方法 回顾性分析2017年1月至2021年12月间确诊的OCI女性患者23例和ax-SpA女性患者34例,分析其在骶髂关节MRI上T2WI-FS高信号的发生率及影像学征象,着重分析T2WI-FS高信号的位置、范围、形态和信号强度。结果 与ax-SpA组相比,OCI组骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号总体发生率更低[56.5%(13/23)vs. 85.3%(29/34);χ2=5.857,P=0.016],双侧骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号发生率较低[26.1%(6/23)vs. 55.9%(19/34);χ2=4.946,P=0.026],单侧骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号发生率无明显差异[30.4%(7/23)vs. 29.4%(10/34);χ2=0.007,P=0.934]。OCI组与ax-SpA组骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号分布侧别、上/下份、象限及内侧缘位置均差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),形态上OCI组以条带状分布为主,ax-SpA组以片状为主,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。OCI组与ax-SpA组骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号范围、信号强度差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001);OCI组内骶侧与髂侧、上份与下份、各象限间T2WI-FS高信号范围、信号强度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 T2WI-FS高信号可见于OCI,多表现为紧邻骨质硬化缘的、范围较小、以条带状为主的稍高信号,有助于与ax-SpA相关骨髓水肿的鉴别。
[Abstract] Objective To explore the features and rules of sacroiliac joint bone marrow fat-saturated T2WI (T2WI-FS) high signal in osteitis condensans ilii (OCI) and axial spondyloarthritis (ax-SpA).Materials and Methods Twenty-three female patients diagnosed with OCI and thirty-four female patients diagnosed with ax-SpA between January 2017 and December 2021 were retrospectively enrolled. The incidence and imaging features of sacroiliac joint bone marrow T2WI-FS high signal were assessed, with a particular focus on the characteristics such as location, range, shape, and signal intensity.Results Compared with the ax-SpA group, the overall incidence of high T2WI-FS signal in the sacroiliac joint was lower in the OCI group [56.5% (13/23) vs. 85.3% (29/34); χ2=5.857, P=0.016]. The incidence of high T2WI-FS signal in the bilateral sacroiliac joint was also lower [26.1% (6/23) vs. 55.9% (19/34); χ2=4.946, P=0.026]. However, there was no significant difference in the incidence of high T2WI-FS signal in unilateral sacroiliac joint [30.4% (7/23) vs. 29.4% (10/34); χ2=0.007, P=0.934]. There were no significant differences between the OCI group and the ax-SpA group in terms of the side, upper/lower part, quadrant and medial margin of high signal distribution in the sacroiliac joint (P>0.05). In terms of morphology, the OCI group mainly exhibited a ribbon-like shape, while the ax-SpA group mainly showed a flaky morphology, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). The high signal range and signal intensity of sacroiliac joint T2WI-FS were also statistically significant between the OCI group and the ax-SpA group (P<0.001). However, there were no significant differences in the high signal range and intensity of T2WI-FS between the sacral and iliac sides, superior and inferior parts, and among quadrants in the OCI group (P>0.05).Conclusions Sacroiliac joint bone marrow T2WI-FS high signal can be seen in OCI, which is usually presented as a small ribbon adjacent to the sclerotic margin with slightly high signal, and contributes to the differential diagnosis of bone marrow edema associated with ax-SpA.
[关键词] 致密性骨炎;中轴型脊柱关节炎;骶髂关节;磁共振成像
[Keywords] osteitis condensans ilii;axial spondyloarthritis;sacroiliac joint;magnetic resonance Imaging

刘超然    李文娟    祝云飞    何小俊    张珂    洪国斌 *  

中山大学附属第五医院放射科,珠海 519000



基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 82272104 珠海市社会发展领域科技计划重点项目 ZH22036201210066PWC 中山大学附属第五医院临床研究IIT项目 YNZZ2020-06
中图分类号:R445.2  R681 
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2023.06.008
本文引用格式:刘超然, 李文娟, 祝云飞, 等. 致密性骨炎与ax-SpA骶髂关节骨髓T2WI-FS高信号MRI征象分析[J]. 磁共振成像, 2023, 14(6): 52-58. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2023.06.008.

