杨庆玲 任静 韩晔 汪洋 肖遵健 郭燕 申凡

Cite this article as: YANG Q L, REN J, HAN Y, et al. Study on the application value of DWI combined with conventional MRI in making surgical plan of PDS for advanced ovarian cancer[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2023, 14(7): 73-77, 92.本文引用格式:杨庆玲, 任静, 韩晔, 等. DWI联合MRI平扫对中晚期卵巢癌PDS手术方案制订的应用价值研究[J]. 磁共振成像, 2023, 14(7): 73-77, 92. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2023.07.013.

[摘要] 目的 探讨扩散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging, DWI)联合MRI平扫对中晚期卵巢癌患者进行初始肿瘤细胞减灭术(primary debulking surgery, PDS)手术方案制订的临床应用价值。材料与方法 回顾性分析我院2018年11月至2022年6月经病理证实的57例中晚期卵巢癌患者的影像学资料。所有患者均行全腹DWI、MRI平扫和增强计算机体层摄影(computed tomography, CT)检查,之后行PDS手术。参考FAGOTTI腹腔镜评分与腹膜癌指数(peritoneal cancer index, PCI),并结合本院多学科会诊讨论,确定本研究影像资料需观察的解剖区域,记录各区域是否有转移瘤,确定是否需相应科室协助手术。以术中记录和病理为金标准,比较DWI联合MRI平扫与增强CT的诊断效能;采用χ2检验对比组间差异,比较两种影像检查对PDS手术方案制订的价值。Kappa检验分析两名放射科医生确定临床协助科室的一致性。结果 本组57例患者,术中记录不同手术方案的病例如下:妇科独自完成手术9例,需肝胆外科协助7例,消化外科协助5例,肝胆外科与消化外科共同协助23例,消化外科与泌尿外科共同协助5例,肝胆外科与泌尿外科共同协助1例,肝胆外科、消化外科及泌尿外科共同协助完成手术7例。术前DWI联合MRI平扫确定手术方案的符合率(38/57)显著高于增强CT(16/57)(P<0.001)。术中记录需消化外科、肝胆外科、泌尿外科协助的病例分别为40、38、13例,术前DWI联合MRI平扫确定需以上科室协助的病例分别为30、36、10例,准确度分别为80.70%,91.23%,87.72%;术前增强CT确定需以上科室协助的病例分别为18、24、5例,准确度分别为57.89%,64.91%,78.95%。需消化外科、肝胆外科协助的病例中,DWI联合MRI平扫的准确度均高于增强CT(χ2=4.762,P=0.027;χ2=4.050,P=0.041)。两名放射科医生在不同成像方式下确定临床协助科室的一致性范围是0.437~0.843,均为中等以上。结论 相较于增强CT,DWI联合MRI平扫对中晚期卵巢癌PDS手术方案制订的准确度更高,具有更好的临床意义。
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical application value of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) combined with conventional MRI in making surgical plan of primary debulking surgery (PDS) in patients with advanced ovarian cancer.Materials and Methods The imaging data of 57 patients with advanced ovarian cancer confirmed by pathology in our hospital from November 2018 to June 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients underwent abdominal conventional MRI, DWI and enhanced computed tomography (CT), and then PDS surgery was performed. According to the FAGOTTI laparoscopic score and peritoneal cancer index (PCI) and combined with multiple disciplinary team discussion in our hospital, the anatomical areas to be observed in the imaging data of this study were determined. The presence of metastasis in each area was recorded and need for the assistance of corresponding departments was determined. Using intraoperative records and pathology as the gold standard, the diagnostic efficacy of DWI combined with conventional MRI and enhanced CT was compared. χ2 test was used to compare the statistical differences between the two groups, and to compare the formulation value of the two methods of imaging examinations in the PDS surgery plan for advanced ovarian cancer. Kappa analysis evaluated the consistency of two radiologists in determining clinical assistance departments.Results In this group of 57 patients, the cases with different surgical plans were recorded as follows: 9 cases of gynecologic surgery alone, 7 cases required the assistance of hepatobiliary surgery department, 5 cases required the assistance of digestive surgery department, 23 cases required the assistance of both liver and gallbladder surgery and digestive surgery department, 5 cases required the assistance of both digestion and urology surgery department, 1 case required the assistance with hepatobiliary surgery and urology department, liver and gallbladder surgery, digestive surgery and urology common assist with surgery in 7 cases. The coincidence of preoperative DWI combined with MRI (38/57) was significantly higher than that of enhanced CT (16/57) (P<0.001). Intraoperative records showed that 40, 38 and 13 cases needed assistance from digestive surgery, hepatobiliary surgery and urology surgery, respectively. Preoperative DWI combined with MRI plain scan confirmed that 30, 36 and 10 cases needed assistance from above departments, with accuracy of 80.70%, 91.23% and 87.72%, respectively. Preoperative enhanced CT showed 18, 24 and 5 cases from above departments, with the accuracy of 57.89%, 64.91% and 78.95%, respectively. The accuracy of DWI combined with conventional MRI was higher than that of contrast-enhanced CT (χ2=4.762, P=0.027; χ2=4.050, P=0.041) in patients requiring digestive surgery and hepatobiliary surgery. The consistency range of clinical assistance departments determined by two radiologists under different imaging methods was 0.437-0.843, both of which were above medium.Conclusions Compared with enhanced CT, DWI combined with conventional MRI has higher accuracy and better clinical significance in making surgical plan of PDS for advanced ovarian cancer.
[关键词] 卵巢癌;初始肿瘤细胞减灭术;磁共振成像;计算机体层成像
[Keywords] ovarian cancer;primary debulking surgery;magnetic resonance imaging;computed tomography

