李兆祥 薛华丹 秦明伟 潘卫东

李兆祥,薛华丹,秦明伟,等.开塞露在直肠癌MRI术前T1和T2分期中的应用.磁共振成像, 2014, 5(5): 352-357. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2014.05.008.

[摘要] 目的 探讨使用开塞露进行肠道准备对直肠癌磁共振术前T1和T2分期的意义。材料与方法 回顾经手术病理证实为T1或T2分期的直肠癌患者81例,男51例,女30例,平均年龄(64.2±12.2)岁。其中,45例(男30例,女15例)使用开塞露,36例(男21例,女15例)未使用开塞露。分别分析两组MRI术前分期与手术病理分期结果的一致性,计算并比较两组MRI T1、T2分期的敏感度、特异度、准确度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值和T1+T2分期的敏感度。结果 Kappa检验证实两组MRI术前分期与手术病理分期结果的一致性均为中等,K值分别为使用开塞露组0.693,未使用开塞露组0.537。使用开塞露组直肠癌磁共振T分期的敏感度、特异度、准确度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为T1分期:76.5%、92.9%、86.7%、86.7%、86.7%;T2分期:78.6%、76.5%、86.7%、84.5%、68.4%;T1+T2分期的敏感度为:77.8%。未使用开塞露组直肠癌磁共振T分期的敏感度、特异度、准确度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为T1分期:57.1%、95.5%、80.6%、88.9%、77.8%;T2分期:77.3%、57.1%、69.4%、73.9%、61.5%;T1+T2分期的敏感度为:69.4%。统计分析证实使用开塞露组T1分期的敏感度及T2分期的特异度、准确度高于未使用开塞露组(P<0.05,单侧)。结论 使用开塞露进行肠道准备能够明显提高直肠癌磁共振T1分期的敏感度、T2分期特异度及准确度,同时在一定程度上提高T1和T1+T2分期的诊断准确性,建议作为直肠癌磁共振检查的肠道准备常规应用。
[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the value of Enema Glycerine applied in preoperative MRI T1 staging and T2 staging of rectal cancer.Materials and Methods: The MRI datum of 81 cases of pathologically confirmed T1 staging or T2 staging of rectal cancer suffers after operation (50 males and 31 females whose ages, 64.2±12.2 on average, range from 31 to 88), were collected retroactively, from september 2005 to december 2013, in PUMCH. Patients involved were examined by MRI within two weeks before the operation. In this study, 45 patients (30 males and 15 females) had used the Enema Glycerine. While the other 36 cases (21 males and 15 females) had no used it. So these cases were assigned to two groups. The thesis utilized Kappa test to analyze the consistency between the preoperative MRI T staging and the postoperative pathological staging of in each group, and calculated the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the MRI T1 staging, T2 staging, and the the sensitivity of T1+T2 staging, and compared them, respectively.Results: Kappa tests (K=0.693 and K=0.537) showed the two groups, including applying the Enema Glycerine and no applying the Enema Glycerine, have good consistency of the preoperative MRI T staging and the postoperative pathological staging. Respectively, in the group applying the Enema Glycerine, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the MRI T1 staging were 76.5%, 92.9%, 86.7%, 86.7% and 86.7%. Those of the MRI T2 staging were 78.6%, 76.5%, 86.7%, 84.5% and 68.4%. The sensitivity of the MRI T1+T2 staging was 77.8%. In the other group, no applying the Enema Glycerine, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the MRI T1 staging were 57.1%, 95.5%, 80.6%, 88.9% and 77.8%. Those of the MRI T2 staging were 77.3%, 57.1%, 69.4%, 73.9% and 61.5%. The sensitivity of the MRI T1+T2 staging was 69.4%. The statistic analysis show the sensitivity of the MRI T1 staging, the specificity and the accuracy of MRI T2 staging of the group applying the Enema Glycerine were higher than that of the group no applying the Enema Glycerine (P<0.05, single-side hypothesis testing).Conclusions: There is higher value of Enema Glycerine, which can significantly improve the sensitivity of the preoperative MRI T1 staging, the specificity and accuracy of T2 staging, and simultaneously improve partly the diagnosis accuracy of the MRI T1 staging and T1+T2 staging, applied in preoperative MRI examination of rectal cancer and thus it should be one of the conventional application.
[关键词] 开塞露;结直肠肿瘤;磁共振成像;肿瘤分期
[Keywords] Enema Glycerine;Colorectal neoplasms;Magnetic resonance imaging;Neoplasm staging

李兆祥 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730

薛华丹 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730

秦明伟* 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730

潘卫东 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730

通讯作者:秦明伟,E-mail:qinmingwei@ hotmail.com

中图分类号:R445.2; R735.3 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2014.05.008
李兆祥,薛华丹,秦明伟,等.开塞露在直肠癌MRI术前T1和T2分期中的应用.磁共振成像, 2014, 5(5): 352-357. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2014.05.008.


