付琳 王振常 李静 鲜军舫 张征宇

付琳,王振常,李静,等.神经纤维瘤病1型患者脑实质T2WI高信号的临床意义.磁共振成像, 2012, 3(5): 331-335. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2012.05.003.

[摘要] 目的 探讨神经纤维瘤病1型(NF1)患者脑实质异常T2WI高信号(hyperintensity on T2WI, T2H)的临床意义。材料与方法 回顾性分析78例NF1患者头颅MRI脑实质内异常T2WI信号灶的患病率、信号特点、发病位置进行统计分析。患者年龄2~60岁。结果 78例NF1患者中有55例的脑实质可见到T2H (70.5%)。2~18岁组52例患者中有42例可见T2H (80.8%),>18岁组26例患者中有13例可见T2H (50.0%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.892, P=0.005)。所有阳性病例中,各部位T2H的患病率依次为:脑干65.5% (36/55)、小脑58.2% (32/55)、基底节区49.1% (27/55)、海马25.5% (14/55)及丘脑20% (11/55)。2~18岁组脑干、小脑、基底节、海马、丘脑发现T2H者分别为30、29、22、10、9例,>18岁组分别为6、3、5、4、2例,不同年龄组T2H发生部位的差异没有统计学意义(χ2=2.738, P=0.603)。在阳性病例患者中,基底节区T2H边界清晰者为74.1% (20/27),其他部位的T2H多为边界不清的斑片状略高信号,脑干为77.8% (28/36),小脑半球为90.6% (29/32),丘脑为81.8% (9/11);多发者居多。结论 T2H是NF1患者脑实质常见的影像学表现,尤其是青少年患者。
[Abstract] Objective: The aim of this study was to review the clinical value of the hyperintensity on T2WI (T2H) located within brain tissue in patients with NF1 (neurofibromatosis type 1, NF1).Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the hyperintensity on T2WI located within brain tissue in 78 patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), the morbidity, signal characteristics and localization of T2H were studied and statistical analyzed. The age of patients ranged from 2 to 60 years.Results: The T2H was observed in 55 NF1 patients on the brain MR images, the morbidity was 70.5% (55/78). The T2H were seen in 80.8% (42/52) of children and adolescent patients aged 2—18 years and 50.0% (13/26) of the adults (more than 18 years) with NF1, the results showed statistically significant difference between children and adolescent patients and adult patients (χ2=7.892, P=0.005). Most T2H was observed in the brainstem (65.5%, 36/55), cerebellum (58.2%, 32/55), basal ganglia (49.1%, 27/55), hippocampal (25.5%, 14/55)and thalamic (20%, 11/55). The T2H of patients aged 2—18 years located in brainstem (30 cases), cerebellum (29 cases), basal ganglia (22 cases), hippocampal (10 cases) and thalamic (9 cases), respectively. In patients over than 18 years, the T2H in the corresponding location was found in 6 cases, 3 cases, 5 cases, 4 cases and 2 cases. There were no significant difference about the location of T2H between adolescent and adult patients (χ2=2.738, P=0.603). In all positive patients, 74.1% (20/27) of the T2H on the basal ganglia was discrete, The majority of lesions on the other locations were diffuse, the frequency of the T2H on the brainstem was 77.8% (28/36), the cerebellum was 90.6% (29/32) and the thalamic was 81.8% (9/11). Most lesions were multiple.Conclusion: The T2H are most frequent intracranial appearance in individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1, especially in adolescents.Objective: The aim of this study was to review the clinical value of the hyperintensity on T2WI (T2H) located within brain tissue in patients with NF1 (neurofibromatosis type 1, NF1). Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the hyperintensity on T2WI located within brain tissue in 78 patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), the morbidity, signal characteristics and localization of T2H were studied and statistical analyzed. The age of patients ranged from 2 to 60 years. Results: The T2H was observed in 55 NF1 patients on the brain MR images, the morbidity was 70.5% (55/78). The T2H were seen in 80.8% (42/52) of children and adolescent patients aged 2—18 years and 50.0% (13/26) of the adults (more than 18 years) with NF1, the results showed statistically significant difference between children and adolescent patients and adult patients (χ2=7.892, P=0.005). Most T2H was observed in the brainstem (65.5%, 36/55), cerebellum (58.2%, 32/55), basal ganglia (49.1%, 27/55), hippocampal (25.5%, 14/55)and thalamic (20%, 11/55). The T2H of patients aged 2—18 years located in brainstem (30 cases), cerebellum (29 cases), basal ganglia (22 cases), hippocampal (10 cases) and thalamic (9 cases), respectively. In patients over than 18 years, the T2H in the corresponding location was found in 6 cases, 3 cases, 5 cases, 4 cases and 2 cases. There were no significant difference about the location of T2H between adolescent and adult patients (χ2=2.738, P=0.603). In all positive patients, 74.1% (20/27) of the T2H on the basal ganglia was discrete, The majority of lesions on the other locations were diffuse, the frequency of the T2H on the brainstem was 77.8% (28/36), the cerebellum was 90.6% (29/32) and the thalamic was 81.8% (9/11). Most lesions were multiple. Conclusion: The T2H are most frequent intracranial appearance in individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1, especially in adolescents.
[关键词] 基因,神经纤维瘤病1型;磁共振成像;脑
[Keywords] Genes, neurofibromatosis 1;Magnetic resonance imaging;Brain