杨庆玲    任静 *   韩晔    汪洋    肖遵健    郭燕    申凡   

空军军医大学西京医院放射科,西安 710032



基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划重点项目 2021JZ-25 陕西省科技创新团队项目 2021TD-39
中图分类号:R445.2  R737.31 
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2023.07.013
本文引用格式:杨庆玲, 任静, 韩晔, 等. DWI联合MRI平扫对中晚期卵巢癌PDS手术方案制订的应用价值研究[J]. 磁共振成像, 2023, 14(7): 73-77, 92. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2023.07.013.

0 前言

       卵巢癌是常见的妇科恶性肿瘤,其发病率和死亡率逐年上升[1]。由于早期常无典型症状,多数患者就诊时已属中晚期,五年生存率仅30%[2]。目前,中晚期卵巢癌主要治疗方式是细胞减灭术或联合新辅助化疗,前者包括初始肿瘤细胞减灭术(primary debulking surgery, PDS)和中间性肿瘤细胞减灭术[3]。其中,PDS的彻底性是卵巢癌最主要的独立预后因素[4]。当PDS达到病灶完全切除(R0切除)时,患者五年生存率可达50%[5]。但在积极手术治疗的三级医院(即有条件可以进行全面减瘤术的医院),仅有32.8%的病例能真正实现R0切除[6]。因腹盆腔广泛转移,术中常需肝胆外科、消化外科、泌尿外科等相关科室与妇科通力合作[7],才能实现“真正意义上的R0切除”。因此,术前制订最佳手术方案对实现R0切除至关重要,而这在很大程度上依赖于影像学对病变范围及位置的准确评估。欧洲泌尿生殖放射学会(European Society of Urogenital Radiology, ESUR)指南[8]推荐,中晚期卵巢癌患者术前影像评估,首选腹盆腔增强计算机体层摄影(computed tomography, CT)。但CT软组织分辨率低,对小病灶检出率不高[9],而MRI软组织分辨率高、无辐射,同时扩散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging, DWI)已用于指导结直肠癌腹膜转移的治疗[10, 11]。基于此,本研究将探讨DWI联合MRI平扫对中晚期卵巢癌PDS手术方案制订的临床应用价值。

1 材料与方法

1.1 一般资料

       本研究遵守《赫尔辛基宣言》,经空军军医大学西京医院伦理委员会批准,免除受试者知情同意,批准文号:KY20203055-1号。本研究为单中心研究,回顾性分析我院2018年11月至2022年6月的卵巢癌患者的影像学资料。纳入标准:(1)经病理证实符合2014年国际妇产科联盟(International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, FIGO)ⅡB~Ⅳ期的卵巢癌患者;(2)进行了PDS;(3)术前均行全腹DWI、MRI平扫与增强CT检查;(4)手术与影像检查间隔≤2周。排除标准:(1)合并其他恶性肿瘤;(2)术前接受过放、化疗;(3)临床或影像资料不全。