0 前言

       致密性骨炎(osteitis condensans ilii, OCI)较常见于育龄期女性骶髂关节髂骨侧,发生率约为0.9%~2.5%[1],在临床拟诊为脊柱关节炎而接受影像学评估者中发生率更高达8.9%[2]。OCI的特征性影像学表现是骨盆X线平片和电子计算机断层扫描(computed tomography, CT)上骶髂关节髂骨耳状面“三角形”的骨质硬化[3]。然而,有关OCI的骶髂关节磁共振成像(sacroiliac joint magnetic resonance imaging, SIJ-MRI)研究相对较为少见,对于OCI在骶髂关节骨髓的T2WI脂肪抑制序列(fat-saturated T2WI, T2WI-FS)表现高信号的深入影像学研究则更为少见。高度提示中轴型脊柱关节炎(axial spondyloarthritis, ax-SpA)的骨髓水肿(bone marrow edema, BME)在T2WI-FS序列上亦表现为T2WI-FS高信号,被认为是一种可复性、非特异性的活动性炎症征象。临床易将伴有骶髂关节骨髓T2WI-FS高信号的OCI误诊为提示ax-SpA的骶髂关节炎[4]。随着SIJ-MRI在临床的日益广泛应用,文献报道[5]OCI患者中亦可见T2WI-FS序列高信号。对临床医生来说,区分OCI和伴有明显骨质硬化的ax-SpA仍然具有挑战性,尤其是孕妇等不宜接受CT或X线等放射学检查的患者[6]。因此,本研究深入探究OCI相关T2WI-FS高信号的发生率及MRI特点,将有助于加深对其认识,更有助于与ax-SpA相关BME的鉴别诊断,减少误诊和过度诊断。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究人群



       回顾性纳入同期行SIJ-MRI检查的女性ax-SpA患者作为研究对照组,ax-SpA组纳入标准:(1)依据国际脊柱关节炎评估协会(Assessment in SpondyloArthritis International Society, ASAS)专家组ax-SpA最新诊断标准[7]明确诊断为ax-SpA;(2)MRI扫描序列完整齐全。ax-SpA组排除标准:(1)肿瘤患者、骨盆外伤史、手术史或放化疗病史;(2)同时患有其他风湿免疫系统疾病或骶髂关节发育异常、手术、外伤、感染等;(3)图像质量不佳,无法满足诊断。

1.2 MRI扫描序列及参数

       采用3.0 T MRI扫描设备(GE SIGNA Pioneer 3.0 T,美国;MAGNETOM Verio 3.0 T,德国)或1.5 T MRI扫描设备(MAGNETOM Verio 1.5 T,德国)进行骶髂关节扫描。患者取仰卧位,定位中心通过线圈中心及双侧髂前上棘连线中点,平行于骶1~骶3椎体背侧,扫描范围包括双侧骶髂关节,其骶骨、髂骨及周围组织均清晰显示。扫描序列包括轴位T2WI-FS及斜冠状位T1WI、T2WI-FS序列。

       GE SIGNA Pioneer 3.0 T扫描参数:轴位T2WI-FS(TR 2498 ms,TE 74 ms,FOV 240 mm×240 mm,层厚4.0 mm,层间距5.0 mm);斜冠状位T1WI(TR 428、830 ms,TE 7 ms,FOV 240 mm×240 mm,层厚3.0 mm,层间距4.0 mm);斜冠状位T2WI-FS(TR 2498 ms,TE 73 ms,FOV 240 mm×240 mm,层厚3.0 mm,层间距4.0 mm)。

       MAGNETOM Verio 3.0 T扫描参数:轴位T2WI-FS(TR 2700 ms,TE 37 ms,FOV 320 mm×320 mm,层厚3.0 mm,层间距3.3 mm);斜冠状位T1WI(TR 600 ms,TE 9.3 ms,FOV 320 mm×320 mm,层厚3.0 mm,层间距3.3 mm);斜冠状位T2WI-FS(TR 5000 ms,TE 48 ms,FOV 320 mm×320 mm,层厚3.0 mm,层间距3.5 mm)。

       MAGNETOM Verio 1.5 T扫描参数:轴位T2WI-FS(TR 4060 ms,TE 33 ms,FOV 320 mm×320 mm,层厚4.0 mm,层间距4.4 mm);斜冠状位T1WI(TR 810 ms,TE 23 ms,FOV 324 mm×384 mm,层厚3.0 mm,层间距3.3 mm);斜冠状位T2WI-FS(TR 4000 ms,TE 33 ms,FOV 270 mm×320 mm,层厚3.0 mm,层间距3.3 mm)。

