章士正 任小军 邓丽萍 张峭巍

章士正,任小军,邓丽萍,等.小肠MR造影.磁共振成像, 2013, 5(4): 389-393. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2013.05.013.

[摘要] MR小肠造影以其完全没有辐射、良好的软组织分辨率、能够清楚显示小肠腔内外情况而在临床上应用越来越多。作者介绍2种MR小肠造影方法:口服法MR小肠造影检查(MR enterography)和插管法MR小肠造影检查(MR enteroclysis),其中尤以口服法MR小肠造影简单、易行、无痛苦。用对比剂填充小肠、使小肠充分扩张是保证小肠造影取得成功的关键。作者经验是2.5%(等渗)甘露醇溶液为较理想的对比剂。简要归纳了一些常见小肠病变的MRI诊断要点并图示。
[Abstract] MR Imaging of the small bowel can clearly show endoluminal,mural and extraluminal condition, meanwhile there is no radiation and good soft tissue resolution, thereby it is currently utilized more and more. Two MR imaging methods are MR enterography and MR enteroclysis, between them MR enterography is easier and no pain. It is the key to fulfill and dilate the lumen of small bowel with contrast medium. We prefer the 2.5% mannitol as the contrast medium. The MRI findings of various small bowel diseases are brief introduced.
[关键词] 磁共振成像;小肠造影
[Keywords] Magnetic resonance imaging;Small bowel examination

章士正* 浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院放射科,杭州 310016

任小军 西安西电集团医院放射科,西安 710077

邓丽萍 浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院放射科,杭州 310016

张峭巍 浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院放射科,杭州 310016


中图分类号:R445.2; R574.5 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2013.05.013
章士正,任小军,邓丽萍,等.小肠MR造影.磁共振成像, 2013, 5(4): 389-393. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2013.05.013.



1 MR小肠造影检查的方法[7,8,9,10]

       (1)口服法MR小肠造影检查(MR enter-ography),口服对比剂充分扩张小肠后行MRI检查。(2)插管法MR小肠造影检查(MR enteroclysis),导管插入十二指肠空肠曲后,经导管注入对比剂填充小肠腔后行MRI检查。

2 MR小肠造影检查的注意点


3 MR小肠造影检查前准备

       (1)检查当日早晨禁食、空腹。(2)口服法MR小肠造影检查,口服2.5%的等渗甘露醇溶液1500 ml,以均匀的速度在30~ 45 min喝完。插管法MR小肠造影检查需预先插入小肠导管达十二指肠-空肠曲,经导管注入对比剂充盈整个小肠。(3)检查前静脉注射山莨宕碱(654-2) 20 mg,以便抑制肠蠕动,减少运动伪影。

4 MR小肠造影的检查序列


5 口服法MR小肠造影检查[11,12,13,14,15,16]

1.1 MR小肠造影的正常所见

       小肠蜿蜒曲折盘踞整个腹腔。在T1WI上,口服的甘露醇溶液呈低信号,增强的肠壁呈线样高信号,扩张良好的正常小肠肠壁厚度<3 mm。在T2WI上,甘露醇呈明亮的高信号,而肠壁则呈线样低信号(图1)。

图1  MR小肠造影正常所见。A:T1WI;B:T2WI
图2  小肠多发性间质瘤。A:增强T1WI;B:T2WI。可见肠腔内充盈缺损(箭)、向腔外生长的肿瘤块影(箭头),增强T1WI扫描显示肿块富血管的特点
图3  A:增强T1WI;B: T2WI。阑尾黏液腺癌致回肠末端黏膜破坏、肠壁增厚、管腔狭窄,肿块局部囊变
图4  Crohn病。末段回肠管壁明显增厚、分层,肠腔狭窄,邻近系膜浑浊,增强明显。A:增强T1WI;B:T2WI
图5  Crohn病。多节段回肠肠壁增厚,增强明显,肠系膜缘病变重;病变肠管附近的直小血管明显增多、呈梳征。A、B:增强T1WI;C: T2WI
Fig. 1  Normal appearance of MR enterography. A: T1WI. B: T2WI.
Fig. 2  Multiple GIST of small intestine. A: enhanced T1WI. B: T2WI. MRI finding is the intraluminal filling defect (long arrow) and the extraluminal mass (short arrow). Enhancement T1WI show the rich vascular tumor feature.
Fig. 3  A: enhanced T1WI. B: T2WI. The mucinous adenocarcinoma of appendix involved the distal ileum. There are the mucous membrane destroyed, the wall thickening, lumen stenosis and necrosis in the mass.
Fig. 4  Crohn’s disease. There are the distal ileum wall thickening, lumen shenosis, enhanced and the nearby mesentery dirty. A: enhanced T1WI. B: T2WI.
Fig. 5  Crohn’s disease. MRI find multiple lesions in the ileum that are wall thickening, enhanced. The lesion in mesentery margin are more severe and the Comb sign (due to the increased vasa recta of ileum). A, B: enhanced T1WI. C: T2WI .