付琳 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院影像中心,北京 100730

王振常* 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院影像中心,北京 100730

李静 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院影像中心,北京 100730

鲜军舫 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院影像中心,北京 100730

张征宇 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院影像中心,北京 100730


基金项目: 北京市卫生系统高层次卫生技术人才基金 编号:2011-2-10
中图分类号:R445.2; R739.4 
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2012.05.003
付琳,王振常,李静,等.神经纤维瘤病1型患者脑实质T2WI高信号的临床意义.磁共振成像, 2012, 3(5): 331-335. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2012.05.003.

       神经纤维瘤病1型(neurofibromatosis type 1, NF1)是一种常染色体显性遗传的神经皮肤病变,其发生率约为1/3500。临床上除了表现为神经纤维瘤、牛奶咖啡斑和Lisch结节(虹膜黑色素错构瘤)等,近年通过头部MRI检查发现最常见的异常表现是脑实质异常T2WI高信号(hyperintensity on T2WI,T2H),也称之为未定性的高信号(unidentified bright objects, UBOs)。出现T2H的NF1有文献称为错构瘤样1型神经纤维瘤病变(hamartoma-like neurofibromatosis type 1, HL1)。这种异常T2H存在于大约43%~93%的NF1患者中[1,2,3],最常见的部位是苍白球、脑干和丘脑。这种病变并非真正的肿瘤,可能是局灶性的畸形细胞增生或胶质细胞增生所致。笔者对NF1的T2H进行研究,根据其MRI影像特点,分析T2H的患病率、发病位置、信号特点及临床意义。

1 材料与与法

1.1 一般资料

       回顾性分析2004年至2011年本院符合国际卫生组织(National Institutes of Health, NIH)诊断标准的78例NF1型患者的MRI资料,其中女43例,男35例,年龄2~60岁,中位年龄13岁;其中2~18岁者52例,>18岁者26例。其中76例患者伴有眶部丛状神经纤维瘤(14例经病理证实)。74例伴有蝶骨翼发育不良(影像诊断)。31例合并胸背部皮肤牛奶-咖啡斑,17例伴发皮下结节影(纤维瘤),13例有腋窝或腹股沟雀斑,6例有视神经胶质瘤,15例有家族史。


1.2 MRI检查方法

       采用使用GE Signa 1.5 T MR扫描仪对78例进行平扫,71例同时行GD-DTPA增强扫描。MRI检查行常规轴面、矢状面、冠状面扫描,层厚4.5 mm,层间距1.0 mm。扫描参数:横断面扫描基线平行于视神经,冠状面扫描基线为视神经的垂直线,斜矢状面扫描基线为视神经的平行线;采用自旋回波序列,T1WI TR 400~600 ms,TE 15 ~20 ms,T2WI TR 2000~4000 ms,TE 80~120 ms;FOV 18 cm×20 cm,激励次数为2~4次,矩阵224×256~256×256;Gd-DTPA剂量为0.1 mmol/kg。