1.3 图像分析

       采用图像存储与传输系统(picture archiving and communication system, PACS)。由两名分别具有2年和5年工作经验的放射科住院医师和主治医生分别独立评估,意见不一致时,由第3位具有10年经验的肌骨专业放射科主任医师进行再次评估,获得最终意见。


       以T2WI-FS高信号作为主要观察的征象,借鉴2019年ASAS MRI工作组对SIJ-MRI影像学定义[7],以骶骨椎间孔间骨髓信号作为正常骨髓信号的参考,定义T2WI-FS高信号为T2WI-FS序列上高信号,T1WI序列上呈低信号,且明确可见。观察并记录T2WI-FS高信号的发生率及MRI征象,包括T2WI-FS高信号的位置、范围、形态和信号强度。(1)位置:骶侧以骶孔为边缘,将同层面骶侧及髂侧非骨质硬化区各划为3等份,记录T2WI-FS高信号内侧缘位于近关节面1/3内为近部,紧邻硬化缘/关节面;位于远离关节面1/3为远部,远离硬化缘/关节面;位于中份1/3为中部,与硬化缘/关节面分离(图2A2B2C)。(2)范围:T2WI-FS高信号范围小于1/3为范围小,大于1/3不超过2/3为范围中,超过2/3为范围大(图2D)。(3)形态:记录T2WI-FS高信号形态为片状、条带(图3)。(4)信号强度:以正常骨髓信号为参考,记录稍高于骶骨椎间孔间骨髓信号为稍高(图4A),明显高于正常骨髓信号且与液体信号类似为极高,介于二者之间为高(图4B4C)。

