赵铁牛 练远书 胡雪梅 谭文婷 邓国宏 刘赫 胡晓飞

Cite this article as: Zhao TN, Lian YS, Hu XM, et al. Clinical and MRI analysis of hepatic and cerebral hepatolenticular degeneration [J]. Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021, 12(3): 1-5.本文引用格式:赵铁牛, 练远书, 胡雪梅, 等. 肝型和脑型肝豆状核变性的临床及MRI分析[J]. 磁共振成像, 2021, 12(3): 1-5. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.03.001.

[摘要] 目的 探讨肝型和脑型肝豆状核变性(Wilson disease,WD)患者头颅MRI影像学表现、眼底检查及其实验室检查的差异性。材料与方法 回顾性收集陆军军医大学第一附属医院2009年至2019年度经实验室基因检测确诊的89例WD患者(脑型44例,肝型45例)的铜蓝蛋白、血清铜、眼底检查及头颅MRI检查的结果并进行分析,对MRI异常信号进行量化评定标准评分,并对不同临床类型的WD患者临床指标和影像结果进行比较。结果 脑型和肝型WD患者KF环的阳性率无统计学差异(P=0.946>0.05);脑型WD患者血清铜及铜蓝蛋白的含量明显低于肝型WD患者(P<0.001),WD患者中脑型比肝型发病年龄更早、且发病时长更长(P=0.043,0.013<0.05),脑型WD患者脑部MRI除苍白球、丘脑、小脑外其余各部位出现异常信号比率均高于肝型患者(P<0.05)。两型患者在苍白球、丘脑的信号异常范围评分差异并无统计学意义(P>0.05),而累积程度评分脑型患者明显高于肝型患者(P<0.05);两型患者在小脑区域信号异常范围和累积程度分数差异无统计学意义(P=0.779>0.05)。脑型WD患者脑部MRI的T2序列范围及程度总分与发病时长呈正相关(r=0.315,P=0.038);而肝型WD患者无相关性。结论 WD患者颅脑影像同时累及基底节区和脑干是肝型和脑型WD患者特征性影像表现。脑型患者颅内异常信号发生率、发病时长、以及颅内病变范围和程度均高于肝型患者。通过MRI检查T2序列的量化性评价可以在一定程度上反映和评估WD患者脑部的病理学阶段和程度。
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the disparity of the imaging features, fundus examination and laboratory examination between hepatic and cerebral hepatolenticular degeneration [Wilson disease (WD)]. Materials andMethods The imaging features and clinical data, presentation, laboratory examinations of 89 patients with hepatolenticular degeneration diagnosed by gene test in the first affiliated hospital of army medical university hospital between 2009—2019 were collected and analyzed retrospectively. MRI abnormalities were rated using standardized methods. Comparison of clinical measures and imaging scores between different types of hepatolenticular degeneration patients were performed.Results There was no significant difference in the positive rate of KF between brain type and liver type (P=0.946>0.05), but the content of copper and ceruloplasmin in patients of brain type were significant lower than those in patients of liver type (P<0.001). The abnormal signal rate of brain MRI except pallidum, thalamus and cerebellum in patients of brain type was higher than that in patients of liver type (P=0.043, 0.013<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two types of patients in the abnormal signal range of globus pallidus and thalamus (P>0.05), while the cumulative score of patients with brain type was significantly higher than that of patients with liver type (P<0.05); there was no statistical significance between the two types of patients in the abnormal signal range and cumulative score of cerebellar region (P=0.779>0.05). The T2 sequence range and degree total score of brain MRI in patients with brain type hepatolenticular degeneration were positively correlated with the onset time (r=0.315, P=0.038), but not in patients with liver type.Conclusions Brain images of WD patients with simultaneous involvement of basal ganglia and brainstem are characteristic imaging findings both in patients of liver and brain types. The intracranial abnormal signal ratio, onset time, and the range and extent of intracranial lesions in patients brain types were higher than those in patients with liver type. Quantitative evaluation of T2 sequences is a potential evaluation method for the pathological stages and extent of the brain in WD patients.
[关键词] 肝豆状核变性;临床分型;影像学表现;差异;磁共振成像
[Keywords] hepatolenticular degeneration;clinical types;imaging features;disparity;magnetic resonance imaging

赵铁牛 1, 2   练远书 3   胡雪梅 4   谭文婷 5   邓国宏 5   刘赫 1   胡晓飞 1*  

1 陆军军医大学第一附属医院放射科,重庆 400000

2 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第924医院放射诊断科,桂林 541002

3 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第924医院普外科,桂林 541002

4 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第924医院超声诊断科,桂林 541002

5 陆军军医大学第一附属医院感染科,重庆 400000



基金项目: “十三五”国家科技重大专项 2018ZX10732202 西南医院重大技术创新计划重大项目 SWH2016ZDCX1007
DOI: 10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.03.001
本文引用格式:赵铁牛, 练远书, 胡雪梅, 等. 肝型和脑型肝豆状核变性的临床及MRI分析[J]. 磁共振成像, 2021, 12(3): 1-5. DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2021.03.001.