1.2 仪器与方法

1.2.1 MRI扫描

       采用美国GE Healthcare Discovery 750 3.0 T MRI扫描仪,8通道腹部相控阵线圈。检查前禁食6~8 h,并行肠道准备。嘱患者仰卧位,头先进,扫描前行呼气屏气训练。扫描范围:上至膈顶水平,下至耻骨联合下缘水平。扫描序列及参数见表1

表1  MRI扫描序列及参数
Tab. 1  MRI scan sequence and parameters

1.2.2 CT扫描

       采用美国GE Discovery 750 HD CT扫描仪,检查前禁食4 h,并行肠道准备。患者取仰卧位,双手上举,吸气后屏气。扫描范围:上缘至膈肌顶水平,下缘至耻骨联合水平。扫描参数:管电压120 kV,管电流根据不同部位自动调控,层厚5 mm,层间距5 mm,矩阵512×512。重建算法:H31 medium +。增强扫描:使用高压注射器经肘静脉以3.5 mL/s的速率推注1.5 mL/kg的对比剂(碘佛醇,江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司,中国),注射后28~32 s、60~65 s、180~240 s分别行动脉期、静脉期、延迟期扫描。

1.3 图像分析

       参考FAGOTTI等[12, 13]腹腔镜评分及PCI[14],并结合本院术前多学科会诊讨论,确定本研究影像需观察的解剖区域,由两名分别具有20年和10年腹部疾病影像诊断经验的副主任医师和主治医师双盲法阅片,记录各区域是否有转移瘤、是否需相应科室协助手术,意见不一致时,协商后达成一致。


       转移瘤的影像诊断[15]:(1)空腔脏器有浆膜壁或腔内侵犯;(2)实质脏器有异常信号或密度,腹膜局限性或弥漫性增厚;(3)以上(1)和(2)两种情况在DWI呈高信号,不包括正常原因(含水多的引起T2穿透效应等)导致的高信号,表观扩散系数(apparent diffusion coefficient, ADC)呈低信号,判为转移;(4)以上(1)和(2)两种情况在增强CT有不同程度强化,判为转移,无法确定的可疑病变,借助多平面重建图像观察。

1.4 统计学分析

       使用SPSS 23.0软件,以手术记录和病理为金标准,计算DWI联合MRI平扫与增强CT对确定相关科室的敏感度、特异度、准确度、约登指数、阳性预测值和阴性预测值。计数资料以n(%)表示,组间比较行χ2检验,配对资料行McNemar检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。两名放射科医师阅片结果的一致性比较行Kappa检验,Kappa值及意义:0.81~1.00一致性极好、0.61~0.80一致性较好、0.41~0.60一致性中等、0.21~0.40一致性较差、0.00~0.20一致性极差。

2 结果

2.1 入组患者一般资料


2.2 两名放射科医师确定协助科室的一致性比较


表2  两种成像模式下两名放射科医生确定协助科室的一致性比较
Tab. 2  Comparison of consistency between two radiologists in determining assistance departments under two imaging modes

2.3 术前DWI联合MRI平扫与增强CT确定手术方案的符合率比较


2.4 DWI联合MRI平扫与增强CT确定协助科室的效能


表3  DWI联合MRI平扫与增强CT确定手术协助科室的效能
Tab. 3  DWI combined with conventional MRI and enhanced CT to determine the effectiveness of surgical assistance department