图1  骶髂关节分区图例。1A:骶髂关节分区示意图。a、b线(细线)分别平行左右两侧骶髂关节间隙,左右平分同侧骶髂关节滑膜部,c、d线(粗线)平行于第5腰椎下缘,上下平分左右两侧骶髂关节滑膜部,将单侧骶髂关节分为骶侧上份、骶侧下份、髂侧上份、髂侧下份。1B:女,31岁,反复腰痛、髋部疼痛1年余。右侧骶髂关节骶侧上份可见T2WI-FS高信号(箭)。2C:女,39岁,长时间行走后,左髋部疼痛4年余。右侧骶髂关节髂侧下份可见T2WI-FS高信号(箭)。T2WI-FS:T2WI脂肪抑制序列。
Fig. 1  Sacroiliac joint zoning. 1A: Diagram of sacroiliac joint zoning. The lines a and b (thin lines) parallel the left and right sides of the sacroiliac joint space, bisecting the synovium of the ipsilateral sacroiliac joint. The lines c and d (thick lines) are parallel to the lower margin of the fifth lumbar vertebrae, bisecting the synovium of the left and right sacroiliac joints, and a unilateral sacroiliac joint is divided into the superior part of the sacral side, the lower part of the sacral side, the superior part of the ilium and the lower part of the ilium. 1B: Female, 31-year-old, with recurrent low back pain and hip pain for more than 1 year. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) can be seen in the upper sacral part of the right sacroiliac joint. 1C: Female, 39-year-old, with left hip pain for more than 4 years after a long walk. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) can be seen in the lower iliac side of the right sacroiliac joint. T2WI-FS: fat-saturated T2WI.
图2  T2WI-FS高信号位置及范围定义图例。2A:骶侧以骶孔为边缘(黑色虚线),髂侧以髂骨外缘为边缘,沿硬化带边缘(白色虚线)及关节面将骶侧及髂侧非骨质硬化区分别划为3等份。a区紧邻硬化缘,为近部;b区与硬化缘分离,为中部;c区离硬化缘,为远部。2B:女,31岁,反复腰痛、髋部疼痛1年余。右侧骶髂关节骶侧可见T2WI-FS高信号(箭),紧邻硬化缘,位于近部;2C:女,22岁,反复腰痛、右侧髋部酸痛2年余。右侧骶髂关节骶侧可见T2WI-FS高信号(箭),与硬化缘分离,位于中部;2D:女,29岁,腰痛3月余。右侧骶髂关节骶侧可见T2WI-FS高信号。右侧骶髂关节骶侧T2WI-FS高信号(直箭)范围中,髂侧T2WI-FS高信号(弯箭)范围大。T2WI-FS:T2WI脂肪抑制序列。
Fig. 2  Definition of T2WI-FS high signal location and range. 2A: The sacral side takes the sacral foramen as the edge (black dotted line), the iliac side takes the outer edge of the ilium as the edge, along the edge of the sclerotic zone (white dotted line) and the articular surface, the sacral and iliac non-osteosclerotic areas are divided into 3 equal parts respectively; zone a is close to the hardened edge and is proximal, zone b is separated from the hardening edge and is in the middle, zone c is distal from the hardening margin. 2B: A 31-year-old female with recurrent low back pain and hip pain for more than 1 year. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) can be seen on the sacral side of the right sacroiliac joint, which is close to the sclerotic margin and is located in the proximal part. 2C: A 22-year-old female with recurrent low back pain and right hip pain for more than 2 years. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) can be seen on the sacral side of the right sacroiliac joint, which is separated from the sclerotic margin and is located in the middle. 2D: A 22-year-old female with low back pain for more than 3 mouths. T2WI-FS high signal was seen on the right sacroiliac joint, with the medium range on the sacral side (straight arrow) and large range on the iliac side (curved arrow). T2WI-FS: fat-saturated T2WI.
图3  T2WI-FS高信号形态定义图例。3A:女,29岁,确诊ax-SpA 6年余。双侧骶髂关节可见T2WI-FS高信号(箭),呈片状。3B:女,22岁,反复腰痛2年余。右侧骶髂关节骶侧可见T2WI-FS高信号(箭),呈条带状。3C~3D:女,39岁,长时间行走后,左髋部疼痛4年余。右侧骶髂关节髂侧可见T2WI-FS高信号,部分层面呈斑片状(3C;箭),部分层面呈条带状(3D;箭)。T2WI-FS:T2WI脂肪抑制序列;ax-SpA:中轴型脊柱关节炎。
Fig. 3  Definition of T2WI-FS high signal morphology. 3A: A 29-year-old female diagnosed with ax-SpA for more than 6 years. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) can be seen on the sacral side of both sacroiliac joints, which are flaky. 3B: A 22-year-old female with recurrent low back pain for more than 2 years. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) can be seen on the sacral side, which show ribbon. 3C-3D: A 39-year-old female with left hip pain for more than 4 years after long walking. T2WI-FS high signal can be seen on the iliac side of the right sacroiliac joint, some of which appear flaky (3C; arrow) and some appear ribbon-like (3D; arrow). T2WI-FS: fat-saturated T2WI; ax-SpA: axial spondyloarthritis.
图4  T2WI-FS高信号强度定义图例。4A:女,22岁,反复腰痛2年余。右侧骶髂关节骶侧可见T2WI-FS高信号(箭),信号强度为稍高。4B:女,39岁,长时间行走后,左髋部疼痛4年余。右侧骶髂关节髂侧可见T2WI-FS高信号(箭),信号强度为高;4C:女,33岁,腰背部疼痛伴活动受限1年余。双侧骶髂关节髂侧可见T2WI-FS高信号,信号强度为极高(箭)。T2WI-FS:T2WI脂肪抑制序列。
Fig. 4  Definition of T2WI-FS high signal strength. 4A: A 22-year-old female with recurrent low back pain for more than 2 years. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) can be seen on the sacral side of the right sacroiliac joint, with sightly high signal strength. 4B: A 39-year-old female with left hip pain for more than 4 years after prolonged walking. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) is seen on the iliac side of the right sacroiliac joint, with high signal strength. 4C: A 22-year-old female with low back pain and limited mobility for more than 1 years. T2WI-FS high signal (arrow) is observed on the iliac side of the bilateral sacroiliac joints, with extremely high signal strength. T2WI-FS: fat-saturated T2WI.