       肝豆状核变性又称Wilson病(Wilson disease,WD),是Wilson于1912年首次报道的一种常染色体隐性遗传,铜元素代谢障碍性疾病,其致病基因是ATPase-Cu2+转运β多肽基因(ATP7B),最常见的致病变异位点是Arg778Leu[1]。ATP7B基因突变导致铜离子代谢紊乱,引起合成铜蓝蛋白数量的减少,并导致铜在肝、脑、角膜等器官内病理性沉积[2]。其常见的临床表现包括进行性肝损害、神经精神障碍与角膜色素环(Kayer-Fleischer环, K-F环)等[3]。WD患者根据首发临床症状不同可分四种类型[4]:(1)脑型;(2)肝型;(3)其他类型(肾脏功能损害、骨肌损伤、溶血性贫血等);(4)混合型。笔者通过对89例脑型和肝型WD患者的颅脑MRI图像的影像学特点、血清铜及铜蓝蛋白含量、眼底检查结果进行回顾性总结分析,探讨本病的脑部影像学表现、血清铜及铜蓝蛋白含量、K-F环的阳性率与临床分型的关系。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 方法

       收集WD患者血清铜蓝蛋白、血清铜离子浓度、眼底筛查及头颅MRI检查的结果。通过原子吸收分光光度计火焰法测定血清铜、铜蓝蛋白浓度。通过裂隙灯检查眼底。全部MRI检查均在Siemens Magnetom Spectra 3.0 T磁共振上完成,患者仰卧位,采用8通道头颅线圈。扫描序列为快速自选回波序列,扫描范围:颅底至颅顶。扫描参数:T1WI TR 37 ms,TE 5 ms;T2WI TR 6000 ms,TE 89 ms,层厚5 mm,层间距1 mm。根据SINHA等对MRI异常信号的量化评定标准[5],在T2加权成像上,将WD的异常信号分为高、低、混杂信号三种,采用双盲法,由2名影像科医生分别对苍白球、壳核、尾状核、丘脑、中脑、桥脑、延髓、小脑的病变范围及程度,选取病变最严重的层面进行评分,如意见不一由另一名高年资神经影像专家评估决定。各部位得分0分为阴性,1~3分为阳性。评分标准见表1图1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

图1  熊猫脸征:红核对称性低信号构成眼睛,侧面的黑质网状部的正常信号构成耳朵,上丘低信号构成嘴巴,犹如熊猫脸
图2  双侧海马回对称性分布的皮层下稍高信号
图3  双侧额叶对称性分布皮层下高信号,右侧顶叶皮层下高信号
图4  双侧苍白球、壳核、尾状核及丘脑稍高信号,大致等于大脑皮质信号,评分1
图5  双侧壳核高信号,高于皮质信号,低于脑室内水信号,评分2
图6  双侧壳核高信号,大致等同于脑室内水信号,评分3
图7  肝型患者,男,32岁,以乏力、纳差、黄疸、腹痛症状就诊,颅脑MRI检查发现双侧丘脑对称性小片状稍高信号,苍白球对称性小片状稍低信号
图8  脑型患者,男,24岁,以手足徐动、共济失调、下肢肌张力减低、异常精神症状就诊,颅脑MRI检查发现双侧苍白球混杂信号,双侧丘脑、尾状核及壳核对称性片状稍高、高信号
Fig. 1  ‘Face of giant panda’ sign: The ‘face of giant panda’ sign is delineated by the relative hypointensity of the red nucleus (‘eyes of the panda’) in contrast to the hyperintensity of the superior colliculus (‘mouth of the panda’) and isointensity of reticular part of substantia nigra.
Fig. 2  Bilateral high signal intensity in the hippocampus.
Fig. 3  Bilateral high signal intensity in the frontal lobe and high signal intensity in right parietal lobe.
Fig. 4  Bilateral iso- to slightly hyperintense signal in the globus pallidus, dorsal caudate putamen, caudate nucleus and ganglia, roughly equal to signal in cerebral cortex, score 1.
Fig. 5  Bilateral hyperintense signal in the dorsal caudate putamen, higher than signal in cortical signal and lower than signal in intraventricular, score 2.
Fig. 6  Bilateral hyperintense signal in the dorsal caudate putamen, roughly equal to signal in intraventricular, score 3.
Fig. 7  A patients of liver type, male, 32 years old, with fatigue, anorexia, jaundice, abdominal pain. MRI showed bilateral symmetry flake higher signal in ganglia and bilateral symmetry flake slightly lower signal in globus pallidus.
Fig. 8  Apatients of brain type, male, 24 years old, with hand and foot creep, ataxia, lower extremity muscle tension decreased and abnormal mental symptoms. MRI showed symmetry flake slightly hyperintense signal in dorsal caudate putamen, caudate nucleus and ganglia, and mixed signal intensity in globus pallidus.
表1  Wilson病患者脑部MRI的T2序列评分标准
Tab. 1  T2 sequence scoring criteria for brain MRI in WD patients