2.5 DWI联合MRI平扫与增强CT对具体转移部位的检出率


图1  女,33岁,国际妇产科联盟(FIGO)Ⅳ期卵巢癌,肝胆外科协助完成完全切除(R0切除)。1A:T2加权成像(T2WI)示右侧肝肾隐窝条片样稍高信号影(箭);1B:扩散加权成像(DWI)该病灶呈高信号影(箭);1C:表观扩散系数(ADC)相应部位呈低信号(箭);1D:增强CT示该区病灶显示不清。
图2  女,57岁,FIGO Ⅳ期卵巢癌,消化外科协助完成R0切除。2A:T2WI示回盲部团块样等信号影(箭);2B:DWI示病灶呈高信号(箭);2C:ADC示病灶呈低信号(箭);2D:增强CT示该病灶与周围正常软组织密度相近,显示不清。
Fig. 1  A 33-year-old woman with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Ⅳ ovarian cancer is assisted by hepatobiliary surgery with R0 resection. 1A: T2-weighted imaging (T2WI) shows a sliver of slightly hypersignal shadow (arrow) in the right hepatorenal recess; 1B: Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) shows high signal shadow (arrow); 1C: Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) shows low signal (arrow) in the corresponding part; 1D: Enhanced CT shows indistinct lesions in this area.
Fig. 2  A 57-year-old woman with FIGO Ⅳ ovarian cancer is assisted by digestive surgery with R0 resection. 2A: T2WI shows equal-signal shadow like mass in the blind part of the ileum (arrow); 2B: DWI shows hypersignal (arrow); 2C: ADC shows low signal in the lesion (arrow); 2D: Enhanced CT shows that the lesion had a similar density to the surrounding normal soft tissue.
表4  DWI联合MRI平扫与增强CT对具体转移部位的检出率
Tab. 4  Detection rate of DWI combined with MRI plain scan and enhanced CT for metastatic tumors at specific anatomical sites

3 讨论


3.1 卵巢癌患者PDS前的影像学检查

       根据ESUR指南[8],卵巢癌患者在PDS前首选腹盆腔增强CT。然而,最近的一项Meta分析显示[16],CT诊断腹腔转移瘤的综合敏感度、特异度和诊断优势比均低于PET/CT和DWI-MRI检查。此外,BOZKURT等[17]认为,CT对位于肠系膜和肠表面等处≤1 cm的转移灶,敏感度仅25%~50%,这与本组增强CT对消化系统转移瘤的敏感度(45.00%)一致。近年来,动态对比增强(dynamic contrast-enhanced, DCE)MRI常用来区分良恶性病变,且诊断效能较高,已广泛用于肿瘤诊断和治疗监测[18, 19, 20]。但是钆螯合物的潴留对组织器官有一定的潜在影响,尤其在肾功受损患者中有发生肾源性系统性纤维化的风险[21]。且DCE对于腹膜和浆膜的小病变诊断价值较低[22]。作为目前唯一无创检测活体水分子运动的功能MRI序列,DWI能够反映水分子扩散和组织灌注信息,敏感度高,弥补了增强CT诊断肠系膜等处转移瘤的局限性[23, 24],也降低了DCE对腹膜和浆膜小病灶的漏诊率。本研究中,DWI联合MRI平扫诊断卵巢癌转移瘤的准确度明显高于增强CT。

3.2 DWI联合MRI平扫在卵巢癌PDS手术方案制订中的价值

       研究报道DWI联合MRI平扫对确定卵巢癌转移瘤的具体解剖部位有较高价值[25, 26, 27],这与本研究结果一致。但既往研究大多按照PCI划分腹部为13区,分析每个区域的诊断性能,没有继续探讨对制订手术方案的价值,而本研究填补了这一区域的空白。

       本研究DWI联合MRI平扫提示消化外科的敏感度为75.00%,特异度为94.12%,敏感度较低的原因可能是部分患者检查前肠道准备不充分,含水多的肠腔引起T2穿透效应,在DWI上呈高信号,覆盖了部分微小病变的显示。在需肝胆外科协助的病例中,DWI联合MRI平扫的敏感度和特异度(94.74%、84.21%)均明显高于增强CT(63.16%、68.42%),这是因为在CT上,转移瘤与邻近软组织密度接近,限制了膈肌、韧带等区域病变的显示。而MRI的高软组织分辨率使其敏感度高达94.74%,特别是肝、脾实质脏器(11/11)。抑脂抑水序列更是减少了腹水对膈肌腹膜粟粒样转移瘤的影响,故而对该处病变的诊断价值较高(28/30)。已有多项研究[28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33]表明DWI对膀胱肿瘤诊断及预测有重要价值,DWI已常规用于膀胱癌膀胱影像报告和数据系统(Vesical Imaging-Reporting and Data System, VI-RADS)分级,是诊断其浸润程度的重要影像检查。本组DWI联合MRI平扫诊断输尿管或膀胱受累的敏感度和准确度均高于增强CT,故当DWI联合MRI平扫提示有输尿管或膀胱受累时,妇科医生需预约泌尿外科行多学科会诊并共同完成手术。

3.3 局限性


4 结论


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