1 材料与方法

1.1 一般资料

       回顾2005年9月至2013年12月北京协和医院经手术病理证实为T1或T2分期的直肠癌患者81例(术前2周内行MRI检查,并排除术前行放化疗的患者),男51例,女30例,平均年龄(64.2±12.2)岁(31~88岁)。其中45例(男26例,女15例)使用开塞露,36例(男21例,女15例)未使用开塞露。开塞露(英文名称:Enema Glycerine)主要成分为甘油52.8%~58.3%(重量比),辅料为纯化水;规格:20 ml。

1.2 检查方法

1.2.1 患者检查前准备

       MRI检查前无需禁食水,检查前15~20 min嘱咐患者肛门内使用开塞露1支,并尽量排尽粪便,不需肌注解痉药及静脉注射或口服对比剂。

1.2.2 扫描方法

       采用GE SIGNA 1.5T TwinSpeed磁共振扫描仪(最大梯度场强40 mT/m,最大梯度切换率150 mT/m),8通道体部相控阵线圈。患者取仰卧位,定位扫描后,使用快速自旋回波(fast spinecho,FSE)序列,依次完成矢状面、轴面、冠状面T2WI序列和轴面T1WI序列、斜横断面高分辨T2WI,以及与轴面T2WI相对应的DWI扫描。扫描参数:矢状面、轴面、冠状面T2WI,TR 4000 ms,TE 130 ms;ETL为19,层厚4 mm,层间距为0,FOV 26 cm×26 cm ,NEX为4,矩阵288×244。轴面T1WI,TR 500 ms,TE为最小值,ETL为2,层厚4 mm,层间距为0,FOV 26 cm×26 cm,NEX为1,矩阵288×244。斜横断面T2WI,TR 3800 ms,TE 102 ms,ETL为16,层厚3 mm,层间距为0,FOV 16 cm×16 cm,NEX为4,矩阵256×256。DWI(b=0 ,1000s/m2) ,TR 4000 ms,TE为最小值,层厚4 mm,层间距为0,FOV 35 cm×35 cm,NEX为6,矩阵128×128。扫描范围:DWI、矢状面T2WI、轴面T1WI和T2WI行全盆腔扫描,包括乙状结肠至肛门;冠状面和斜横断面T2WI与病灶段肠壁垂直,包全病灶。

1.2.3 影像诊断参考标准



1.3 统计学方法

       采用SPSS 17.0统计软件分析数据,分析两组(使用开塞露组和未用开塞露组)术前MRI分期与术后病理分期结果的一致性(Kappa检验);计算直肠癌磁共振T1、T2分期的敏感度、特异度、准确度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值和T1+T2分期的敏感度;最后进行两个独立率的比较,P<0.05(单侧)为差异具有统计学意义。