1.3 统计学方法

       两型WD患者的年龄、血清学指标、发病年龄、发病时长、MRI评分采用t检验比较。性别、K-F环阳性率、异常信号出现比率比较用卡方检验。颅脑异常信号量化指标和临床指标的相关性采用皮尔逊相关性分析。各项数据均应用软件SPSS 25.0分析完成。

2 结果

2.1 不同临床类型WD 患者临床资料


表2  两型Wilson病患者的基本情况比较
Tab. 2  Comparison of basic conditions of patients with two types of WD patients

2.2 两种临床类型WD患者影像学特点

       脑型WD患者脑部MRI除苍白球、丘脑、小脑外其余各部位出现异常信号比率均高于肝型患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05) (表3)。评分比较结果显示两型患者在苍白球、丘脑的信号异常范围评分差异并无统计学意义(P>0.05) (表4),而累积程度评分脑型患者明显高于肝型患者(P<0.05);小脑区域两型在信号异常范围和累积程度分数差异无统计学意义(P>0.05) (表4)。

表3  两型Wilson病患者脑内各部位阳性人数比较
Tab. 3  Comparison of positive numbers in different parts of brain of two types of WD patients
表4  两型Wilson病患者MRI的T2序列评分比较分析(x¯±s)
Tab. 4  Comparative analysis of MRI T2 sequence scoring in two types of WD patients(x¯±s)

2.3 患者临床分型和影像学评分关系


表5  脑内评分和发病年龄、确诊时间、发病时长的相关性分析
Tab. 5  Correlation analysis of intracranial score and age, time of diagnosis and time of pathogenesis
表6  两型Wilson病患者各部位T2序列评分与发病时长的相关性分析
Tab. 6  Correlation analysis of T2 sequence scores and duration of onset in two types of WD patients

3 讨论

3.1 两型WD患者临床表现

       WD患者发病年龄大多位于5~35岁[6]。有研究提出[7]以肝功能损害为首发症状的患者(多小于20岁)发病年龄低于以运动功能障碍症状起病的患者(30~40岁)。更多研究表明[8, 9]脑型WD患者发病年龄要早于肝型患者。本组病例中WD脑型患者的平均发病年龄(20.84±9.786)低于肝型平均发病年龄(25.89±13.141),儿童患者均为脑型,30岁以上患者中76.4%(13例)为肝型,与既往研究结果一致。这可能是因为运动障碍症状及异常精神障碍、睡眠障碍和自主神经紊乱等[10]的临床症状相对肝脏损伤的临床症状更易被发现,而晚发型WD患者(>30岁)脑中主要以铜离子沉积为主,对细胞造成的损伤轻微,因此神经和精神症状表现轻[11]

       WD的发病机制是由于ATP7B基因突变造成编码蛋白错误的折叠,使得铜离子在肝脏、脑、角膜缘等组织器官中渐进性沉积[12, 13, 14]。本组研究中发现脑型WD患者的血铜、铜蓝蛋白平均含量(7.82±9.51,71.25±64.50)要明显低于肝型患者(10.52±9.57,122.54±98.82),笔者猜测这可能是因为脑型WD患者血脑屏障破坏后,铜离子在脑部沉积导致血铜、铜蓝蛋白含量进一步下降所致。有学者证实[15]合并肝细胞衰竭的患者脑代谢物(NAA、NAA/Cr和NAA/Cho比值)相对无此表现的患者显著降低,提示肝功能衰竭先于并参与神经系统损伤,脑型WD患者的脑内代谢物与肝型WD患者相比明显下降,从而证实了笔者观点。


3.2 两型WD患者MRI表现





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上一篇 磁共振pH成像原理及其在肿瘤酸性微环境形成机制及其发展演变中的研究进展
下一篇 神经突方向离散度与密度成像对帕金森病脑深部核团的临床研究
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