1.4 统计学分析

       采用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计学分析。正态分布的计量资料以均数±标准差(x¯±s)表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验;计数资料以频数(%)表示,采用卡方检验或Fisher精确概率法进行比较。应用Kappa系数及加权Kappa系数评价不同观察者间观察的一致性及可靠性,判定标准为:Kappa≤0.2,一致性较差;0.2<Kappa≤0.4,一致性一般;0.4<Kappa≤0.6,一致性中等;0.6<Kappa≤0.8,一致性较强;0.8<Kappa≤1.0,一致性程度很强。

2 结果

2.1 患者入组结果


2.2 观察者间一致性分析结果


表1  两名观察者的Kappa及加权Kappa系数的检验值
Tab. 1  The Kappa and weighted Kappa coefficients test values of two observers

2.3 OCI与ax-SpA患者T2WI-FS高信号MRI征象分析

       与ax-SpA组相比,OCI组骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号总体发生率更高[56.5%(13/23)vs. 85.3%(29/34);χ2=5.857,P=0.016],双侧骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号发生率较高[26.1%(6/23)vs. 55.9%(19/34);χ2=4.946,P=0.026],单侧骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号发生率无显著差异[30.4%(7/23)vs. 29.4%(10/34);χ2=0.007,P=0.934](表2)。OCI组与ax-SpA组骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号位置及形态比较分析显示:骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号分布侧别、上/下份、象限及内侧缘位置差异无统计学意义(P>0.05;表34),形态上OCI组以条带状分布为主(图5),ax-SpA组以片状为主,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001;表4)。其中4例OCI组骶髂关节骶侧可见沿脂肪沉积边缘条带状T2WI-FS高信号(图6)。

图5  女,35 岁,双髋关节疼痛1 年。5A~5B:骨盆正位X线片(5A)及骶髂关节CT(5B)示双侧骶髂关节髂侧骨质硬化。5C~5D:左侧骶髂关节骶骨侧骨质硬化边缘见条带状T2WI-FS 高信号(箭)。T2WI-FS:T2WI 脂肪抑制序列。
Fig. 5  A 35-year-old female presenting with bilateral hip joint pain for a year. 5A-5B: Pelvic orthotopic X-ray film (5A) and Sacroiliac joint CT (5B) reveals iliac bone sclerosis in both sacroiliac joints. 5C-5D: On T2WI-FS sequence (5D), a ribbon-like adjacent high signal is observed at the edge of osteosclerosis (5C) on the sacral side of the left sacroiliac joint (arrow). T2WI-FS: fat-saturated T2WI.
图6  女,23 岁,腰背部疼痛半年余。6A:骨盆正位X线片,双侧骶髂关节髂骨侧特征性三角形骨质硬化;6B:双侧骶髂关节骶侧片状脂肪沉积(细箭);6C:左侧骶髂关节骶骨侧低信号脂肪沉积边缘见条带状T2WI-FS 高信号(粗箭)。T2WI-FS:T2WI 脂肪抑制序列。
Fig. 6  A 23-year-old female with low back pain for more than half a year. 6A: Pelvic orthotopic X-ray film shows characteristic triangular osteosclerosis on the iliac side of bilateral sacroiliac joint. 6B: Bilateral sacroiliac joints exhibit flaky fat deposition on the sacral side (arrow); 6C: On the T2WI-FS sequence, a ribbon-like adjacent high signal is observed at the edge of low signal fat deposition on the sacral side of the left sacroiliac joint (arrow). T2WI-FS: fat-saturated T2WI.
表2  OCI与ax-SpA的患者年龄及骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号发生率
Tab. 2  The age and the incidence of T2WI-FS high signal in the sacroiliac joint of patients with OCI and patients with ax-SpA
表3  OCI与ax-SpA骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号分布位置比较
Tab. 3  The comparison of the range of T2WI-FS high signal distribution in the sacroiliac joint between patients with OCI and patients with ax-SpA
表4  OCI与ax-SpA骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号形态、内侧缘位置比较
Tab. 4  The comparison of morphology and position of medial margin of T2WI-FS high signal distribution in the sacroiliac joint between patients with OCI and patients with ax-SpA

2.4 OCI患者骶髂关节不同区域T2WI-FS高信号MRI征象分析


表5  OCI与ax-SpA骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号范围、信号强度比较
Tab. 5  The comparison of range and signal strength of T2WI-FS high signal distribution in the sacroiliac joint between patients with OCI and patients with ax-SpA
表6  OCI组骶髂关节不同区域T2WI-FS高信号范围、信号强度比较
Tab. 6  The comparison of T2WI-FS high signal range and intensity in different areas of the sacroiliac joint of patients with OCI