1.3 资料分析方法

       采用SPSS 13.0统计软件,采用χ2检验。统计分析不同年龄组患者T2H的患病率和发生部位有无差异。P<0.05为有统计学意义。

2 结果

       78例中伴有脑实质异常T2H者55例,各部位T2H的患病率依次为脑干65.5% (36/55)、小脑58.2% (32/55)、基底节区49.1% (27/55)、海马25.5% (14/55)及丘脑20% (11/55),见表1

       不同NF1患者或同一患者不同部位的脑实质异常T2H的信号及形态多种多样,按病变T2WI信号强度及边界是否清晰大致分为2种,即边界清晰的高信号和边界不清的略高信号。边界清晰的T2H均呈小点状或结节状,边缘较光整,基底节区最常见(20/27, 37.8%;图1),T1WI呈等信号,增强后多无强化(图2)。边界不清的T2H表现为点状、小片状或完全不规则的斑片状,后者呈数个病变融合的改变,多见于脑干(28/36, 77.8%;图3图5)、小脑半球(29/32, 90.6%)、丘脑(9/11,81.8%)及海马(14/14, 100%),其中有21例还表现为中脑导水管周围的晕状T2WI略高信号(21/55, 38.2%)。48例T1WI呈等信号,7例边缘呈略短T1信号(48/55, 87.3%)。所有病变均无占位效应,增强后仅2例病变边缘有轻微线状强化(图5图6)。

       2~18岁的52例患者中42例(80.8%)可见T2H,>18岁的26例患者中13例(50.0%)可见T2H,青少年NF1更容易出现T2H (χ2=7.892, P=0.005)。7例患者有2次以上的MRI检查,5例病变的大小及范围均发生变化,其中1例不到2岁时行MRI检查表现为脑桥小结节状边界欠清的T2H(图7),5岁时复查脑MRI发现除了脑桥,中脑、双侧小脑半球齿状核区可见多发、弥漫性的T2H (图8)。患者各个部位T2H的患病率也有所不同,但是不同年龄组累及部位的T2H患病率无明显差异(χ2=2.738,P=0.603;表1)。

图1,2  女,15岁,NF1患者。图1为横断面T2WI,示双侧基底节区可见结节状高信号影(白箭),边界清晰,双侧背侧丘脑可见斑片状略高信号影(长白箭),边界欠清。图2为横断面增强T1WI,示双侧基底节区及背侧丘脑病变均无强化,呈等信号(白箭)
图3,4  女,9岁NF1患者。图3为横断面T2WI,示双侧小脑半球内侧可见斑片状略高信号影(白箭),边界不清。图4为横断面增强T1WI,示双侧小脑半球病变无强化,呈等信号
图5,6  男,17岁NF1患者。图5为横断面T2WI,示右侧基底节区结节状高信号影(白箭),边界清晰,周围无水肿,无占位效应。图6为横断面增强T1WI,示右侧基底节区病变(白箭)边缘轻微强化,中心无强化,呈等信号
图7,8  女,NF1患者。图7为患者2岁时横断面T2WI,示脑桥左侧可见结节状略高信号影(白箭),右侧眼睑及颞部软组织略增厚,眼球增大。图8为患者5岁时横断面T2WI,示脑桥及双侧小脑半球均可见斑片状略高信号影(白箭),边界不清,右侧眼睑及颞部病变体积明显增大
Fig. 1, 2  A 15 year-old female patient with NF1, Fig.1 axial T2WI showed discrete hyperintensities on the bilateral basal ganglia (white arrow) and diffuse hyperintensities on bilateral thalamic (long white arrow). Fig. 2 post anhanced axial T1WI demonstrated no enhancement (white arrow).
Fig. 3, 4  A 9 year-old female patient with NF1, Fig. 3 axial T2WI showed diffuse hyperintensities on the bilateral cerebellum (white arrow). Fig. 4 post enhanced axial T1WI demonstrated no enhancement (white arrow).
Fig. 5, 6  A 17 year-old male patient with NF1, Fig. 5 axial T2WI showed discrete hyperintensities on the right basal ganglia (white arrow), there was no surrounding oedema, and the lesion exerted no mass effect. Fig. 6 post enhanced axial T1WI demonstrated slight enhancement at the edge of the lesion (white arrow).
Fig. 7, 8  A female patient with NF1. Fig. 7 axial T2WI showed discrete hyperintensities on the pontine (white arrow) when the patient was 2 year-old, thickening of the eyelid and temporal soft tissue on the right side, the globe was increased. Fig. 8 axial T2WI showed diffuse hyperintensities on the pontine and cerebellum (white arrow) when the patient was 5 year-old, the lesions of the right orbitotemporal were enlarged obviously.
表1  不同年龄组55例NF1患者的T2H病灶累及脑实质部位比较(例)
Tab. 1  Comparison between the different age groups with T2H in various brain regions in 55 NF1 patients (n)

