郑卓肇 田春艳 尚瑶

郑卓肇,田春艳,尚瑶.肩关节常见病变:MRI诊断.磁共振成像, 2011, 2(6): 456-464. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2011.06.012.

[摘要] 肩关节常见病变主要为肩袖相关病变和肩关节不稳定。对于肩袖相关病变,肩关节MRI常规扫描可作为首选;对于肩关节不稳定和盂唇病变,则一般首选肩关节MRI造影进行评价。本文系统介绍肩峰下撞击综合征、肩袖变性、肩袖撕裂、肩关节前方不稳、上方盂唇前后向撕裂、肱二头肌长头腱相关病变、钙化性肌腱炎和滑囊炎、肩周炎的MRI表现。
[Abstract] Shoulder disorders mainly involve rotator cuff diseases and shoulder instability. For rotator cuff diseases, routine shoulder MR imaging as the first choice can solve most of the problems in practice. For shoulder instability and related glenoid labrum lesions, shoulder MR arthrography is the first selection for evaluation. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the MR appearances of several common shoulder abnormalities, including the sub-acromial shoulder impingement syndrome, rotator cuff degeneration, partial-thickness and full-thickness rotator cuff tears, anterior instability, superior labrum antero-posterior tears, biceps related disorders, calcific tendinitis and bursitis, and adhesive capsulitis.
[关键词] 肩袖;不稳定;肩关节;磁共振成像
[Keywords] Rotator cuff;Instability;Shoulder;Magnetic resonance imaging

郑卓肇* 北京大学第三医院放射科,北京 100191

田春艳 北京大学第三医院放射科,北京 100191

尚瑶 北京大学第三医院放射科,北京 100191

通讯作者:郑卓肇,E-mail: zzhuozhao@yahoo.com.cn

        郑卓肇(1974-),男,博士,主任医师,副教授;研究方向:骨关节系统影像诊断和磁共振技术应用。E-mail: zzhuozhao@yahoo.com.cn

中图分类号:R445.2; R681.7 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2011.06.012
郑卓肇,田春艳,尚瑶.肩关节常见病变:MRI诊断.磁共振成像, 2011, 2(6): 456-464. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2011.06.012.


1 肩袖撕裂


1.1 肩峰下撞击综合征


图1  肩峰下滑囊炎。常规MRI斜冠状位示肩峰下滑囊积液(箭头);1A:SE T1W;1B:TSE T2W
图2  肩峰形态。2A:肩峰形态: Ⅰ型,肩峰下表面为一平面;Ⅱ型,肩峰下表面为弧形凹面;Ⅲ型,肩峰下表面前部呈钩状突;2B:MRI造影斜矢状位示肩峰前下缘的骨刺(箭),Ⅱ型肩峰
Fig 1  Subdeltoid-subacromial bursitis. Coronal oblique MR images of the shoulder show fluid in the dilated subdeltoid-subacromial bursa (arrow head). 1A: SE T1W; 1B: TSE T2W.
Fig 2  Acromial morphology. A. Shape of the Acromion. Type I, flat; Type II, curved; Type III, hooked. B. Sagittal oblique image shows a Type II acromion and a degenerative spur at the anteroinferior edge of the acromion (arrow).

1.2 肩袖变性(肩袖肌腱炎、肩袖退变)


图3  肩袖变性。常规MRI斜冠状位示冈上肌腱增粗,连续性好,T1W和T2W信号均增高(箭)
图4  肩袖全层撕裂。常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱连续、增厚,其内部可见关节液样的高信号,累及肌腱全层(箭)
Fig 3  Tendinitis. Coronal oblique MR images of the shoulder show the supraspinatus tendon is diffuse thickening, with intrasubstance intermediate signal on T1-weighted and T2-weighted MR images(arrow).
Fig 4  Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus. Coronal oblique T2-weighted MR image shows the supraspinatus tendon becomes thicker, with abnormal high signal as intense as fluid extending from the articular surface to the subacromial bursa surface(arrow).

