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Clinical Article
Machine learning to distinguish stage ⅠA cervical cancer from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion-based on MRI radiomics models
FAN Zhichang  XIA Yuwei  ZHEN Junping  ZHOU Yukun  JIN Bo  BIAN Wenjin  YANG Jie 

Cite this article as: Fan ZC, Xia YW, Zhen JP, et al. Machine learning to distinguish stage ⅠA cervical cancer from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion-based on MRI radiomics models[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(6): 38-43. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.06.008.

[Abstract] Objective Using cervical MRI images to extract radiomic features and establish machine learning models to identify stage ⅠA cervical cancer and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL). Materials andMethods A retrospective analysis of 43 patients with stage ⅠA cervical cancer and 51 patients with HSIL confirmed by surgery and pathology was performed, and 20% (n=19) of the samples were selected as the test set. The preoperative MRI images were collected to upload to the radiomics cloud platform. sagittal T2WI, axial T2WI and T2FS were manually segmented layer by layer to obtain the three-dimensional volume of interest (VOI) of the cervix, and extract the omics features. Variance threshold analysis method, univariate feature selection method (SelectKBest) and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) were used for data dimensionality reduction and feature selection. Random forest model was used for machine learning, ROC curve was drawn to analyze the diagnostic efficiency of different sequence radiomics models.Results Based on OSag-T2WI, OAx-T1WI, OAx-T2FS and OSag-T2WI combined with OAx-T2FS, 8, 10, 6 and 9 effective features were obtained. The random forest model based on OSag-T2WI combined with OAx-T2FS has the highest diagnostic performance, with AUC of 0.89 [95% CI (0.74—1.00)]; the model based on OAx-T1WI has the lowest diagnostic performance, with AUC of 0.51 [95% CI (0.23—0.78)].Conclusions The random forest model of radiomics based on MRI can better distinguish stage ⅠA cervical cancer from HSIL without clear focus, which is of great significance for reducing invasive examination and guiding surgical procedures before surgery.
[Keywords] cervical cancer;high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion;magnetic resonance imaging;radiomics;machine-learning

FAN Zhichang1   XIA Yuwei2   ZHEN Junping3   ZHOU Yukun4   JIN Bo5   BIAN Wenjin1   YANG Jie1  

1 Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China

2 Huiying Medical Technology, Beijing 100192, China

3 Department of Imaging, the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China

4 Department of Imaging, the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China

5 Department of Imaging, the Shanxi Children's Hospital, Taiyuan 030001, China

Zhen JP, E-mail:

Conflicts of interest   None.

This work was part of Shanxi Returned Overseas Students Research Funding Project (No. 2014-077).
Received  2020-12-31
Accepted  2021-03-18
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.06.008
Cite this article as: Fan ZC, Xia YW, Zhen JP, et al. Machine learning to distinguish stage ⅠA cervical cancer from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion-based on MRI radiomics models[J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(6): 38-43. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.06.008.

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