1.2 小肠肿瘤的MRI表现


图6  Crohn病。回肠末端狭窄、管壁增厚、增强明显,壁内脓肿,脓肿周围环状强化。A:增强T1WI;B:T2WI
图7  Crohn病。末端回肠和盲、升结肠管壁增厚、增强明显,肠外盆腔内脓肿形成。A:增强T1WI;B:T2WI
图8  Crohn病。回肠管壁增厚、管腔明显狭窄,继发回肠梗阻。A:增强T1WI;B:T2WI
图9  肠结核。回盲部肠壁明显增厚、分层,肠系膜内见圆圈状肿大的淋巴结(淋巴结结核)。A:T1WI;B:T2WI
图10  小肠梗阻(炎性粘连)。可见梗阻扩张的小肠,其末端呈喙突状狭窄,邻近并没有肿块或其他占位。A:T1WI;B:T2W
图11  T2WI示十二指肠-结肠瘘。可见对比剂从十二指肠直接进入结肠肝曲
图12  插管注气法MR(增强T1WI)小肠造影正常所见
Fig. 6  Crohn’s disease. MRI find the wall thickening, lumen stenosis and enhanced in the distal ileum. Also the intramural abscess and the ring enhancement of abscess can be seen in the thickening wall. A: enhanced T1WI. B: T2WI.
Fig. 7  Crohn’s disease. MRI find the wall thickening and enhanced in the distal ileum, cecum and ascending colon. There is the extraluminal abscess in the pelvis. A: enhanced T1WI. B: T2WI.
Fig. 8  Crohn’s disease. MRI find the ileum wall thickening, the lumen severe narrow and secondary proximal obstruction. A: enhanced T1WI. B: T2WI.
Fig. 9  Small intestinal tuberculosis. MRI find the wall thickening and layering in the ileum-cecum. There are ring-like enlarged lymph nodes in the mesentery. A: T1WI. B: T2WI.
Fig. 10  Small intestinal obstruction (inflammatory adhesion). MRI find the dilated small intestine and the beak-like end. No mass can be found. A: T1WI. B: T2WI.
Fig. 11  T2WI. The fistula of duodenum-colon. MRI find the contrast medium enter the hepatic flexure of colon from duodenum.
Fig. 12  The normal appearance of MR enteroclysis. Enhanced T1WI.
图13  Crohn病。末段回肠管壁增厚,增强明显(A:增强T1WI;B:T2WI);病变肠段与右下腹壁粘连(A)
图14  Crohn病。末端回肠肠壁增厚、分层,增强明显。肠管外炎性团块形成。A、B:增强T1WI
图15  肠结核。末段回肠肠壁增厚、分层,肠旁干酪脓肿形成。内侧可见数个圈状淋巴结结核。A:增强T1WI;B:T2WI
图16  小肠间质瘤。盆腔内见一个圆形实质性肿块、边缘光滑,增强后肿块明显强化,显示了其非常富血管的特点。A:平扫T1WI;B:增强T1WI
Fig. 13  Crohn’s disease. MRI find the wall thickening and enhanced in the distal ileum (A: enhanced T1WI. B: T2WI). The distal ileum adhered with the right lower abdominal wall (A).
Fig. 14  Crohn’s disease. MRI find the wall thickening, layering and enhanced in the distal ileum wall. There is a inflammatory mass out of the lumen. A, B: enhanced T1WI.
Fig. 15  Small intestine tuberculosis. MRI find the wall thickening, layering and caseous abscess formation in the distal ileum. Several enlarged lymph node can be seen in the inner side. A: enhanced T1WI. B: T2WI.
Fig. 16  Small intestinal stroma. MRI find a round soft tissue mass in the pelvic cavity with sharp margine and obvious enhancement which show the rich vascular feature. A: T1WI. B: enhanced T1WI.

1.3 Crohn病的MRI表现(图4,图5,图6,图7,图8)

       (1)肠壁异常增强,其程度与病变活动性一致;(2)肠壁增强分层,黏膜及浆膜层增强明显,中间层为黏膜下水肿,可呈低信号;(3)肠壁增厚,厚度>3 mm,肠管狭窄;系膜缘受累明显,对侧肠壁冗长,形成囊袋状;(4)肠壁内脓肿;(5)直小血管明显增多,呈梳征(comb sign);(6)相邻肠系膜混浊,炎性浸润、蜂窝织炎;(7)肠系膜淋巴结肿大;(8)肠周纤维脂肪增生,为临床稳定期的征象;(9)肠管外并发症,肠腔外脓肿、窦道、瘘管。

1.4 肠结核的MRI表现(图9)


1.5 肠梗阻的MRI表现(图10)


1.6 小肠结肠瘘的MRI表现(图11)


6 插管法MR小肠造影检查[8,10,16]





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下一篇 阿尔茨海默病DTI早期诊断的研究进展
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