3 讨论

3.1 概述

       脑的结构和功能异常是NF1患者一个特征性病变,最显著的异常是脑容积增加,尤其是白质容积增加,这些异常容易引起患者的认知功能受损[4]。在MR T2WI上发现,NF1伴发中枢神经系统最常见的异常是脑实质多发点、片状高信号。这种异常信号在2岁以内较少见,一般到12岁左右,其数目及大小明显增加,>20岁较少见[1,2,3]。评估<2岁患儿的T2H存在与否没有实际意义,因为脑实质在这一阶段还没有完全髓鞘化[5],绝大多数研究病例是2岁以上的患者[1, 3, 5,6,7,8,9,10,11],本病例组年龄均>2岁。

3.2 T2H的病理相关研究与其MRI表现关系


3.3 T2H的患病率及发生部位与NF1患者年龄的关系


       不同患者或同一患者不同位置的T2H的信号强度、形态及大小均不同,有文献报道应用更高分辨率的MRI显示,T2WI上的略高信号实际上由多个细微病变构成,而且更为广泛[1, 11],因此笔者未对病例的T2H数目进行统计分析。T2H发生位置多变,信号强度也明显不同,从明显的高信号到弥漫性略高信号,且形态多种多样。极少数病变伴有相应的T1WI信号异常,强化较罕见,目前还不确定是否是所有T2H都是相同的神经病理变化。与其他部位病变相比,基底节T2H的信号更高,边界更为清晰,丘脑及海马病变多表现为边界模糊的晕状略高信号,而且海马病变均为双侧,液体衰减反转恢复序列(FLAIR)成像显示病变比较敏感,病变更为清晰[1]。有报道T2H在成人中多出现于脑干和基底节,而小脑病变较罕见[13],但本研究结果显示不同年龄组不同部位T2H的的患病率并无显著性差异(P=0.603),还需要进一步研究。

3.4 T2H的临床意义


       本研究2~18岁的NF1型患者T2H的患病率为80.8% (42/52),略低于DeBella等[3]报道的研究结果(>90%),远远超过其他作为NF1诊断标准的临床征象,可能是因为本组内有些在伴有中枢神经系统的其他疾病,比如感染、肿瘤或曾进行手术、接受放疗等。有学者认为随着影像技术的进步,分辨率的明显增加,NF1患儿的T2H发现率几乎可达100%[1]。这提示T2H可能会纳入NF1患者的诊断标准之内[9],笔者认为与NF1诊断标准的症状发生率相比,T2H是发生率较高的病变,尤其是青少年患者,因此应该把这种异常的脑实质T2H作为NF1的诊断标准之一。

       既往多数研究结果表明基底节区病变最为常见,其次是丘脑、小脑、脑干和海马[1, 3, 5, 7, 9],本研究结果有所不同,以脑干病变最为常见,其次是小脑、海马、基底节区,最后是丘脑。本组研究中77例患者均伴有颅面部的异常表现,而颅面部神经核团主要位于脑干,笔者考虑这可能是本研究脑干T2H发生率最高的原因之一,目前还不清楚这两者有无相关性,也没有这方面的报道,还需要进一步结合影像、解剖、病生理及临床共同研究。


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上一篇 头线圈与眼表面线圈对眼球MR成像质量影响的对比研究
下一篇 视网膜母细胞瘤的眼球MRI表现特点分析
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