1.3 肩袖全层撕裂



图5  肩袖全层撕裂。MRI造影斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱连续性中断,断端回缩(箭)
Fig 5  Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus. Coronal oblique T2-weighted MR image shows the complete discontinuity and retraction of the tendon (arrow).
图6  肩袖全层撕裂。6A:MRI造影斜冠状位,示冈上肌腱连续性中断,断端(箭)回缩,同时伴有肌腱萎缩、肱骨头上移;6B :MRI造影斜矢状位,示肩袖不完整,撕裂累及冈上肌腱和冈下肌腱,肩峰下滑囊内(箭)可见高信号对比剂
Fig 6  Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus. Fig 6A: Coronal oblique T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows the complete discontinuity and retraction of the supraspinatus tendon (arrow), atrophy of the supraspinatus, and upward displacement of the humeral head. Fig 6B: Sagittal oblique T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows the discontinuity of the rotator cuff and the presence of high signal contrast material within the subacromial bursa (arrow).
图7  肩胛下肌腱全层撕裂。MRI造影轴位,示肩胛下肌腱连续性中断,断端回缩(箭)
图8  冈上肌腱上表面部分撕裂。常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱止点处上表面部分撕裂,局部见液性高信号(箭),伴肩峰下滑囊积液,下表面完整
图9  冈上肌腱下表面部分撕裂。常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱止点处下表面撕裂(箭),信号增高,但上表面完整
Fig 7  Full thickness tear of the subscapularis. Axial MR arthrographic image shows the complete discontinuity and retraction of the tendon (arrow).
Fig 8  Bursal-sided partial thickness tear of the subscapularis. Oblique coronal T2-weighted image shows partial disrupture of the bursal-sided tendon fibers (arrow). The articular-sided fibers are intact.
Fig 9  Articular-sided partial thickness tear of the subscapularis. Oblique coronal T2-weighted MR image shows partial discontinuity of the articular-sided tendon fibers (arrow).The bursal-sided fibers are intact.

1.4 肩袖部分撕裂



图10  冈上肌腱腱内部分撕裂。常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱止点处腱内限局液性高信号影(箭),肌腱上下表面均完整
图11  冈上肌腱下表面部分撕裂。MRI造影斜冠状位示高信号对比剂进入冈上肌腱下表面(箭),但未进入肩峰下滑囊
Fig 10  Intratendinous partial thickness tear of the subscapularis. Oblique coronal T2-weighted MR image shows abnormal intratendinous fluid accumulation (arrows). The bursal-sided and articular-sided fibers are intact.
Fig 11  Articular-sided partial thickness tear of the subscapularis. Oblique coronal T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows partial discontinuity of the articular-sided fibers (arrows), with contrast material leaking into the substance of the tendon, and intact bursal-sided fibers.

2 盂唇-韧带复合体及肱二头肌长头腱-上盂唇复合体的损伤

2.1 肩关节前方不稳(前下盂唇韧带复合体损伤)




       肩关节MRI造影可对Bankart损伤进行更细致的分型,最常见3种类型:①经典Bankart损伤(图13):前下盂唇撕裂并邻近骨膜的断裂,MRI显示前下盂唇四周都被对比剂包绕;②Perthes损伤(图14):前下盂唇撕裂并邻近骨膜的撕脱,但骨膜未断;③ALPSA(anterior labral periosteal sleeve avulsion)损伤(图15):前下盂唇撕裂并邻近骨膜撕脱、伴撕裂盂唇移向关节盂的内、下方[9,10,11]