3 讨论

       OCI的临床表现与ax-SpA相似,部分伴有T2WI-FS高信号的OCI,与伴有明显骨质硬化及BME的axSpA鉴别存在困难。OCI相关T2WI-FS高信号的影像学研究较为少见。本研究回顾性分析比较OCI与ax-SpA相关骶髂关节骨髓内T2WI-FS高信号的发生率及MRI特点,发现与ax-SpA组相比,OCI组T2WI-FS高信号发生率较低,两组间范围、形态及信号强度差异均具有统计学意义,但位置分布差异无统计学意义,且OCI组内各区域间T2WI-FS高信号范围、信号强度差异无统计学意义。OCI患者骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号紧邻硬化缘且范围较小,主要呈条带状,以上份分布为主;ax-SpA患者骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号以片状为主,范围更大。怀疑ax-SpA的女性下腰痛患者通常需要与OCI进行鉴别[8, 9, 10],加深对其认识有助于与ax-SpA骶髂关节BME的鉴别,减少误诊[11]

3.1 OCI与ax-SpA骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号差异及原因分析

       本研究中OCI组T2WI-FS高信号总发生率为56.5%,与MA等[5]研究报道相仿(48.1%),明显低于本研究ax-SpA组。PODDUBNYY等[12]研究结果显示ax-SpA与OCI患者T2WI-FS高信号发生率(ax-SpA为92.6%,OCI为85.2%,P=0.44)并没有明显差异,推测原因可能是由于样本量较小,存在偏倚。OCI组与ax-SpA组骶髂关节T2WI-FS高信号形态、范围存在明显差异,与文献[5, 13]报道一致,但侧别、上/下份、象限及内侧缘位置分布差异均无统计学意义。近年数项研究中OCI组T2WI-FS高信号几乎全部位于骶髂关节前部,以髂骨腹侧为中心连续分布,扩散至弓状线以下[5,13, 14];ax-SpA组BME主要位于关节中部,呈片状散布在关节软骨下的背侧[3,13, 14, 15],提示SIJ-MRI骨髓内T2WI-FS高信号的形态和分布模式可能有助于OCI与SpA的鉴别[5,16]


3.2 OCI骶髂关节非骨质硬化缘T2WI-FS高信号相关机制

       本研究中4例OCI组骶髂关节骶侧可见沿脂肪沉积边缘条带状T2WI-FS高信号,余T2WI-FS高信号均位于骨质硬化缘。炎性病变的减轻与脂肪沉积的进展相关[21, 22],SONG等[23]认为脂肪沉积是炎性病变吸收后遗留的后遗改变。GILLESPIE[24]认为由于骨盆的生物力学结构改变,OCI患者骶髂关节关节面下骨质内血管分布改变,引起炎症反应,后期炎症反应减退,长期反复修复引起骨质硬化,组织病理学显示受累区域板层骨增加。在以脂肪沉积为主要异常改变的OCI中,T2WI-FS高信号可能更易出现在脂肪沉积带边缘,但需要搜集更多病例进行长期随诊,完整观察对比骶髂关节变化情况或通过动物实验加以证实。通过纵向研究以阐明演变,以提高风湿科和放射科医生的认识,是正确地识别并诊断OCI的必要条件[25]

3.3 鉴别诊断

       需要注意的,骶髂关节骨髓内T2WI-FS高信号是一种可复性、非特异性的征象,除OCI及axSpA外多种疾病均可表现为骶髂关节骨髓内T2WI-FS高信号。如骨性关节炎、感染性骶髂关节炎、应力性反应/骨折等,甚至部分正常人[3,7,26, 27]也可表现为轻微骶髂关节骨髓内T2WI-FS高信号。高度提示axSpA的骶髂关节骨髓内T2WI-FS高信号[5]具有特定的位置(软骨下骨)、大小(连续2层不少于1处病变,或者单层2处或2处以上病变)、信号强度和T1WI上相应的结构性损害(如骨侵蚀、脂肪化生等)。骶髂关节骨性关节炎的骨髓内T2WI-FS高信号多较局限,且程度较轻。感染性骶髂关节炎累及范围多广泛,常超出骶髂关节解剖范围,且多为单侧,病程短,临床症状较重。应力性反应/骨折伴随的骶髂关节骨髓内T2WI-FS高信号多见于运动爱好者或运动员,可随休息而消退或减轻。

3.4 不足与展望


4 结论


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上一篇 基于T2WI和CE-T1WI影像组学集成模型在预测HIFU消融子宫肌瘤疗效中的价值
下一篇 磁共振波谱联合减影技术在高级别胶质瘤影像组学分级预测的研究
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