2 结果





图1  T2WI轴面示直肠壁各层MRI信号。A:未用开塞露,T2WI轴面示黏膜层细线样低信号重叠在一起(箭);B:使用开塞露,T2WI轴面示肠壁各层显示清晰,黏膜层(黑箭)细线样低信号适度展开,黏膜下层(白箭)呈较厚稍高信号,肌层呈环形线样低信号(黑箭头)
图2  MRI诊为T1期直肠癌(使用开塞露),直肠腔内开塞露为高信号(黑箭)。A:T2WI轴面示直肠右侧壁结节样等信号肿物(黑箭头),累及黏膜层及黏膜下层,尚未累及肌层,黏膜下层环形线样稍高信号连续,肠管扩张适度。B:DWI示病灶呈高信号(箭)。术后病理示:T1期直肠癌
图3  MRI诊为T2期直肠癌(未用开塞露)。A:T2WI轴面示直肠内侧壁环形肿物(箭),累及黏膜层及黏膜下层,病灶局部与肌层分界欠清晰,肌层环形线样低信号连续;肠腔扩张欠佳。B:DWI示病灶呈环形高信号(箭)。术后病理示:T1期直肠癌
图4  MRI诊为T2期直肠癌(使用开塞露)。A:T2WI轴面示直肠左前壁弧形肿物(箭),累及黏膜层及黏膜下层,直达肌层,病灶局部与肌层分界不清,肌层外层环形线样低信号连续;肠腔扩张好。B:DWI示病灶呈高信号(箭)。术后病理示:T2期直肠癌
Fig. 1  AXI-T2WI images of the rectum, A, B was the images of the rectal wall layers. A: No using the Enema Glycerine, mucous layer showed the thin thread-like low signal, overlapping each other (arrow). B: Using the Enema Glycerine, mucous layer showed the thin thread-like low signal (black arrow), unfolding moderately. Submucous layer showed a little higher signal (white arrow). Muscular layer showed the annular thread-like low signal (bold white arrow).
Fig. 2  T1 staging of rectal cancer was diagnosed on MRI (using the Enema Glycerine),the Enema Glycerine internal the rectum showed the high signal (black arrow). A: On AXI-T2WI a nodule-like equal signal lesion was seen on the right rectal wall (black arrow head), infringing upon the mucous layer and the submucous layer,no infringing upon the muscular layer yet. The annular thread-like low signal of the muscular layer was continuous. The slightly higher signal of the submucous layer between the lesion and the muscular layer was continuous. The rectum was expanded moderately. B: On DWI the lesion displayed high signal (black arrow). The postoperative pathological T staging showed T1 staging of rectal cancer.
Fig. 3  T2 staging of rectal cancer was diagnosed on MRI (no using the Enema Glycerine). A: AXI-T2WI showed a annular lesion was found on the inner side of the rectal wall (white arrow), infringing upon the mucous layer and the submucous layer,and the divided line between the lesion and the muscular layer was not a little clear. The annular thread-like low signal of the muscular layer was continuous. The rectum was not fully expanded. B: On DWI the lesion displayed annular high signal (white arrow). The postoperative pathological T staging showed T1 staging of rectal cancer.
Fig. 4  T2 staging of rectal cancer was diagnosed on MRI (using the Enema Glycerine). A: AXI-T2WI showed a arc lesion was found on the left-front side of the rectal wall (arrow), infringing upon the mucous layer and the submucous layer,reaching the muscular layer, and the divided line between the lesion and the muscular layer was not clear. The annular thread-like low signal of the muscular outer layer was continuous. The rectum was fully expanded. B: On DWI the lesion displayed annular high signal (arrow). The postoperative pathological T staging showed T2 staging of rectal cancer.
图5  MRI诊为T2期直肠癌(未用开塞露)。A:T2WI轴面示直肠后壁弧形肿物(箭),累及黏膜层及黏膜下层,病灶局部与肌层分界不清,肌层外层环形线样低信号连续;肠管内有大量气体,肠腔扩张略过度,局部肠壁各层变薄,黏膜层及黏膜下层与肠壁固有肌层分界不清。B:DWI示病灶呈高信号(箭)。术后病理示T1期直肠癌
Fig. 5  T2 staging of rectal cancer was diagnosed on MRI (no using the Enema Glycerine). A: AXI-T2WI showed an arc lesion was found on the rear side of the rectal wall (arrow), infringing upon the mucous layer and the submucous layer. And the divided line between the lesion and the muscular layer was not clear. The annular thread-like low signal of the muscular outer layer was continuous; quite a few gas was found in the tectum, thus it was slightly excessively expanded and the layers of the rectal wall got thinner. And the divided line between the mucous layer and the submucous layer and the muscular layer was not clear. B: On DWI the lesion displayed high signal (arrow). The postoperative pathological T staging showed T1 staging of rectal cancer
表1  使用开塞露组直肠癌术前MRI T分期与病理T分期结果的比较
Tab. 1  Patients, using the Enema Glycerine, of preoperative MRI T staging and postoperative pathological staging of rectal cancer comparing the results
表2  未用开塞露组直肠癌术前MRI T分期与病理T分期结果的比较
Tab. 2  Patients,no using the Enema Glycerine, of preoperative MRI T staging and postoperative pathological staging of rectal cancer comparing the results
表3  使用开塞露组与未用开塞露组直肠癌MRI T1、T2分期的敏感度、特异度、准确度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值及T1+T2分期的敏感度比较(%)
Tab. 3  The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the MRI T1 staging, T2 staging,and the the sensitivity of T1+T2 staging, comparing the results, of patients using the Enema Glycerine/patients no using the Enema Glycerine(%)
表4  使用开塞露组与未用开塞露组直肠癌MRI T1、T2、T1+T2分期的两个独立率比较(a=0.05,单侧)
Tab. 4  Two Independent-Samples rates tests of the MRI T1 staging, T2 staging, and T1+T2 staging of the group using the Enema Glycerine/the group no using the Enema Glycerine, comparing the results (a=0.05, single-side hypothesis testing)

3 讨论

       直肠癌MRI的诊断及分期主要依靠T2WI和DWI。在T2WI序列上,正常肠壁的黏膜层表现为细线样低信号层,黏膜下层表现为稍厚的稍高信号层,肠壁固有肌层表现为环形线样低信号层[7]图1)。直肠癌的MR信号通常表现为等T1、等或稍高T2信号(图2A图3A图4A图5A)。在DWI上,直肠癌通常为高信号(图2B图3B图4B图5B)。在直肠癌T分期中,T1分期肿瘤局限于黏膜及黏膜下层(图2A) ;T2分期肿瘤延伸至肠壁固有肌层,但并未超过(图4A)。






3.1 直肠常规MRI


3.2 应用对比剂MR扫描

       直肠MRI常用对比剂包括气体、水、脂肪、钆(Gd)对比剂、硫酸钡和超顺磁性氧化铁(superparamagnetic iron oxide,SPIO)等。









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上一篇 Fabry病累及心脏的临床和影像学特征
下一篇 MR胰胆管造影表现为四管征的慢性胰腺炎
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