图12  盂唇撕裂对比。12A:常规MRI轴位示盂唇未见撕裂征象;12B:MRI造影轴位示前方盂唇撕裂(箭)
Fig 12  Different MRI techniques for labral tear. Fig 12A: An axial routine MR image shows intact anteroinferior labrum. Fig 12B: An axial MR arthrographic image demonstrates tear of the anteroinferior labrum (arrow).
图13  经典Bankart病变。13A:示意图;MRI造影(13B:轴位;13C:ABER位)示前下盂唇(箭)被对比剂包绕
Fig 13  Classical Bankart lesion. Schematic diagram (13A) shows complete detachment of the labroligamentous complex from the glenoid with a disrupted periosteum. On MR arthrographic images (13B: an axial image; 13C: an ABER position image), a classical Bankart lesion is demonstrated when the torn anteroinferior labrum is completely separated from the glenoid (arrow).
图14  Perthes病变。14A:示意图;MRI造影(14B:轴位;14C:ABER位)示前下盂唇撕脱,邻近骨膜掀起无破裂,撕裂盂唇无移位
Fig 14  Perthes lesion. Schematic diagram (14A) shows a nondisplaced tear of the anteroinferior labrum from the glenoid with an intact periosteum. On MR arthrographic images (14B: an axial image; 14C: an ABER position image), a Perthes lesion is demonstrated when the torn anteroinferior labrum has no displacement and is still attached to the intact scapular periosteum.
图15  ALPSA病变。15A:示意图;MRI造影(15B:轴位;15C:ABER位)示前下盂唇韧带复合体骨膜袖剥脱,邻近骨膜仍与肩胛骨相连,但撕裂盂唇(箭)移位于关节盂的内、下方
Fig 15  ALPSA lesion. Schematic diagram (15A) shows the avulsed inferior glenohumeral labroligamentous complex with medially displacement on the glenoid neck without rupture of the scapular periosteum. On MR arthrographic images (15B: an axial image; 15C: an ABER position image), an ALPSA lesion is demonstrated when the torn anteroinferior labrum is medially and inferiorly displaced with respect to the glenoid (arrow) and attached to the intact scapular periosteum.
图16  Hill-sachs病变。肩关节CT轴位图像示肱骨头后外上部的凹陷性骨折(箭)
图17  骨性bankart病变。肩关节轴位图像(17A:MRI造影;17B:CT)示肩关节盂前下部骨折(箭)
Fig 16  Hill-Sachs lesion. There is a concavity of the posterior part of the humeral head consistent with a Hill-Sachs lesion on this axial CT image (arrow).
Fig 17  Bony Bankart lesion. Axial images (17A: MR arthrographic image; 17B: CT image) demonstrate a Bankart lesion with a bony fragment separated from the anteroinferior glenoid (arrow).

2.2 上方盂唇前后向撕裂(肱二头肌长头腱-上盂唇复合体损伤)

       上方盂唇前后向撕裂(superior labrum antero-posterior tears, SLAP损伤)是指上方盂唇的磨损和撕裂,累及范围相当于肱二头肌长头腱附着点及其前后区域的盂唇,可同时累及肱二头肌长头腱[12,13,14]。SLAP损伤是肩关节常见病变之一,以肩关节疼痛、活动受限及肩关节不稳为主要表现,原因可能为反复的投掷运动或上臂直接牵拉伤。


图18  SLAPⅠ。MRI造影斜冠状位示上盂唇边缘毛糙(箭)
图19  SLAPⅡ。MRI造影斜冠状位示对比剂进入上盂唇(箭),形态不规则,撕裂口边缘毛糙
图20  SLAP Ⅲ。MRI造影斜冠状位示对比剂进入上盂唇(箭),上盂唇撕裂部分与肱二头肌长头腱-盂唇复合体分离,类似关节腔上部的游离体
Fig 18  SLAP Ⅰ. Oblique coronal T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows fraying (curved arrow) of the superior labrum.
Fig 19  SLAP Ⅱ. Oblique coronal T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows a superior labral tear with linear high signal intensity extending into the labral substance (arrow).
Fig 20  SLAP Ⅲ. Oblique coronal T1-weighted MR arthrographic image shows a bucket-handle tear of the superior labrum (arrow). The torn labrum is completely separated from the superior glenoid and the biceps tendon. The biceps anchor is intact.

3 肱二头肌长头腱相关病变

3.1 肱二头肌长头腱变性和撕裂



图21  肱二头肌长头腱正常及变性。21A:MRI造影斜矢状位示正常肱二头肌长头腱(箭头);21B:MRI造影斜矢状位示肱二头肌长头腱变性,异常增粗,内部信号增高(箭)
Fig 21  Normal and tendinitis of the long head of the biceps. Fig 21A: Oblique sagittal MR image shows normal long head of the biceps tendon (arrow head). Fig 21B: Oblique sagittal MR image shows the enlargement of the tendon (arrow) and abnormal internal high signal intensity.
图22  肱二头肌长头腱完全撕裂。MRI造影轴位(22A),示结节间沟内空虚(箭);MRI造影斜矢状位(22B),示关节内无肱二头肌长头腱影像(箭);MRI造影斜冠状位(22C)显示萎缩的肱二头肌长头腱残端(箭)
Fig 22  Complete tear of the long head of the biceps. Axial MR arthrographic image (22A) shows absence of biceps tendon (arrow) in the bicipital groove. Oblique sagittal MR arthrographic image (22B) also shows absence of biceps tendon (arrow). Oblique coronal MR arthrographic image (22C) shows the nub of the long head of the biceps tendon (arrow).
图23  肱二头肌长头腱部分撕裂。MRI造影斜冠状位(A),示对比剂进入肱二头肌长头腱(箭);MRI造影轴位(B),示对比剂进入肱二头肌长头腱(箭)。
Fig 23  Partial tear of the long head of the biceps. Oblique coronal and axial MR arthrographic images show the abnormal enter of the contrast material into the substance of the tendon (arrows), which represents a partial tear.

3.2 肱二头肌长头腱脱位或半脱位

       肱骨结节间沟内侧壁发育不良、肩胛下肌腱或肱横韧带撕裂时,均可能导致肱二头肌长头腱自结节间沟内脱出。脱位的肱二头肌长头腱一般均移向内侧,可位于肩胛下肌腱的前方、或肩胛下肌腱内(合并有肩胛下肌腱部分撕裂或剥离)(图24)、或关节内(多合并巨大肩袖撕裂、肩胛下肌腱完全撕裂) (图25) ,MRI轴位易于诊断。

图24  肱二头肌长头腱脱位。常规MRI轴位示肩胛下肌腱层裂(箭),肱二头肌长头腱从结节间沟内脱出,移位于肩胛下肌内(箭头);
图25  肱二头肌长头腱脱位。MRI造影轴位示肩胛下肌腱撕裂,结节间沟空虚,肱二头肌长头腱向内侧移位,位于关节内(箭)
Fig 24  Dislocation of the long head of the biceps. On this axial routine MR image, delamination-type tear of the subscapularis tendon is clearly shown (arrows). The long head of the biceps tendon (arrow head) is subluxated into the split of the subscapularis tendon.
Fig 25  Dislocation of the long head of the biceps. On this axial MR arthrographic image, the subscapularis tendon is shown disrupted, the long head of the biceps tendon (arrow) displaces medically and locates in the shoulder joint.

4 其余常见疾病

4.1 钙化性肌腱炎和钙化性滑囊炎


图26  钙化性肌腱炎。X线平片示肱骨大结节上方软组织内斑块状钙化影(箭)
图27  钙化性肌腱炎。常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示冈上肌腱腱内斑块状钙化低信号影(箭)
Fig 26  Calcific tendinitis. X-ray plane film shows the calcium deposit in the soft tissue around the greater tuberosity of the humerus (arrow).
Fig 27  Calcific tendinitis. Oblique coronal MR image of the shoulder shows the calcium deposit as hypointense signal within the supraspinatus tendon (arrow).

4.2 肩周炎


图28  肩周炎。常规MRI斜冠状位FS T2W示腋隐窝处关节囊增厚并水肿(箭)
Fig 28  Adhesive capsulitis. Oblique coronal FS T2W MR image shows marked diffuse thickening and edema of the axils fossae capsule, which appears as thickened band of hyperintense signal (arrows).
图29  肩周炎。MRI造影(A:斜冠状位FS T2W,B:斜矢状位T1W)示喙肱韧带(CHL)增厚及周围纤维组织增生(箭)
Fig 29  Adhesive capsulitis. MR arthrographic images (29A: Oblique coronal FS T2W; 29B: Oblique sagittal T1W) show thickened coracohumeral ligament and abnormal hypertrophic edematous fibrous tissue.

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上一篇 全身MR/PET联合成像:技术构想、临床工作流程及初步结果
下一篇 磁共振T2*技术在测量人体内铁沉积中的研究进展
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